View Full Version : Rear Sprocket

07-20-2009, 04:06 PM
I need a new rear sprocket. I'm finding aluminum and steel available- which do I want? Any leads on what / where to order for best quality / price balance?


Easy Rider
07-20-2009, 05:36 PM
I need a new rear sprocket. I'm finding aluminum and steel available- which do I want? Any leads on what / where to order for best quality / price balance?

Aluminum sprockets were created for racing to reduce the weight. Steel is stronger and wears better. If you are on a tight budget, either will work.

P.S. You should change BOTH sprockets AND the chain at the same time (unless those were done recently).

Water Warrior 2
07-21-2009, 12:15 AM
Steele on the front and aluminum on the rear. Has always worked for me.