View Full Version : clutch noise

05-22-2009, 06:02 PM
When i release my clutch into first there is a distinct pop sound that comes off of it. It doesn't do it every time, but i was wondering what it might be. I'm not specifically concerned as the clutch was just adjusted and is working fine. The oil is also fresh.

05-22-2009, 07:27 PM
Getting into first gear, from a standing stop, is a little difficult in most bikes, and the GZ 250 is no exception. If it won't go easily, move the bike a couple of inches either forward or backwards and it'll go in. If the noise that you are hearing (like a clunk) is when it pops into first, that is probably normal. Does the noise come when you are going into first, or when you release the clutch? That's two different things.

Easy Rider
05-22-2009, 07:52 PM
When i release my clutch into first there is a distinct pop sound that comes off of it.

Comes off of what ???
If the sound is toward the bottom of the bike and maybe a little toward the back, then it is probably the chain. Needs lube, needs tightening (or is TOO tight) or needs replacement.

If that is NOT it, then we need a little more information.

05-22-2009, 09:31 PM
The chain does need lube, and i'm getting on it.

There is a pop going into first, that's a bit different. Usually not an issue as long as i remember to get into first before i stop rolling.

This is an occasional thing when I'm letting the clutch out into first. It only happens on first, and generally not if i let the clutch out more slowly or with a little less throttle. Given that, I'm thinking it must be the chain lube. Like i said, i'm not really worried as the clutch is working perfectly fine and the noise is maybe on 1 of every 4 or 5 starts.

Easy Rider
05-22-2009, 09:38 PM
The chain does need lube, and i'm getting on it.
Given that, I'm thinking it must be the chain lube.

How many miles do you figure the chain has on it?

A totally neglected one can wear out pretty quickly sometimes.
Check the slack while you are down there......and give it a good inspection.

That popping noise is often a sign that it needs more than a little lube. :cry:

05-22-2009, 09:47 PM
The chain has a bit of play. I'm not sure what as been done to it over the 6K miles, but I'm going to lube it before i ride again. I'll see if that helps the issue.

I think a lot of this might just be me. When i'm a little softer on the release it's fine, and since it was just adjusted for about 1/4in of flab in the cable i have to get used to where the friction is all over again.

Easy Rider
05-23-2009, 12:08 AM
I think a lot of this might just be me. When i'm a little softer on the release it's fine, and since it was just adjusted for about 1/4in of flab in the cable i have to get used to where the friction is all over again.

Flab....cute; I've got some of that too. :biggrin:
How much "flab" is in the chain itself ??

Yes, the chain will "snap" to attention if you hit that friction point too quickly. Sounds to me like an adjustment and a little oil is likely to fix you right up.


05-23-2009, 01:15 AM
Thanks. If I remember correctly, it seemed to be about a half inch in the chain. I'll have it looked at next time I take it in (july or august inspection).

In other news, a fresh front tire felt awesome. Avon Roadrider.