View Full Version : Really annoying sqealing from back brakes

08-04-2009, 05:50 AM
Has anyone else been gertit an annoying squealing from the back brakes while the wheel turns. I took the whhe off to change the tube and turns out it was causes by the springs that hold the brake pads together were rubbing on what look like cooling turbines on the inside of the wheel. Anyone know a solution to this before. Decide to just take a dremel after th to grind them down for more room. I don't care if I have to get rid of them completely the dang squealing gunna drive me mad.

08-04-2009, 07:28 AM
Mine has a squeal on the first push of the brake pedal. happens eveytime after it is parked. 4 hours or 10 min. first push, it squeals.(Have'nt figured it out yet)

08-04-2009, 08:21 AM

I would very strongly suggest that you dont grind inside on the rear hub reinforcements (webs) as you are compromising the structural integrity of the hub

Is it possible that the spring has been installed incorrectly or on the wrong side of the shoes?

Why not just rebuild the rear brakes w/ new pads, springs, and a new rear cush drive rubber? The whole deal may set you back $40 or so, but ain't your ass worth $40??


You probably need new brake shoes. Please read comment above!!

REAR BRAKES SHOULD NOT SQUEAL. Brake squeal (the "normal" type) is pretty much a disc brake exclusive.

NEVER take chances with your brakes, if there is a noise, then there is SOMETHING WRONG!!


08-04-2009, 08:33 AM
Checked them 2000 mi ago. Plenty of meat left on them. I'm thinking it's my dirt road I go down every day and the dust inside the drum.

Easy Rider
08-04-2009, 09:15 AM
Checked them 2000 mi ago. Plenty of meat left on them. I'm thinking it's my dirt road I go down every day and the dust inside the drum.

Man, how I wish we had "multi-quote" here; perfect application!

Sorry, Sarris, but drum brakes will squeal and sometimes even stutter a bit IF they have a lot of "stuff" trapped inside the drum.......or if the shoes are glazed. Most often it is brake dust but can be road dust or even dried mud if you've been off road. The "one time" squeal is probably nothing to worry about; it could indicate surface rust on the drum too. I would take the noise as a sign they need to be cleaned out but that's just me.

I am 100% with you on the spring rub thing though. No grinding on the cooling fins.....or other parts of the hub. IIRC, that is caused by installing the springs backwards (or upside down) 'cause the hooks at the ends of the springs are offset slightly to prevent that.
Might even be mentioned in the service manual; I've seen it before in others.

08-04-2009, 09:23 AM
Easy, we agree that there should not be a squealing noise normally and is an indicator of the things you mentioned and of the need for a brake service at the minimum.

I suggest removing the pads for a visual inspection as you may have a foreign object imbedded in one of the shoes.

I had a pal that had a ball bearing imbedded in a shoe and it squealed until warmed up. Destroyed the hub.


08-04-2009, 10:47 AM
My back brakes squeal if the bike has gotten wet at all. After a half-mile or so, they stop. Normal or...?

Easy Rider
08-04-2009, 11:36 AM
My back brakes squeal if the bike has gotten wet at all. After a half-mile or so, they stop. Normal or...?

Yes, probably nothing to worry about but have a look at the adjustment indicator. If you are over half way on the adjustment, you might want to consider new pads. Like I said, I consider any new or unusual noise coming from a drum brake to be an indicator that it's time for a cleaning and inspection.......at a minimum.

Water Warrior 2
08-04-2009, 01:51 PM
I agree with the spring being in up side down and causing noise. Also in a damp environment the drum will have surface rust that wears off after a couple stops and the noise goes away.

08-08-2009, 04:11 AM
The brakes are brand new and I already installed new springs every way they can go in and still sqeaking. All he springs I try are just too close to the cooling turbines and they rub. The squeaking isn't from the brakes it's an even squeak and squeaks about 6 times per wheel turn. I looked and the hub and on every turbine deal there's an imdention about an 8th oinch deap and the springs are shiny clean wear they rub. Considering this bike doesn't have anough power to go very fast I decided to just take a dremel after it with a grinding bit. So far no probs and it's perfectly quiet so problem fixed. This was posted from my iPhone.

music man
08-08-2009, 03:24 PM
This was posted from my iPhone.


Easy Rider
08-09-2009, 08:20 PM
The brakes are brand new and I already installed new springs every way they can go in and still sqeaking.

