View Full Version : 'Tis a sad day....

05-05-2009, 02:51 PM
So this morning I started suiting up to ride to class. Went out and started my KZ. After fighting with it for several minutes (its a hard starter when it hasn't been run for a few days) it finally started up. I get my jacket on, put on my helmet, and what do I hear?

clack clack clack clack clack clack

Yup, looks like one of the cylinders dropped a valve.

So, I think the bike is down for the count, because I'm not going to spend more money to fix it now.

I'm in a predicament: do I part the bike out and recoup some of my loss to help pay for a new bike? Or do I stash the bike under my deck and get around to trying to fix it some day in the distant future?

Water Warrior 2
05-05-2009, 03:00 PM
OUCH and stuff. Sorry to hear this. Just a suggestion. If you part it out you will be tearing the bike apart so why not start now with the engine. A little investigation might reveal an easy fix(fingers crossed) and you are back on the road. If the bike is down for good then you just don't have a running engine when you part out the bike.

05-05-2009, 03:08 PM
Yea, I had figured I'd start disassembling the bike once I got some free time. However, I'm starting my search for a new bike since I was really wanting a v-twin anyway.

05-05-2009, 03:24 PM
I'm starting my search for a new bike since I was really wanting a v-twin anyway.

So, 'tis a happy day as well. :biggrin:

Easy Rider
05-05-2009, 03:29 PM
However, I'm starting my search for a new bike since I was really wanting a v-twin anyway.
Honda Shadow VT600......known to be nice. :roll: (Used may come in a 500 or 700 too.)
Kaw Vulcan 500.....looks to be a competent, general purpose bike.

If you might be using a dealer, be sure to ASK what they will give you in trade, dropped valve and all. You might be surprised. Sometimes they can't give you a break on price but can give you a "deal" on a trade.

05-05-2009, 06:28 PM
I don't plan on buying from a dealer... I can't afford it.

There are a couple Marauders I'm gonna try to take a look at this week.

Easy Rider
05-05-2009, 06:46 PM
I don't plan on buying from a dealer... I can't afford it.

You are assuming facts not in evidence! :biggrin:

My dealer today has 4 used 250's and a Honda Nighthawk 650, all under $1,500.
All LOOK to be in pretty good condition.

music man
05-05-2009, 06:55 PM
I don't plan on buying from a dealer... I can't afford it.

You are assuming facts not in evidence! :biggrin:

My dealer today has 4 used 250's and a Honda Nighthawk 650, all under $1,500.
All LOOK to be in pretty good condition.

I wish I lived in your neck of the woods Easy Rider, I want a Nighthawk badly.

Easy Rider
05-05-2009, 07:00 PM
I wish I lived in your neck of the woods Easy Rider, I want a Nighthawk badly.

I4's are nice......but I never quite got over my uneasyness when running an engine that fast.
Don't count the Shadow's out. :)

05-05-2009, 09:03 PM
I4's are nice......but I never quite got over my uneasyness when running an engine that fast.

Easy, please explain this statement for the uninitiated or otherwise mechanically deficient :whistle:



05-05-2009, 09:06 PM
I4's are nice......but I never quite got over my uneasyness when running an engine that fast.

Easy, please explain this statement for the uninitiated or otherwise mechanically deficient :whistle:



Inline-4 engines are naturally high revving engines. For instance, in 6th gear running at 70 MPH the KZ550 runs around 6000 RPM.

Easy Rider
05-05-2009, 09:25 PM
Inline-4 engines are naturally high revving engines. For instance, in 6th gear running at 70 MPH the KZ550 runs around 6000 RPM.

Yep, that pretty much covers it..........and the 1000 Bumble Bees sound. :)

When I got my first I4, it was S M O O T H and I swore I'd never go back to a twin again.

The real power band starts at about 70% of red line and on many 4's that is up around 7-8000 rpm. It's kind of a shame to ride a bike like that an almost never really USE the power band.

All that is, of course, a generalization and some modern I4's on big touring bikes, for instance, are designed differently and you have the inherent smoothness of the 4 along with good power at a much lower RPM. The original I4 engines were, after all, for racing bikes.

So........here we are 25 years later and I AM back to a twin, via a single the vibrates LESS than most twins. Never say never, I guess. :roll:

Yes, it DOES vibrate.....and I'm loving it. Might change my mind a bit after a road trip or two........but I doubt it.

05-05-2009, 10:08 PM
I really wish I could find an older bike with a modern engine. I love the charm of the older bikes, but after this situation I'm not sure I want to fool with their quirks again. There is a 1978 Goldwing for sale locally that looks nice, but I know I should get a modern bike instead...

