View Full Version : 5th gear, full throttle slowing down???

06-20-2009, 08:08 PM
So I am crusing in 5th gear about 60mph just about full throttle and start down a slight decline. If anything I would expect to pick up a little speed but no I start slowing down. Got down to about 45 then downshifted to 4th. Started speeding up again shift to 5th slow back down. Downshift to 4th and left it there. No problems after that. Stayed at work for about 5 hours then came back home. 5th gear 60 mph no issues. So what happened?

Easy Rider
06-20-2009, 08:27 PM
So what happened?

Head wind ??
Optical illusion.....really going UP hill ??

Bad dream?? :roll:

06-21-2009, 12:36 AM
wasn't head wind, wasn't motor it never skipped a beat, didn't change tune at all. sort of felt like the brakes were on slowing me down. Other than that maybe it was that last hit of crack I smoked before I left.

06-21-2009, 04:28 AM
Maybe something in the gas, or some bit of water/dirt or something clogging up a line that just needed some RPMs to blow it out. Possibly even in the carb.

Unless it does it more often, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe take precaution and change the oil, make sure the air filter is clean, add a bit of fresh gas, check the plug, drain the float bowls and prime, check cables, etc...

06-21-2009, 05:14 AM
Maybe take precaution and change the oil, make sure the air filter is clean, add a bit of fresh gas, check the plug, drain the float bowls and prime, check cables, etc...

Add carb cleaner to the tank?

Easy Rider
06-21-2009, 11:29 AM
Add carb cleaner to the tank?

Good idea, just on general principles, if you haven't done that lately; it will sometimes pickup a little water too if there is any present.

My suggestion about the optical illusion was not totally in jest. I found when riding in the mountains and foot-hills that the GZ would "tell" me when I was really going uphill......when I thought it was flat or slightly down.

Of course, if it was a route he rides all the time, that probably won't be the case.

06-21-2009, 03:47 PM
I did think about gas. In an effort to be lazy, I drained some of the gas out of the tank to put in my lawn mower. I left just enough gas to get me to the gas station. I filled it up so I thought that maybe stired up some crap in the bottom and caused this. The motor didn't sputter so I don't really know for sure. I will monitor this and see what happens. I will get some carb cleaner and I plan to change the oil this week. Just have to go get a filter. thanks for the suggestions.

oh yea the optical illusion thought... not the case it is a 700' drop in elevation over 10 miles. definatly downhill. coming back home is uphill and I had no problems doing that in 5th gear 55-60 the whole way so maybe it was just something in the gas.

06-21-2009, 11:03 PM
I don't know what the weather is like in Portland this time of year, but I've had something similar happen here in colder weather when I was at about 3/4 tank full and changed pitch (going up or downhill) and picked up some condensation (water) from the upper part of the inside of the tank. Same type of issue, lost power and all but after parking in the sun all day it ran fine on the way home. A friend suggested that I needed to keep the tank topped off as much as possible during cooler weather and I never had that problem again. So it does sound to me like you might have had some water in the gas and you probably did the best thing by draining and refilling with new fuel. Also, if you have the choice, non-ethanol fuel is less susceptible to picking up water than the ethanol version plus it has more energy than ethanol mixed fuel.