View Full Version : Flaky Turn Signal
06-22-2009, 12:57 PM
I'm hoping that someone might have seen this problem before, or might be able to give me some advice.
Eveything is working just fine on my 2003 GZ250 except the turn signals. The turn signals work occationally, like one out of every ten times I try. Here's what I've noticed:
the left one is more likely to work but does not always work. The right one is less likely to work. When they do work (in either direction) they are likey to work the next time I use them. When either one fails to work, they are both unlikely to work the next time I try. It's totally hit-or-miss when I use the turn signals. I also found that this behavior is the same regardless if the bike is moving, standing still idling, or with the engine off and the key in the on position. Leads me to think that it's probably not a loose wire since it behaves the same when the bike is motionless.
Anyone have any ideas about what I should look at? Could it be the switch itself? Could it be the turnsignal/sidestand relay? Anyone have any other ideas or a good way to diagnose it?
I'm now starting to use hand signals, becasue my arm is a way more reliable indicator to others of the direction that I'm headed. I need to fix this so that I can take it to state inspection. The inspection is way overdue and it will not pass if the turn signals don't work.
06-22-2009, 01:35 PM
Sounds to me like it could be the switch. Possibly coroded contacts. Good luck.
06-22-2009, 01:46 PM
Easy Rider
06-22-2009, 05:53 PM
+2 :)
06-24-2009, 11:45 PM
You could diagnose it by looking at the wiring diagram (p. 206 of the service manual) and finding the turn signal wiring. It's a light blue, a blue, and a light green wire. Then, undo the connector that the wiring goes through. Most likely, it is underneath the tank and you may have to take the tank off (a piece of cake, just don't leave the petcock on 'prime', and also undo the vacuum tube behind the petcock).
It is kind of weird that both turn signals are giving out, this makes me suspect that it is not the switch, but maybe an unreliable connection elsewhere, maybe at the connector I mentioned above, or at the turn signal relay. Try undoing that connector, and reconnecting it, and then try your turn signals, if they work fine, you're done. Switch power 'on' for just the time needed to test.
It the turn signals are still flaky, power off, undo the connector again, and with a multimeter, test the wiring to your switch for continuity in all (two) positions, left and right, i.e. test light blue (common) wire vs. blue (left) wire, and light green (right) wire, respectively. If continuity is flaky in both directions, it's the light blue wire, or the switch. If continuity is good, it's elsewhere in the circuit - maybe the light blue wire from the turn signal relay to the connector, or maybe the orange/green wire to the relay.
If your riding lights (the 'little' lights in both front turn signals) have no problems, it is not a ground wire (from the lights to ground) issue.
06-25-2009, 09:14 AM
Thanks for the detail 5th_bike. I think that will be the next thing I look at if it's not just the battery. I did take apart the turn signal switch though, and all looked good in there, no corrosion and it seemed to function correctly.
Not long after I posted my original message above, the battery became not strong enough to start the bike. I removed the batt, recharged it and re-installed it. So far, so good, everything is working including the turn signals. It could be that with a weak battery, the turn signal relay is less likely to work. I think that my playing with the turn signal without the engine running was probably running down the battery, which was only making matters worse.
For now, I'm going to keep an eye on the battery to make sure that it remains charged. It's been holding steady over the past few days at around 13volts. (Been raining here, so I have not had a chance to ride it.) So I don't think that there's a short or drain anywhere.
Thanks again for the advice. I'll post a follow up in a few days when I have a bit more to go on.
I have a problem every now and then, where neither turn signal will work for the first few minutes after starting the bike, usually in the morning. After a few minutes everything works fine. I was thinking that it might have to do with the battery not being full strength just after starting, because there doesn't seem to be any other logical explanation.
Easy Rider
06-25-2009, 05:47 PM
I was thinking that it might have to do with the battery not being full strength just after starting, because there doesn't seem to be any other logical explanation.
If that is the case, you are lucky it starts at all.
You need to visit your dealer or local battery shop to test your battery and charging system.
It only takes a minute and is (usually) free.....but have $90 or so available if you DO need a battery. If it is more than 2 years old, given what you report, it is probably due for replacement.
06-29-2009, 04:40 PM
I have had several occasions where my battery has been drained - only during those occasions do I get the same turn-signal issues you describe. Because of what you have described about your battery strenghth issues and the NUMEROUS similar experiences I have had with my bike (the carb is not tuned yet so it has sometimes been difficult to start, draining the battery - I am very surprised the battery isn't completely trashed by now...) I would undoubtedly suggest that it is a battery strenth issue... keep an eye on it.
06-29-2009, 06:04 PM
As an FYI, the TS switch is really a cheaply made switch.
My TS switch occasionally will stick and not operate or won't release when pushed, so I take mine apart every 3k or 4k miles and clean it well and lubricate with dielectric white grease.
No more problems.
07-01-2009, 10:42 AM
Looks like it was the battery. As long as I have a full charge on the battery the turn signals are working fine. I've gone on a few short rides since my first posting here, and the battery seems to be working just fine, it holds a charge and starts the bike without a problem. Guess the turn signal relay is a little sensitive when the voltage is just a little low.
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