05-06-2009, 08:21 AM
I really wish I could find an older bike with a modern engine.
That's what's pushing me towards the Triumph Bonneville for the upgrade......Now to be able to afford it. :roll:

05-07-2009, 11:28 AM
Well I think I'm going to jump in on this discussion, can't resist.
Raven is running real good and I've have gotten nice comments from people who see it.
Let's face it if you have owned a bigger bike and have a smaller one, there is a good chance you will find one a little bigger to play on. So when I hear folks talking about making the switch I fully understand and say, "Go for it!" :2tup:
That said ... sitting on one side of my garage is the bulk of a 1980 Yamaha XS650 Special and various parts of it elsewhere. I've decided to push myself to get it running. Just ordered carb kits for it, oil filters (yes, both of them), brake pads for front and rear and a new front tire. It won't get the gas mileage Raven gets, but for 2 up riding it can't be beat. I just need to stay focused and pushed to make it happen. :cool:

05-09-2009, 01:42 AM
Primal, I was in a similar predicament recently, not with a bike not running, but having to decide between a nicer old bike or a "eeeh" new(er) one. I wanted to take the $1,500 I got from my GZ and turn it right around. I had settled on having to get a late 70's/early 80's UJM like a Goldwing or a Suzuki GS and was about to go look at some older bikes when I decided to sit it out that day. A couple days later I found my 95 Virago 1100 with 18,000 miles on the clock for $1,600.

Patience can pay. Also, I found a site that was a huge help. Don't know if you've heard of it before, but Search Tempest (http://www.searchtempest.com/) lets you search all of the craigs lists in whatever radius you want, with all of the usual cl search functions. Helped me a ton, as I didn't miss deals in more remote areas. My Virago ended up being about 80 miles away. Never would have found it if I had just stuck to my town's CL. ;)

Good luck. That is a really crappy decision to have to make :sad:. Checking local dealerships like Easy said is a good idea too. Sometimes a local shop here has some really good deals, and I live in a pretty small town.

05-09-2009, 05:32 AM
That's what's pushing me towards the Triumph Bonneville

I remember way back in the 1960s, a friend of mine had a bonneville, & he decided to fit a racing tank & clip-ons - job done - looked great! Off he shot to try it out, only to come back ten minutes later, looking VERY sheepish. It appears he had made one BIG mistake. When he got to the first corner, he couldn't turn the bike. It appears that when you fit clip-ons, a racing tank must have "dents" to allow the bars to move more. As it was, he could only ride in a straight line! Luckily he drained the tank, removed it, & the shop swapped it for him.

05-09-2009, 11:52 AM
i would personally part it out if it is in great shape. 50 bucks for this and 20 bucks for that can add up to a lot of money after you get rid of every thing.

05-10-2009, 01:41 PM
That's what's pushing me towards the Triumph Bonneville

I remember way back in the 1960s, a friend of mine had a bonneville, & he decided to fit a racing tank & clip-ons - job done - looked great! Off he shot to try it out, only to come back ten minutes later, looking VERY sheepish. It appears he had made one BIG mistake. When he got to the first corner, he couldn't turn the bike. It appears that when you fit clip-ons, a racing tank must have "dents" to allow the bars to move more. As it was, he could only ride in a straight line! Luckily he drained the tank, removed it, & the shop swapped it for him.

05-21-2009, 01:49 PM
I went and took a look at a 2000 Katana 600 today. I know, I know, I said I wanted a cruiser, but this is possibly a deal a couldn't pass up. Besides, I've always liked the Katana.

Easy Rider
05-21-2009, 04:01 PM
I went and took a look at a 2000 Katana 600 today. I know, I know, I said I wanted a cruiser, but this is possibly a deal a couldn't pass up. Besides, I've always liked the Katana.

When WILL you young guys learn...........
You should never look at things that you don't want.........
Because you end up wanting everything you look at !!! :roll: :biggrin:

(Says the guy who went in to get a new windshield and walked out with a new bike !!!) :whistle:

05-21-2009, 04:06 PM
Because you end up wanting everything you look at !!! :roll: :biggrin:

Ain't that the truth!

05-22-2009, 07:32 PM
Well, he accepted my offer of $2400 delivered, so pending an open bank tomorrow, I'll have a 2000 Suzuki Katana 600.

I get the feeling that he was BSing me as to why he was selling it ("It's just wearing on me..."), because today at work is MOM calls me asking with an offer of $2500. I had initially offered him $2100, to which he said he couldn't let it go for anything under $2700. I told him $2400 delivered was the best I could give him, and his mom countered with $2500 delivered. I shot him an email when I got off work saying that $2400 was the absolute most I could give him and not 15 minutes later he calls me to accept my offer.

Anyone who's looking to buy a bike should take this as a lesson. Even someone who's asking waaaay more than the bike is worth can be brought down to a reasonable level. Most importantly, you have to be willing to walk away if they don't accept the offer. I think it helped that I told him I'm scheduled to go take a look at another Katana that was for sale for only $2200 (I neglected, of course, to tell him it was a 1996 model).

05-22-2009, 07:56 PM
NICE job. Can't wait for pictures.

Water Warrior 2
05-23-2009, 02:52 AM
Sounds cool primal. The katana is a nice sized bike with enough zip to keep you entertained for many miles. Give it a thorough going over to make sure everything is right and to familiarize yourself with it's characteristics and build.

05-23-2009, 01:00 PM
The deal is done. Pics/videos to follow in a new thread later. :)