With all due respect, one of three things is going on here. You should NEVER have to grind off those fins. Probably won't hurt anything but who knows for sure.

1) the brake shoes are not exactly right for that bike. Did you compare them closely with the old ones?
2) Same for the springs, if they are new.
3) And, lastly, there is alway a chance that the whole thing is "pilot error". :roll:

Hope it works out OK for you. :)

08-11-2009, 01:03 AM
Well thanks for the help. It's done this for both brake sets I've had on it while I had it both when I got it and these. My shop tells me these are the right brake shoes and they look the same. I didn't grind much but so fAr I haven't had any problems with riding or breaking. I really don't use the back brake much anyways so I don't know if the braking power was affected nut it feels the same. I like the pilot error comment, good to have some humor on here somewhere oh FYI my iPhone automatically writes that at the end of msgs I don't know how to get rid of it it does if on my chevy forums and myspace too so just ignore it and don't think too hard you'll hurt yourself. It's just an iPhone so don't get jealous LOL. This was posted from my iPhone.

08-11-2009, 04:38 AM
I really don't use the back brake much

So why two sets of brake shoes? Have you checked that the adjuster is set correctly. Sounds like the squeal MAY be caused by the shoes rubbing on the drum. Have you lifted the back wheel off the ground, & checked that it's turning freely? :??: :)

Easy Rider
08-11-2009, 09:25 AM
I really don't use the back brake much
So why two sets of brake shoes?

Yea, something about this just isn't right.
Back brakes usually last a LONG time.
If it has happened twice, what was the "fix" the first time ??

music man
08-11-2009, 09:47 AM
The reason it says that every time you post something is, on top of the god awful amount of money that you pay for the "honor" to use that Applecrap, they force you to advertise for them for free, you said you don't know how to get rid of it, I would highly doubt you can get rid of it (knowing how Apple products are). So have fun being @*s raped by Apple every time you use your phone. And as long as my 30 dollar Motorola phone keeps makin' calls that are just as crystal clear (probably better) and reaches out in the boonies just as far, I will never be jealous. :lol: :lol: :crackup

Oh and I agree with everyone else on here, if you have to grind anything off when you are replacing brake pads (or anything else for that matter) then you have done something wrong (or whoever did your brakes).

08-11-2009, 06:55 PM
Well this post didn't really help but my prob for all Intensive purposes is solved can't forget how incredibly under powered this bike is and since I only ride it in nice weather and drive my supercharged 88 mustang or 65 sunbeam tiger mostly anyways. I only keep the bike cause my late grandmother bought it for me I think ill be fine. Oh and I happen to think the iPhone is the best phone I've ever had better than my blackberrys and even better than my brothers new palm pre so don't diss unless you know what ur talkin about. Sounds like beef with apple some ppl are happy with what they have but I like the best.

Easy Rider
08-11-2009, 07:48 PM
Well this post didn't really help but my prob ....

Yes, along with the wheat comes some chaff......and I occasionally throw out some too.
Then there is the addage that some fruit sweetens with age and others rot.
I think it depends mostly upon what day it is which category us "mature" fruits fall into!!! :biggrin:

08-12-2009, 03:39 AM
(1) Well this post didn't really help (2) can't forget how incredibly under powered this bike is

(1) Well..... We were all TRYING to help. Seems as though you were so sure what the problem was that you weren't bothered about listening.

(2) Could that be because the back brake is binding? Of course not! :whistle: Couldn't possibly be that, could it sonny?

Let me repeat two things - (1) You should NOT need to grind ANYTHING.
(2) You should NOT need to replace the brake shoes.

Both these FACTS point to an underlying problem. It appears that you have cured the symptoms, not the disease. I still stand by my guess, that the squeal may be caused by the brake lining binding on the drum, due to incorrect adjustment. Don't forget that your brakes are your lifeline. I'm not really bothered about you, but please don't carry any passengers until you solve the underlying problem.

