View Full Version : Autozone LED kit - Bright as Hell.
09-05-2009, 09:16 PM
they dont stick on so you got to get some 3m tape and that does the trick.. i spend 50 bucks on 2 sets of the lights. 8 led lights on each side of the bike..
touring items type s under car led that is about all it sais on the package... in each container you get 4 little black boxes each one of those contains 2 led lights so you get 8 lights in each kit. they were about 20 bucks for one kit. plus the toggle switch and the 3m tape
SWEET!! Welcome to the world of LEDs
If you ever wanna go full bore on LEDs and not have it cost you an arm and a leg ..
Thats who made my kit. $130 for a full set to light up the entire bike. He'll also sell individual strips and custom kits.
09-06-2009, 01:35 PM
Also check Dupo's links to his led kit mounted...just totally badass.
09-06-2009, 01:48 PM
Also check Dupo's links to his led kit mounted...just totally badass.
i have seen the video of his led's
im quite happy with mine as long as they last. when im setting on the bike and its nice and dark out it illuminates the ground, the forks even the bars and clutch lever and front rim a bit. i would like to put a few under the rear fender but im not sure its going to work with the way the rear fender is constructed, no good place to stick them where the light would be facing down. in order to face the lights down they would halve to be right above the rear tire and i dont think they would reflect well on the chrome rim. probably a little bit. tho. ill see what i can figure out. i could try some of the led tubes that give off light in all directions.
I have mine mounted in the rear fender .... those strips i have on mine i mounted to the inner lower sides of the fender (aside the wall of the tire) pointing at the hub. Trust me, the light will find the chrome and light it :)
It is worth emailing that guy though, he will sell you single strips at a HUGE discount from what you'd pay auto zone. I seen cycle gear had a 9" strip just like i have (red) and they want 40.00!!!!!!!! I almost fell over lol. I think i paid 10 bucks from SSRider.
09-08-2009, 08:21 PM
spent another 20 bucks on lights for the rear end. so there are 8 led bulbs under each side of the gas tank and 4 led bulbs on the rear end. total price about 70 bucks and cant be happier.
09-09-2009, 09:48 PM
Wow, those are really bright! A lot brighter than the ones I put on my bike, but can you change the colors at the push of a button?
09-09-2009, 11:51 PM
Wow, those are really bright! A lot brighter than the ones I put on my bike, but can you change the colors at the push of a button?
money well spent if you ask me, im just glad it looks cool and it leaves a nice bright neon glow on the ground. the bike should stand out like a sore thumb. it would be hard not to see my bike at night, i think. i feel much safer riding down the road at night this way. hope fully the cheep-0 brand last for a while.
09-10-2009, 08:55 AM
Is that legal to ride all lit up at night where you live?
You have to watch out that it's not too bright, lighting up the road beneath you and destroying your night vision.
09-10-2009, 09:12 AM
Is that legal to ride all lit up at night where you live?
You have to watch out that it's not too bright, lighting up the road beneath you and destroying your night vision.
perfectly legal, had a argument about this with some one a while ago untill i came in with the exact details for vehicle lightning laws in ohio and posted them on here. that was when i was thinking of getting led lights for my gz.
when the bike is out in the open it only lights up the ground under me and behind me, not really infront of me that much.. this picture was taken in the garage it reflects off everything in there. out in the open it's just about perfect. but if you get close to some walls or any thing else the lights find that object and light them up. but its not gonna blind me, mess up my vision or any one else. i did not put any on the front wheel area for that reason.
09-10-2009, 01:35 PM
I checked the laws in Georgia and some surrounding states before I bought my lights and some states do have laws about what color lights you can have on the vehicle and some state say they can't flash or strobe but it varies a lot from one place to another. In Georgia it can NOT "flash" while you are on the road and it can't project out and up where it might "blind" other drivers and there were some pretty specific details about what measurements constituted projecting out and up, but basically they are allowed in Georgia as long as they aren't flashing. Interestingly enough, while I was researching all those driving laws I found out that it is illegal in Georgia to drive any automobile with a connected Nitrous system on it on public roads. Not sure how the cops are supposed to be able to tell if you've got one and if it's hooked up, but it is illegal. That only made me pause because I know so many people with a nitrous system on their cars and even one guy with one on his Ninja Bike, and that one is clearly visible. Oh well, different topic.
