View Full Version : probably gonna up grade next summer. i like small bikes???
04-26-2009, 06:38 PM
bikes i have in mind.
Suzuki s40, (i don't like the s50)
Honda shadow 600 VLX
Harley sportster, the 1200 nightster or 883 the iron. (i know these bikes would do the trick, but don't want to spend that much)
if im on the highway going 60-70 i want something what will speed up quick if a situation ever arises where i halve to. not sure if the vlx or s40 would make a good highway bike or not. i would imagine any thing around a 600cc would do the trick. i think the 250 amost has what it takes but not quite. for a person my size these bikes feel right and i like the way they look. i need small bike with plenty of power.. if you have any info on these and would like to share please do.
or if you have any other recommendations for other bikes that look cool that are around the same size let me know. i am 5'6. 150LBS and don't want or like the big bikes. i look tiny when i set on one.
04-26-2009, 06:41 PM
If you're considering the Harley's, why not consider one of the larger Shadows?
04-26-2009, 06:59 PM
If you're considering the Harley's, why not consider one of the larger Shadows?
the harley sportster is not any where near as big as the shadows i saw. i don't feel comfortable on those big bikes and their wide gas tanks.. the extra amount of gas you can hold would be nice but i don't want to sacrifice comfort for more gasoline.. i prefer the feel and the looks of the small bikes with the smaller gas tanks . they just fit me much better and i don't feel really small when i set on a sportster like i do on any full size bike i get on.
i guess i would be considered petite, and need a bike for petite person. i was pretty tiny before i started working out and only weighed 120lbs but put on 30-40 lbs of muscle, take that away and im a really small guy.. and still need a bike to fit a small guy.
04-26-2009, 07:04 PM
Even the Shadow 750? What about the Suzukis. I sat on the C50 I believe (the cheapest v-twin) and was pretty comfortable on it. The gas tank wasn't huge, either.
Correction: It's the S50. ... 9/S50.aspx (
04-27-2009, 12:28 AM
i hear those are pretty good bikes for short folks, not quite sure i like the way they look from the pictures and they are a bit pricey, if i see one in person it may change my mind but if i were to spend that kind of money on a new bike the harley iron is only about a thousand more, and i think those bikes look completely bad ass. not sure if i really want to make payments on something either.
i really want to find something used around 4 grand. i really cant see spending that much money on a new bike. not sure what those S50's go for used???. i know i wont find the sportster iron for that price, i guess it's just wish full thinking on that one. i fell in love with it from the first time i saw one.
i see a lot of vlx's going for right around 4 grand or a little cheaper, that one would probably be something i could buy out right if i save my money till next summer and sell the gz. that tiny front tire kind of makes me wonder tho, i see a customized vlx in my work parking lot all the time. that thing rocks. there are about 20 thousand employees at the fedex hub in memphis so i have no idea who it belongs to, just about every one is part time so every one comes and leaves at different times.. i would like to talk to run in to the guy that owns it some time..
my uncle really wants a vlx. he is going to look at one tomorrow. he has been wanting a bike for years, after i got one i think that put some fire under his ass to finally go out and get one, especially after i let him take mine out for a spin a couple of times. he took the motorcycle saftey course about 3 years ago and got his license. i hope he gets a bike so we can go cruz around.
The harley sportster is top heavy. It was originally designed to keep up with the 'british invasion' of BSA and Triumphs.
I've always said, if you can't afford a real harley, get a Sportster. They really are the entry level bikes to owning a harley. Theres ton's of them out there and you can pick one up used pretty darn cheap.
Seriously, the shadow 750 (like mine) is NOT that big. Its alot more low profile than the sportster so the handling is much better. You gotta remember, you are riding a small, lightweight bike. Anything larger is going to seem LARGER to you right now. When i got on my shadow for the first time it felt like i was riding a tank. Very quickly that feeling went away and i ride it with the utmost confidence. Its natural to feel the way you do. Its like driving a chevette for years then buying a 4 door cadillac.
The VLX is a good choice too. Both the shadow and VLX are heavily moddable. The shadow being much more than the VLX just because of the aftermarket parts available and whats being made 3rd party. A ton of my parts were hand made and sold within the community of shadow owners.
I nailed my shadow on ebay for a mere 3800.00 with only 2200 miles on it. The cost to mod my bike vs modding a harley is MUCH cheaper. Ive got buddies who mod/chrome/addon their soft tails and have literally spent thousands of dollars on 'harley' parts. My bike cost me about a quarter of that .. and has 3x as much stuff on it.
My vote ... shadow 750 or the VLX in a close 2nd.
Oh and if you really wanna see what you can do with the VLX and shadow 750s .. head over here and check out the forums / pictures.
Water Warrior 2
04-27-2009, 01:21 AM
Danny, start lurking on different forums for more info. The S 40 or S 50 would be worth considering along with the Shadows and VLX. You will quickly learn which bikes have good aftermarket support and which ones come with too many factory warts that can take the fun out of ownership. Seat, peg and handlebar distances can be critical for many riders looking to upgrade.
04-27-2009, 06:11 AM
i would like to talk to run in to the guy that owns it some time..
Why not just leave him a note,a put it on the tank, explaining that you'd like to get in touch with him because you'd like to talk about his bike. leave your contact information such as phone number, e-mail address, or your works department details. If he's a real biker, he'll probably love to talk about his bike. What's the worst he can do? - screw up the note?
Only thing, don't put kisses at the bottom. Gets 'em worried! (LOL)
Easy Rider
04-27-2009, 09:00 AM
Suzuki s40, (i don't like the s50)
Honda shadow 600 VLX
if im on the highway going 60-70 i want something what will speed up quick if a situation ever arises where i halve to.