You said that the post didn't help, but you seem too arrogant to realise that people with a lot of riding years, & a lot of experience working on bikes, have ALL agreed that grinding the drum is a BAD idea. Anyway - do your own thing - it's your neck you're risking.

music man
08-12-2009, 09:27 AM
Well this post didn't really help but my prob for all Intensive purposes is solved can't forget how incredibly under powered this bike is and since I only ride it in nice weather and drive my supercharged 88 mustang or 65 sunbeam tiger mostly anyways. I only keep the bike cause my late grandmother bought it for me I think ill be fine. Oh and I happen to think the iPhone is the best phone I've ever had better than my blackberrys and even better than my brothers new palm pre so don't diss unless you know what ur talkin about. Sounds like beef with apple some ppl are happy with what they have but I like the best.

Oh so you are one of THOSE PEOPLE, the kind of person that has to name drop everything he owns so he can feel like a man, ewwwww, hey everybody mcintyre_aerospace has a 88 MUSTANG with a SUPERCHARGER, and he has a 65 SUNBEAM TIGER, and and IPHONE, and he used to have a BLACKBERRY and his brother has a NEW PALM PRE, WOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! I bet you make damn sure everybody that gets within five feet of you (ten feet if its a woman) sees your IPHONE, in your hand or on your hip, and I also bet you manage to get every other COOL thing you own into every conversation you have with everybody, your type are a dime a dozen, take your materialistic crap away from you and you would shrivel up and crawl in a hole somewhere.

And also, just because something is expensive doesn't make it the best, I learned that when i was like 16. I don't have a beef with Apple, I just don't need my phone to wipe my ass for me. Hey here is a novel idea, a phone that MAKES PHONE CALLS!

And why is your IPHONE better than any other phone you have had, does it call people better than your last one did, because my cheap cell phone calls people just as perfect as my house phone does, and I highly doubt that your IPHONE calls people any better or more realiably than my house phone does, so it sounds like to me you got ripped off.

Oh and one more thing, if you have to grind anything off when you get done working on something to make it work right, YOU F#$%ED UP!!!! and if you are a person that just has to have the best, why would you want to grind on your bike anyway, seems like you would take it to the BEST (or in your case, the most expensive) shop in town and have it FIXED, not grinded on.

08-13-2009, 03:48 AM
Wow this guys got a temper I stopped reading at the capital palm pre didn't feel like wastin my time yawn. I like name dropping because me family seems to own more than most, like an orig 1965 Shelby Cobra owned and races by Gulf oil co. The only real reason I have a gz is cause my gma bought it impulsively cause she thought it was cute. I like workin on it cause I have loooooots of free time to pursue my hobbies. Most ppl on here are
Pretty cool with good ideas and so what if I ruin the bike I can just ride the H2 750 if I want to kill myself. Well I think I'm about done with this conversation. Probs fixed so I'm gunna go play my BALDWIN GRAND PIANO, LOL. This was posted from my iPhone.

08-13-2009, 05:15 AM
Oh so you are one of THOSE PEOPLE, the kind of person that has to name drop everything he owns so he can feel like a man,

:plus1: :plus1: :plus1: :plus1: :plus1: :plus1: :fu:

BTW, this shouldn't be called "really annoying squealing from back brakes". It should be called "really annoying squealing from an ass hole" :puke:

08-13-2009, 07:20 AM
Look Barrett McIntyre, at 21 years old you don't know shit about shit. You must have a rich daddy who buys you toys or YOU ARE A LIAR.

I checked out your webste (http://www.myspace.com/barrettmc) listed in your profile and I believe the latter. I don't believe a thing you say.

I can put the name Rolls Royce in my post, but that doesn't mean I have one. Your mommy must have given you an I-Phuck for your 21st birthday.

What I DO believe, is that you are an imaginative, big mouthed, small dicked, snot nose fuck, college student who likes to play big shot because of the anonimity of the web, and who really needs a good ass whipping.
(Hey, I'm willing to help you out with this.)

Oh, BTW, when you are in the garage at 2:00 AM working on your GZ (probably the only transpo or real thing of value you really own), you'll be wishing you could get help or sympathy here. NADA!!

It's over, so find another site to fuck up. We don't need your type here.

Unlike you, I AM the real thing, so......you don't ever want to cross my path, asshole.

Or maybe you'd like to meet some of my real biker pals from San Antonio, they just love big mouth 21 year olds on 250cc bikes. :skull: :skull:

:biggun: :fu: :biggun: :fu: :biggun: :fu:

08-13-2009, 08:30 AM
yep, the Bandidos would have him for breakfast.

