View Full Version : GZ250 Engine Cutting off while riding. pls help

07-07-2009, 12:05 AM
I lost my keys for a week and finally found them i started up the bike and it was good at city speeds and in the afternoon on my way back home i was on the highway doing 65 going to 70 and right when i went to 5th gear my GZ stalled and i tried to start the bike again while it was in motion thinking its an old bike (its an 01') it didn't start i ended up on the side of the highway turning my key to the off position then back on and flipping the red switch and starting it again nothing happend, i didnt even hear the starter. so im thinking it must be the spark plug so i take a look at the spark plug and its intactedeven tho its tiwsting a bit i didnt have any tools on me i was kinda stranded on the highway so i couldnt really open the case and actually take a look at the spark plug i was gently pushing down on the spark plug wire that was leading out of the engine. nothing happend after trying to restart it after doing stuff that i didnt know what i was doing i decided to roll my bike off the next exit while i was pushing my bike i decided to try it once more and it WORKED! it started and i started riding again cruising at the speed of 50-60mph 1mile away from my house again switching from i think this time it was 3rd to 4th my bike stalled on my for the 2nd time but this time when i treid restarting my bike i could hear the starter but it wouldnt start as if the bike was cold. even tho it was probably hot. 3 min later it started and i rode home and i figured i would ask the community of GZ for help =)

i dont know what it could be to me it sounds like maybe the spark plug is dirty or the batery is getting funky i dont know, hopefully someone here might help me =) ty

if you can pls email me at high.class.mail@gmail.com

Water Warrior 2
07-07-2009, 03:44 AM
I would start by cleaning and properly tightening the battery cables. Check for any loose connections for that matter. A little contact cleaner in the ignition kill switch( red switch on right side of bars) might be of benefit too.

07-07-2009, 08:38 AM
You didn't run out of gas did you?
Did you try it in the RESERVE position?
Maybe pushing the bike sloshed whatever gas was left in the tank and you managed to get a little more down into the carb so it ran for a few minutes.
Did it sputter to a stop or suddenly die?
If it died all of a sudden that's more likely an electrical problem than fuel, but once the bike is running, it should run even if the battery's not connected.
Check all your battery connections and ground attachment to the engine block and clean them anyway.

Easy Rider
07-07-2009, 10:26 AM
nothing happend, i didnt even hear the starter. so im thinking it must be the spark plug

when i treid restarting my bike i could hear the starter but it wouldnt start as if the bike was cold.

If you think the spark plug will keep the starter from running.........you need to re-think the problem. :roll:

When the starter doesn't run, it could be loose connections.....including the safety switches, especially the side stand switch.

When the starter DOES run but won't fire, that is a different problem......like being low on gas, or the spark plug.

I think you may have TWO different things going on.