View Full Version : Want something that will withstand.....
06-30-2009, 01:04 PM
I was looking at the stock engine guards that are on the GZ and they look small. I know that the bike is small but has anyone put anything beefer on there? Maybe some highway bars or something.
Easy Rider
06-30-2009, 01:58 PM
has anyone put anything beefer on there? Maybe some highway bars or something.
Yes.....and documented here. Have you tried a search ??
06-30-2009, 02:44 PM
Yes I did a search and spent a good amount of time reading a lot of posting about highway bars. I found that some are homemade and they look good for pegs, and I found where MC Enterprises had some that were discontinued but I didn’t find anywhere where it said they were any aftermarket ones available so I took the short cut and asked what others were using.
By the way Easy Rider, do you live in Illinois and work in Atlanta or something like that?
06-30-2009, 06:21 PM
Perhaps mrlmd1 will let us know how he progressed with trying to get the SPAAN engine guard, in America. I recently had a smash, & the engine guard buckled, but saved my leg. This guard is really solid, but made by a Madrid (Spain) company. mrlmd1 was trying to find a supplier in America. ( (
Easy Rider
06-30-2009, 06:53 PM
By the way Easy Rider, do you live in Illinois and work in Atlanta or something like that?
No.....I live in Illiniois and visit Atlanta see my daughter who lives there with my 4 "grandkids".....each of which has 4 legs and fur. :biggrin:
I would tell you more about the crash bar I got.....but the bike is gone along with all the records....and my memory isn't what it once was. Maybe mine was from MC Ent. ??
06-30-2009, 08:37 PM
I recently put on the MC Enterprises guard - cost me $140 online but I can't remember who I got it from. If I can find the bill I'll let you know. The guard fits well, looks good, is pretty solid, and took all of 5 min. to put on. No problem with feet hitting it, like mentioned in a previous thread, just make sure the rear brake pedal is high enough so that when you step on it, it doesn't hit the guard and not activate the rear brake.
I couldn't find any US supplier to get the Spaan guard from, but I like the MC guard better than I thought I would.
07-01-2009, 08:58 AM
Mrlmd1, was that a standard size guard or was it larger than so it would protect more of the bike?
07-01-2009, 05:27 PM
It's definitely wider than the bike, wider than the Suzuki guard, and more substantial. It will protect the sides of the bike and your leg if it were to fall over.
If you search on here, probably under mods, (gadgets and farkles), you'll find a few threads about engine guards, and some pictures.
I think Easy Rider's previous bike with an MC guard on is on here, or if you can't find it or some of the others, I'll get a pic of mine up here.
07-25-2009, 03:14 PM
There are numerous pictures of BadBob's bike, which has the MC guard.
It's still available. Got mine from
Very happy with it, immediately felt safer riding.
07-31-2009, 07:53 PM
Since I could not find any that would fit I made some fit. My wife and I went to a swap meet Sunday afternoon and I found some highway bars off a HD Sportster. He wanted $45 and I ended up paying $25 for them and there was a real nice helmet lock on them. I ended up making the brackets so it would fit and had to move the horn (now it won’t work). I beefed up the brackets from what was on it also. Over all my son and I are pleased with the outcome.
I am going to try and post pictures, if it's not correct, let me know how to fix it.
Duck (
This is a picture of the old one in the new one (
This is how it looks on the GZ 250 (
The new brackets were made out of thicker metel.
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