View Full Version : S50 gas mileage

07-23-2009, 04:26 PM
Just filled up my S50 again (filled it when I first got it) and after riding 118 miles on it so far, it took only 2 gal to refill it. The thing's getting about 60mpg so far, which makes ME happy. Just like my GZ!
Most of the riding has been conservative at 40-55 mph on small back roads, getting used to the new bike, maybe 35-40 miles or so at 60+mph. on a highway.
We'll see what happens in the future, but so far so good. :) :2tup:

Water Warrior 2
07-23-2009, 11:53 PM
The S-50 really isn't all that heavy considering it's engine size. Must be quite a rush to crank some throttle into it. And as Lynda has found with her M-50, you don't have to plan ahead for the next long hill. Just twist and go.

07-24-2009, 12:27 AM
Just filled up my S50 again (filled it when I first got it) and after riding 118 miles on it so far, it took only 2 gal to refill it. The thing's getting about 60mpg so far, which makes ME happy. Just like my GZ!
Most of the riding has been conservative at 40-55 mph on small back roads, getting used to the new bike, maybe 35-40 miles or so at 60+mph. on a highway.
We'll see what happens in the future, but so far so good. :) :2tup:

I'm getting 50 - 52 mpg on my V Star Custom, about 20 lower than I was getting with the GZ (of course, I can go 75 mph on the highway all day long now). I did just install a National Cycle windshield, and when I did that with the GZ I found that increased my mpg by 8- 10 or so - hope I get a similar result this time, but I'm thinking it will be something less with a bike and engine slightly bigger. But even 50 mpg beats almost any car out there, of course.


07-24-2009, 09:50 AM
I'm planning on getting a sport fairing windshield - like the Plexistar 2 or Slipstreamer S-05, as I like to have my hands and grips covered from the wind when the weather gets cold. It'll be interesting to see what happens with the gas mileage. I never recorded the gas mileage before and after I put the Slipsteamer S-28 fairing windshield on the GZ but I was getting in the 60's with it on.

07-27-2009, 04:44 PM
I only get in the low 40's with my VX1300. I'm definitely enjoying the MPG aspect of the GZ!