08-13-2009, 11:33 AM
Guess you guys told him off. And I doubt he'll be back. :2tup:

music man
08-13-2009, 11:54 AM
Guess you guys told him off. And I doubt he'll be back. :2tup:

Oh trust me, he'll be back, he hasn't bragged about everything his DADDY owns yet. And Sarris you better watch out, he might have his dad come beat you up, or wait, he might have his iphone do it for him :lol: :lol: :crackup .

08-13-2009, 12:09 PM
Oh, I hope so........


08-13-2009, 01:31 PM
WAIT!!! Did the brakes get fixed? Oh, who cares?

08-13-2009, 05:36 PM
I truly do not know what a Blackberry (other than the berry) is, nor what a Palm Pre is, or what an Iphone is. Like Music Man I too have a $30 telephone that I carry if my '84 Mazda breaks down, or if my 1976 Ford F100 quits, so I can call AAA. I bought the truck new; I think is the only four wheel vehicle I ever bought new . My wife bought some new ones. I bought my '69 Yamaha 250 new. I was 65 yesterday, and am glad to be here. Like most of you did also, I worked all my life. I made a decent wage, but never made the big bucks and always admired the folks who had the brains and drive to go after it. I hardly knew my father, and his mother was the only grandmother I ever knew, and not well. She was born into abject poverty where even the smartest had little opportunity to create opportunity. But she raised a large family did the best she could. She never saw the ocean, and never had her hair cut, never drove a car nor owned one. And she dang sure never was able to buy any of her kids or grandkids a new vehicle because she loved them and wanted to. I bought my 2000 GZ six weeks ago with money I saved, and I am just as pleased as punch with it.

I think it may be interesting for some of the guy(s) with all the (free) toys to pick up todays newspaper and read of Secretary Clinton's trip to the Congo and Nigeria. Maybe then he would not feel so smug or superior, but count his blessings. Then again, maybe not.. I also think that all "Intensive purposes" could possibly mean "for all 'intents' and purposes.".... But, heck, what do I know? I do know that General MacArthur had several nicknames, one of which was El Supremo. He was aware of it and rumor has it that he was not displeased. I guess it's nice that there are still a few "El Supremos" around.

08-13-2009, 05:50 PM
Run-on sentences, poor grammar, little or no punctuation, inability to spell or understand the use of words (as in "Intensive purposes" - [ good pickup johnd] ) , inability to listen to good advice from many who know more than he does, etc., all reflect either:
an attitude,
poor upbringing,
lack of education,
poor intellect,
spoiled brat,
or all of the above.
It'd be interesting to see how he grows up and what he can accomplish, if you take away all his family-given toys and gifts and handouts.

08-13-2009, 06:07 PM
Johnd; You must be a really nice guy. Great commentary & personal story.

Mrlmd1; I appreciate your eloquence and analysis, but McIntyre is way too stupid to understand. He WILL understand my comments.

:plus1: :plus1: :plus1: :plus1:

08-13-2009, 06:08 PM
I notice that in his web site (wonder why he uses a Spanish web site), under colegio (college), graduado (graduate) it says N/A (not applicable?) Does this mean that he's a college drop out? Like everyone's noticed, he appears to be very poorly educated. Could this bragging & lying be the signs of an inferiority complex, when he realises just how far down the social ladder he is? The term "poor white trash" springs to mind.

music man
08-13-2009, 06:33 PM
I have no doubts that his family (or daddy) has money, because the pictures of him and his "family" on that website makes him look more spoiled than we even suspected already, but that is not something to hang your own hat on by any means. Hell anyone can be BORN into a family that has money, that gives you iphones and cars. Go out an earn that mustang and iphone and shelby cobra for yourself, THEN YOU WILL IMPRESS ME.

08-17-2009, 03:01 PM
Man, remind me never to get on your shit list, guys. This is brutal. ;)

08-17-2009, 03:19 PM
Man, remind me never to get on your shit list, guys. This is brutal. ;)
Just havin' some good ole redneck fun!!!

08-20-2009, 02:09 PM
Mine has a squeal on the first push of the brake pedal. happens eveytime after it is parked. 4 hours or 10 min. first push, it squeals.(Have'nt figured it out yet)

i get the same thing, if i dont ride the bike for a few days the front break will be annoying, even after brand new break pads, i had a car that the breaks would always squeal too

but if it is coming form the rear breaks on the gz i think i would take it apart and see what is going on back there or have it looked at.

