View Full Version : 4th no more...

08-08-2006, 05:15 PM
Ever since i swapped the exhaust, shimmed the needle and adj the mixture screw on my gz250 i have sure noticed that i dont have to downshift into 4th very much lately. Ive been able to go over a mountain (literally, theres a ski area at the top) and maintain 5th gear averaging 45-50mph. Ive been able to run hilly back roads in the country and not have to drop it to 4th to get up them. Theres been very few circumstances that i have had to downshift...and im no little guy. I'm 5'9" 238lb.

All in all i must say, the modifications i have done so far have sure improved the power on my bike.

08-08-2006, 07:32 PM
What has it done to your gas mileage?

08-08-2006, 09:45 PM
Quite honestly since ive owned this bike i've never actually checked the fuel mileage. It gets such incredible gas mileage i just dont care if its getting 60 or 80mpg. It gets GREAT mileage no matter how you look at it.

Now my conversion van on the other hand ... 10mpg, THAT i checked since its such a gas hog. :lol: