View Full Version : max rear tire size

06-04-2009, 01:59 PM
hey! new guy here. i've searched around a bit and have not been able to find what the max rear tire size is that you can run on the stock rim. if you can't increase the stock tire size, do you guys know of a kit for widening the rear end? thanks!!!


06-04-2009, 02:05 PM
Sounds like a question for parts, service at your local suzuki dealership. I have been thinking of going up to 140 rear when it is time.

Easy Rider
06-04-2009, 05:08 PM
if you can't increase the stock tire size, do you guys know of a kit for widening the rear end?

Good luck with that. My guess is that it ain't gonna happen.....and any increase in tire size that will fit without major modification won't LOOK that much different and, therefore won't be worth messing with.

Hope you kept the stock handle bars. Bikes that are heavily and obviously modified often lose a LOT of their resale value......unless you just happen to get lucky.

If you ever get the urge to ride a bit north, let me know.
Any good "local" resturants in/around Sullivan?
We have a small group that does a "ride to lunch" on Monday's.

06-05-2009, 09:33 AM
thanks easy rider. the different look is what i was wanting and i was guessing that would be the answer.

i have the stock bars somewhere... i laid the bike down last fall and bent the bars pretty good. but i'm not looking for resale. what i've done to the bike already has destroyed the 'book value' of the bike. chopped pipes, ape hangers, custom paint, no turn signals, chopped rear fender, and will have side-mounted license plate. this is my drag-around bike. i don't have the income to afford a new cruiser so i'm modding the hell out of the bike i have. this ride is me. hehe

the best locals are the chinese place in town (the best chinese food anywhere!!) and 'skeeters' on the lake. me and the guys at work usually end up there every friday for lunch during the summer. thanks for the offer!!