Water Warrior 2
08-20-2009, 02:15 PM
Danny, that is just oxidation on the disc. It will wear off after a couple stops. Quite normal. Pads or shoes that squeal at every stop and don't quit probably have very hard lining material. They may last longer but don't stop as well.

08-20-2009, 02:19 PM
Mine has a squeal on the first push of the brake pedal. happens eveytime after it is parked. 4 hours or 10 min. first push, it squeals.(Have'nt figured it out yet)

i get the same thing, if i dont ride the bike for a few days the front break will be annoying, even after brand new break pads, i had a car that the breaks would always squeal too

but if it is coming form the rear breaks on the gz i think i would take it apart and see what is going on back there or have it looked at.
Had the rear off for tire change 1500 miles ago and shoes looked new.

08-22-2009, 11:51 AM
Holy cow, Danny Lightning's back! You disappeared there for a while.

You guys should be ashamed of yourself for hazing a n00b like that. He never did anything to deserve that....wait, he's never done anything period...never mind. Carry on.


08-24-2009, 08:08 PM
Holy cow, Danny Lightning's back! You disappeared there for a while.

You guys should be ashamed of yourself for hazing a n00b like that. He never did anything to deserve that....wait, he's never done anything period...never mind. Carry on.


yep, back on the forum, currently looking for a new bike, moved to ohio, got the gz all tuned up and running better than ever. selling it to a friend of mine, probably this weekend. usually i wont sell vehicles to friends but i have faith in this little bike, i cant see it breaking down any time soon. just got to replace a leaking fork seal before i sell the thing, otherwise mechanically its running like a top.

09-23-2009, 03:20 PM
After getting my new tires, my back brake squeaks but not all of the time. Could they have done something wrong when they put my back wheel back on? The sound only occurs with 'light' braking and goes away if I push down a little harder. It's been about a week now and it's still doing it.

I hate to hijack this stupid thread and bump it back up to the top but I don't want to start my own new thread either. People like that guy make me so glad I'm 21 and I work hard for everything I own and I'm going to school so that one day I will have "baller status" with 8 cars and 10 motorcycles in my 20 car garage. Hehehehe! My parents were pretty wealthy but my first car was a 1991 Jeep Cherokee with 89k miles on it and it only cost $3000. Now I drive my own $1500 motorcycle and my 03 Jeep Liberty I pay for by myself.

um...anyway...end tangent. So about my brakes? =P

09-23-2009, 03:32 PM
Could be a spot of grease, oil, etc. on the shoe/s. Mine still does it after 3000 miles with my tire change. Still stops perfect. I'm not going to worry about it until I need to pull the rear wheel off again. There are so many things that can make shoes squeal. Now if your braking performance goes south, then I really would pull the rear and give it a look.

09-23-2009, 06:28 PM
Nope, I seem to be stopping just fine. Thanks for the input. =)

09-23-2009, 10:48 PM
Good for you, I like anybody that stands on their own two feet! Earning what you've got makes you really appreciate it a lot more than if somebody just hands it to you. Best wishes on your education, I wish I had taken that route when I was your age instead of doing it at 45 like I am now. What's your major?

New GZ250
09-23-2009, 11:00 PM
Good for you, I like anybody that stands on their own two feet! Earning what you've got makes you really appreciate it a lot more than if somebody just hands it to you. Best wishes on your education, I wish I had taken that route when I was your age instead of doing it at 45 like I am now. What's your major?

While your wishing, I wish I was 45!

09-24-2009, 08:24 AM
maybe there was a little man stuck in there and when you hit the breaks he gets smashed and screams.. hahhahahahhahahaha dont mind me, i just woke up..

09-30-2009, 10:53 PM
What's your major?

Anthropology, with emphasis on forensic anthro. I'm hoping to become one of those crazy people that lives in a lab in a basement somewhere and hangs out with dead people all day. Yay skeletons! Note: it's always good to have something 'weird' about you to make you more easily identifiable. So go out and get a tattoo, gold cap, fake knee, breast implants, etc. just in case you get murdered! =P

It's never too late to go back to school! If you want to learn more about something just enroll in your local community college and take some classes. The comm. college here even has random classes like 'Indian Cuisine' where you just go and learn how to cook Indian food. =)

I love school. Eventually I want to be a college professor in the time between forensic cases.