09-10-2009, 10:20 PM
Just to show how much brighter your lights are than mine I'll post a few of my pics, I'm not a very good photographer and I couldn't figure out how to keep my flash from going off so I just put my fingers in front of the flash as best I could , sorry, but by any standard, your's are at least 10 x's as bright as the ones I have. :??: But I do like being able to change the colors! :) ( ( ( (
09-10-2009, 10:30 PM
[quote="burkbuilds"]Just to show how much brighter your lights are than mine I'll post a few of my pics, I'm not a very good photographer and I couldn't figure out how to keep my flash from going off so I just put my fingers in front of the flash as best I could , sorry, but by any standard, your's are at least 10 x's as bright as the ones I have. :??: But I do like being able to change the colors! :)
well i have a almost professional grade camera, longer shutter speed makes things in the dark show up better with out the flash. the shutter probably stayed open for aobut half a second compared the the quick little click you get with your ordinarry digital camera and due the the longer shutter time. it may have intensified the effect just a bit. but it does light up the ground and the walls when its in the garage. for example this is a photo i have taken with this camera with a long shutter speed. my iso was set at 100 my aperture was set around 30 and the shutter was open for 30 seconds or so. only thing photo shopped was the danny lightning photography and i adjusted the contrast a little bit. i see your iso was probably set around 800 when you took that photo, lots of noise in that pic, in other words grainy photo, check out the settings on your camera for night time. the shutter should stay open longer and the flash should not go off, but you need the camera to be perfectly still or it's going to blur. try one of the night settings, they might have a little symbol of a moon of fireworks and take a few pics and post them up.. that should give us a better idea of how those lights really look
this is what they look like in a low light situation with just a litlte bit of flash, that way you dont need a long shutter speed.
not really sure how yours look, the camera does no justice to things in the dark unless you have it on the right setting. as you can see this is a little grainy of a picture, my iso was set on auto and not at 100 where i usually keep it. but i just wanted to get a few quick shots. and not mess around with the camera to get the perfect shot..
09-10-2009, 10:54 PM
Wow, those are really bright! A lot brighter than the ones I put on my bike, but can you change the colors at the push of a button?
no i cant change the colors O_o i was trying not to spend a lot of money and well i made out pretty well for what i spend i think, i like blue lights the best. orange would probably be my second favorite. but im happy. i really did this for more of a saftey thing but i got the bonus cool factor to go along with safer night riding. its a win win situation.
09-19-2009, 10:43 PM
Hey Danny, I'm still no where near the photographer you are, but thanks to your tips I did get some better pictures to show you. Your lights are still much brighter and probably better placed than mine are as well, your's really seem to catch all the chrome on your engine really well and mine don't, maybe I can re-arrange them some day in the near future to get a better angle on my engine. Well anyway, I'll try and upload these pictures now. ( (
09-19-2009, 10:47 PM
A couple more shots. ( (
09-20-2009, 03:13 AM
those are nice and bright, they light up the ground quite well. mine do seem the catch the chrome better but i spent a good amount of time deciding where to place each light.
SWEET!! Welcome to the world of LEDs
If you ever wanna go full bore on LEDs and not have it cost you an arm and a leg ..
Thats who made my kit. $130 for a full set to light up the entire bike. He'll also sell individual strips and custom kits.
Yea, he got a new job and trains people as well ... he's way too busy to do light kits as of right now. He only does them when he can for forum members. Its far and few in between unfortunately. I am trying to find his supplier to order direct. The prices were insanely low for the strips
04-07-2011, 01:44 PM
Try here:
Not complete MC kits, but you can buy a few strips and use your imagination.
Poking around I found this site:
Check out the gallery.
Better link for the Gallery:
Water Warrior 2
04-07-2011, 11:10 PM
I could never do that to the Vstom, all I would do is light up dirt and plastic parts.
I could never do that to the Vstom, all I would do is light up dirt and plastic parts.
Heh. Sounds like my car.
04-08-2011, 10:12 AM
Dupo & Burkbuilds,
Did you use 3M tape to fasten your lights? If so, how did that work out in the long run?
I'm just a little concerned about the tape loosening up. I'd hate to have an LED strip fall off into the spokes. :skull:
05-09-2011, 04:53 AM
those are nice and bright, they light up the ground quite well. mine do seem the catch the chrome better but i spent a good amount of time deciding where to place each light.
