View Full Version : Engine Smoke....

07-30-2009, 08:49 AM
My 98 GZ250 hasn't been used in a few months. I replaced the battery but after I got it started it smoke came from the engine. The white smoke was coming from the top of the engine block where the spark plug is on the clutch side. It had a burnt smell.

Any thoughts on what this problem is? Gasket? Rings?


07-30-2009, 10:36 AM
My 98 GZ250 hasn't been used in a few months. I replaced the battery but after I got it started it smoke came from the engine. The white smoke was coming from the top of the engine block where the spark plug is on the clutch side. It had a burnt smell.

Any thoughts on what this problem is? Gasket? Rings?

Loose spark plug? Way too many possibilities on what it could be. Did it clear up after you ran it for a while?

Easy Rider
07-30-2009, 03:22 PM
Way too many possibilities on what it could be. Did it clear up after you ran it for a while?

That's a really important question. Among the things that it could be: bird droppings or a mouse nest. :shocked:

07-30-2009, 04:25 PM
How many miles on it? If it's a higher mileage engine, it's not unusual for oil to seep between the rings - and that will cause white smoke - but in my experience, it comes out the tailpipe. I suppose it could come out the valves.

07-30-2009, 05:11 PM
Burning oil is usually a blue smoke.
In a car white smoke is antifreeze = head gasket leak.
White smoke from a bike?
Is the engine running OK?
Coming off the top of the engine or out the pipe too?
Is it continuous or coming out in poofs?
Did you look on top of the engine for anything sitting on there burning like ER suggested?

Like with a lot of posts on here, not enough initial information to solve the problem, just a lot of speculation 'till it can be narrowed down with the proper answers.

Easy Rider
07-30-2009, 08:29 PM
Burning oil is usually a blue smoke.

True but.......it takes quite a bit for the blue to be detectable.....and that is when it goes throught the engine. Flaming oil is not blue, nor is the smoke it produces. :)

A few drops smoldering would almost always be characterized as white.

07-31-2009, 07:09 AM
Is the engine running OK?
Coming off the top of the engine or out the pipe too?
Is it continuous or coming out in poofs?
Did you look on top of the engine for anything sitting on there burning like ER suggested?
Engine runs fine.
Smoke comes off the top of the engine only. No smoke from tailpipe.
It's continuous.
Nothing visible on top of the engine. There is some thick oil around the areas. Maybe a degrease needed?
How many miles on it? If it's a higher mileage engine, it's not unusual for oil to seep between the rings - and that will cause white smoke - but in my experience, it comes out the tailpipe. I suppose it could come out the valves.
High mileage.
Loose spark plug?
Not sure. Didn't have a problem a few months back. Could the spark plug loosen while the bike is stationary?


07-31-2009, 07:18 AM
I'd clean the engine completely, get all of the grime off the engine. Then see what's going on. As for the loose spark plug. you said it sat up for a while. Everything vibrates on these things=loosening up. I was thinking initial start up with a loose plug could have been the prob. It's really hard to help when we can't see it.