05-11-2009, 06:47 PM
Hi guys.. well I changed my fork seals for the first time and almost passed out from heat-stroke..no joke. I have a few questions.
-Oil height:
I measured out the correct fork oil in a beaker, poured it in each forks but didn't measure fork height. Where is the oil height measured from...top of the inner tube to the top of the oil?
-Break Caliper:
Is there a trick to remounting the break caliper, (put tire on first then caliper? or other way around) I have my caliper zip tied out of the way because I couldn't shimmy it back over the disk. I don't remember squeezing the breaks with the caliper off the disk either.
-Oil height:
I measured out the correct fork oil in a beaker, poured it in each forks but didn't measure fork height. Where is the oil height measured from...top of the inner tube to the top of the oil?
-Break Caliper:
Is there a trick to remounting the break caliper, (put tire on first then caliper? or other way around) I have my caliper zip tied out of the way because I couldn't shimmy it back over the disk. I don't remember squeezing the breaks with the caliper off the disk either.