Danny, where are you. I haven't seen you on here in a long while.
Oznium is the dealer where he was getting his lights for the kit that i have.
Just make sure to get a controller box if you go with the million color strips. Otherwise, they are VERY easy to install ...
Dupo & Burkbuilds,
Did you use 3M tape to fasten your lights? If so, how did that work out in the long run?
I'm just a little concerned about the tape loosening up. I'd hate to have an LED strip fall off into the spokes. :skull:
3M, yes. Mine have held up for two years now. I only have one little section that i have to re tape after all that time. Just make sure you clean wherever it is you are going to 3M. Even if one DID happen to fall into the spokes, it would get ripped right off and be road trash in an instant.
05-26-2011, 07:32 PM
The 3M would probably be all that is needed, but I used some small cable ties to make sure everything stayed put too.
06-09-2011, 04:33 PM
VERY nice job on the L.E.D lighting! My wife has the GZ250 in our family, and I recently bought 4 sets of "5 L.E.D. pods" on Amazon.Com, I out all 4 underneath the gas tank, lighting up the entire engine area. Not as many lights as yours, or as bright, but I am happy with the result. I will be uploading pictures soon. Her bike is lit up with Red L.E.D's. Anyway, just wanted to say "Nice Job"! Jon
06-10-2011, 01:06 AM
Let's see some photos, Jon! I plan on putting some amber/yellow LEDs under my tank to give the engine a 'golden' glow. Some other colour like blue or purple under the engine and on the suspension to light up the wheels.
06-17-2011, 05:04 PM
Well I can't wait for my back wheel to show you mine. :biggrin: I bought a cheap-o Autozone LED kit and wired the spaghetti through the bike. It took a while, but well worth it. I also have a switch on mine so I don't have to run it during the day. I'm going to use clear silicone to go around the bases of the LED squares just to ensure that moisture doesn't work it's way to the tape. Keeping the wires away from the exhaust was challenging, but I think I have it. Once I get back riding I'll be sure to check that they are still secure after a few rides.
No front wheel LEDs and didn't have to take the tank off to run anything around. If you have the patience to deal with lots of little wires this is a great addon for $20. I was going to wait and do it later, but I had the rear wheel off already and that just gave me some free time to start a project while I was waiting on another one.
The rubbermaid top is just to catch gunk from cleaning my chain, just one of the many maintenance jobs I'm doing while waiting on my wheel.
03-21-2012, 08:21 PM
that looks sweet! I'm thinking I might have to outfit my bike with some... although reading on website they are pretty strict about what you can get away with on the road... so I'm thinking about maybe adding a couple of clear LED strip lights on the front forks and maybe some red LED strip lights across the rear turn signal mounting brackets then the only other color it looks like michigan will allow is amber, so thinking I might do 6-8 amber lights under the tank and the saddle bag mounting brackets in the back / back of the forks... does anyone have pictures of what you've done as far as switching? Or just wired them hot with ignition? I think I'd like to switch it as its probably not needed during the day... although the red/whites I might do on with ignition... of course this will probably be a few weeks before I start buying stuff as I think my bike money out of this paycheck is going towards a new helmet and coat as mines getting pretty old...
04-13-2012, 02:22 PM
I bought some LED strip lights for my bike and received them yesterday... I tested the light output this morning and they look like they'll put out plenty of light... will install them this weekend and post pictures once I'm done =)
04-14-2012, 05:40 PM
got my lights installed last night... unfortunately its kind of tough to find a good spot under the tank that it doesnt block a lot of the light, so although the lights looked pretty bright on their own once installed they arent as bright as I hoped they would be... so I'm going to have to buy a couple more strips to light it up better... I need to get some for the rear of it as well, and might buy a couple more to mount on the back side of the forks to light it up better too... work in progress... they were really easy to install other than the fact that the kit i bought came with an adapter that you could slide over a fuse to get power, but with the adapter on it would not let the fuse slide back in to the fuse box, so I had to cut the sides of the fuse box a little to make room for it to slide back on, then had to cut the fuse box cover a little too to allow the adapter to slide up past it to connect the wires to... not too rough though, only thing is like I said I thought they would be brighter... but I'll buy a few more strips and make it brighter =)
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