View Full Version : Hello From Brunswick / 16T Sprocket

04-10-2007, 09:44 PM
Hi guys,

I'm down here in Brunswick, GA. (Jekyll Island)

I'm stuck down here for a Dept. of Revenue conference for the week (I'm a tax assessor) and I just got internet access this afternoon.
If anyone lives around here, shoot me a line. I'll buy you a beer and we can talk about bikes.

I ordered a 16T front sprocket last Friday and it's due to arrive tomorrow.
I'll be posting a write-up with photos to give a walkthrough by this weekend, when I get home.

My intake write-up hasn't happened yet, as I got the wrong sized filter.

Take care,

Water Warrior 2
04-17-2007, 06:53 PM
Johnathan, let us know how the 250 handles a 16 tooth sprocket. Are you after more speed or a drop in RPM, maybe both ??

04-17-2007, 09:31 PM
I got it in the mail yesterday but I had to go to a funeral today. Hopefully, it will be installed tomorrow afternoon after work.

I'm looking for a drop in cruising revs. I think the bike has enough juice to do well over 85 on this sprocket.

Doing the math, the sprocket and gear set up is capable of doing 166MPH, unrestricted. :)

Now, we know that this isn't possible with our engine. However, I've hit near 80 on the stock gear with no mods.
Since the 16T sprocket is 6% gives a 6% gear ratio increase over the 15T setup., I should be able to reach 90, on a nice calm warm day.
That being said, top speed isn't my main goal. I just want to be able for the bike to handle highway-esque speeds with a little more ease.

04-18-2007, 06:55 AM
When you change to a 16T front sprocket, do you have to change the chain? or can you use the stock chain?

04-18-2007, 08:23 PM
See my write up in the how to section. You can use the stock chain.