View Full Version : petrol in my oil.
06-18-2009, 02:11 PM
petrol has gotten into my oil. the whole tank has emptied into the oil. just been trying to find out where a drip of petrol was coming from on the bike. and noticed that from the oil screw there was leak. the bike has been giving me problems starting like the spark plug wasnt working, so i changed the spark plug and thats when i noticed the petrol leak. i dont know how this has happened or what to do next but i have drained the oil. can anyone help?
New GZ250
06-18-2009, 02:47 PM
Don't have an answer for you, but I would suggest getting your wallet out! Your talking something serious $$$ here!
Good Luck! :??:
06-18-2009, 03:03 PM
not what i was wanting to hear. was hoping for something more like that is just a one of the bike is fine. but i did hope it was something i could fix myself.
New GZ250
06-18-2009, 03:48 PM
Think you have gas/petro getting past your piston rings, you will probably need to get some work done on the upper end of your engine. Sounds like this is a "high" mileage bike, or abused or...?
06-18-2009, 03:56 PM
I have seen this before and it was where something in the carbs stuck and caused the gas to keep running and filled up the case. I want to say the float but not sure.
I know one guy that had this. He had his carbs rebuild and then he changed his oil and filter, ran it for a few mins and changed it again. Went for a 10 mile ride the next day and changed the oil again. He changed it a few more times right after that and has been riding it ever since. Six or seven oil changes was cheaper than a rebuild.
Now I am not saying this will fix your problem but you may want to have the carbs checked and run the idea by some wrencher you trust.
06-18-2009, 04:01 PM
its got about 65 thousand kms on it. and it use to be a rental bike its now also ten year old. im guessing its not a job for an amateur to do. need to see a pro :(
Water Warrior 2
06-18-2009, 04:24 PM
Interesting problem. Let's keep it simple and start with the small stuff. Is the petcock in the normal OR reserve position ? If it is in the res position that might be your problem. The gas will always be trying to flow by gravity even when the bike is parked and not running. A little wear and tear in the carb and you will have unburned gas making it's way down through the engine. The wet spark plug suggests to me that gas is finding it way to the cylinder and past the rings into the bottom of the engine.
If this is the problem it is a cheap fix. Turn the petcock to the run position where it is vacumm controlled. Next you will need to get rid of the contaminated oil and gas mixture. "I" would do 2 oil changes soonest. 1st change to replace the bad stuff in the engine. Run the engine for 2 or 3 minutes to relube all the moving parts and clean any remaining gas out of there. 2nd, wait 5 minutes and do another oil change and filter to replace the new but contaminated oil.
I do hope this is the solution to a bad looking situation.
Easy Rider
06-18-2009, 04:27 PM
its got about 65 thousand kms on it. and it use to be a rental bike its now also ten year old. im guessing its not a job for an amateur to do. need to see a pro :(
Yes, probably but don't panic. If you didn't RUN it with all that gas on the oil, chances are there was no (additional) harm done.
For that to happen, TWO things must BOTH fail....assuming the design of yours is similar to "ours". First, the vacume operated gas valve under the tank must fail. It's called a petcock and has a valve inside that should shut it off when the engine is not running. Then, there is the needle valve inside the carb. That closes when the bowl is full; it had to fail TOO.
Of course, don't try to run it until you get the gas problem solved and (at least) one oil change done. Two changes a few miles apart should be good enough.
Good luck!!
music man
06-18-2009, 11:20 PM
It is almost definitely your needle valve in your carb sticking, I have run into it a thousand times on lawn mower engines, and i have never heard of gas going past the piston rings, at least not enough for you to be able to tell you had gas in your oil.
06-19-2009, 05:08 AM
If it is in the res position that might be your problem. The gas will always be trying to flow by gravity
Don't you mean PRIME position? Reserve is vacuum operated, just like run, but with a shorter tube in the tank. :)
06-19-2009, 10:51 AM
It is almost definitely your needle valve in your carb sticking
Thanks Music Man, that was the part that I was trying to come up with.
Water Warrior 2
06-19-2009, 01:05 PM
If it is in the res position that might be your problem. The gas will always be trying to flow by gravity
Don't you mean PRIME position? Reserve is vacuum operated, just like run, but with a shorter tube in the tank. :)
Yes, I stand corrected. Don't know how or why I wrote that and didn't see my mistake. Was thinking Prime and wrote Res. Too many moving parts for an old guy.
06-19-2009, 05:42 PM
RUN has the shorter tube, RESERVE has the longer one, to the bottom of the tank.
Easy Rider
06-19-2009, 06:26 PM
RUN has the shorter tube, RESERVE has the longer one, to the bottom of the tank.
Mmmmmm.....let's think about that for a second, shall we ?? :)
The outlet is in the BOTTOM of the tank.
ONE of the positions has a tube on it that will leave some gas remaining in the bottom of the tank and the OTHER position will use that left over fuel in the bottom.
Which position has the LONGER tube and leaves some in the bottom for the other position?
Answer: ON/RUN has the longer tube. When you switch to REServe, it uses the gas left in the bottom, below the inlet of the longer tube. :tup:
The GZ does not have a fuel pump; with gravity flow, it has to be that way.
06-20-2009, 09:07 AM
You're right, my mistake, I was thinking about something else, another machine when I wrote that. :oops:
With a gravity feed on the bottom of the tank, the Reserve is the shorter tube (and also lets you pick up any crud lying in the bottom of the tank, more so than in the RUN position).
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