As is usually the case, "you can't always get what you want...." :roll:
The S40 and VLX are good choices and have plenty of pep getting to 70 but neither has a lot left at that point.
What situation do you forsee where you are already doing 70 and "NEED" to speed up quickly ??
I've been doing this driving/riding thing for 40+ years and can't remember EVER accelerating above 70 to get out of trouble (at least not when that was the preferred/only option).
What is it about the S50 that you don't like?
I am, of course, biased toward the VLX but there are at least 2 750 Shadow models too.
What you don't want to do is get a new bike and then leave town for 2 weeks without it. :cry:
04-27-2009, 10:46 AM
reply the the last few post
i really don't like many harleys, the sportster-iron or nightster models are about the only harley i would consider buying. if i got one of those i would not touch it as far as mods (
i know you can do a lot of cool stuff with the shadows. i think the vlx looks great with only minimal custom work. the guy at work with the vlx put a new rear fender, a different seat and different bars on his. and its a bad ass ride. not sure if he has dome any thing else to it or not but it's a nice bike.. i hope my uncle gets one so i get to ride it.
the s50 well the baby blue one is hideous in my opinion. i guess the black one don't look so bad, kind of expensive and i think i would prefer a air cooled bike, just one less thing to go wrong.
ill check out some other forums and see what people have to say.
to be honest i love the way my gz feels, just about perfect for me, only draw back it's a little slow.
Water Warrior 2
04-28-2009, 12:10 AM
Danny, don't knock water cooled bikes too much. The engines are made to closer tolerances and run at a constant temp. As for the S 50, it has water cooling, a drive shaft and a 805 cc V-twin all in a fairly light compact pakage. The price is not too outrageous either.
04-28-2009, 06:31 AM
Danny, don't knock water cooled bikes too much. The engines are made to closer tolerances and run at a constant temp. As for the S 50, it has water cooling, a drive shaft and a 805 cc V-twin all in a fairly light compact pakage. The price is not too outrageous either.
i don't make much money so it is kind of outrageous for me. if i did make a lot of money i would not think twice about what bike i was gonna get and buy that harley tomorrow . in all honestly i cant think of a single bike i would rather have than that harley iron except for a 1950's vincent black lightning or black shadow but that is completely out of reach.
i just look at it this way. liquid cooled = one more thing to spring a leak and halve to repair down the road. but im sure they are a lot better than air cooled bikes. i dont know im weird haha
i have pretty much decided this.. unless somehow i can save up enough money to buy that sportster iron. i will probably go with a vlx, before i completely make my mind up about the vlx i will definitely take a test ride on a shadow 750. i guess just setting on one is not enough to go by. i saw some really good deals on used shadow 750's, a lot of them were around the same price or cheaper than the vlx. me and my uncle went to look at a vlx today and its plenty fast, i like the way it rides, it's just about the perfect size and i thought it was comfortable, i like almost every thing about it except for the handle bars but that is a really easy fix.
now on the other hand the s50 there is just something about it i do not like. if you get any thing but a black one i cant stand that the frame is painted the same color, the only thing that sounds good to me about that bike is the big motor and the drive shaft. i looked it up on you tube and watched a few videos and i really don't like how the s50 looks.
if i cant get up the money for the sportster iron, it will probably be a vlx but before i completely make my mind up about the vlx i will definitely take a test ride on a shadow 750. i guess just setting on one is not enough to go by ( i liked the honda rebel when i set on one but hated it when i drove it). i saw some really good deals on used shadow 750's, a lot of them were around the same price or cheaper than the vlx
i think it will end up being the sportster iron if some sort of miracle happens, or one of the shadow models, i can get one of them used between 3 and 4 thousand. im big on paying cash and not making payments. my philosophy is, if you don't have the money to buy something out right than you should not buy it. credit and loans are evil. i am virtually debt free and want to stay that way.. i learned the hard way when i was younger.
im big on paying cash and not making payments. my philosophy is, if you don't have the money to buy something out right than you should not buy it. credit and loans are evil. i am virtually debt free and want to stay that way.. i learned the hard way when i was younger.
04-28-2009, 09:06 AM
Dude, I sold my 2006 Sportster 1200 (rubber mounted motor w/ carb) last year with 7500 miles on it. It was my third bike and it didn't get much seat time. Also, it was hot as hell to ride, top heavy, had miserable handling, had an uncomfortable riding position (seat, bars, etc.) and had a shitload of Sportsterisms. It would shoot a fireball out the tail pipe (V&H shorties) in the AM when the motor popped for the first time and with the choke on. When riding, it would piss oil mist out of the airfilter on your pant leg. (
That aside, it was very fast and very cool looking. To me a Sportster doesn't look right with the "Dyna" style tank and I prefer the old 3.5 gallon peanut tank. On mine, I installed a Mustang seat and lowered Progressive Susp. rear shocks. That helped the ride and the handling a lot. Then I decided to be a cool guy and make it a hardtail with a springer seat. Although it now was REALLY cool looking, it was virtually unrideable for my 6'-1" 280# 52 year old frame, so I sold it.
My suggestion to you is any of the Yamakawazukihonda v-twin cruisers in the sub-one liter size is a good next step, or perhaps a used Sportie.
Then you'll be ready for a big v-twin HD. could skip all the bullshit bikes in between and pull an alanmcorcoran and go right to the top.
Easy Rider
04-28-2009, 10:40 AM
you could skip all the bullshit bikes in between and pull an alanmcorcoran and go right to the top.
Sure you COULD ......but even Alan has a misgiving or two on occasion. :cool:
Water Warrior 2
04-28-2009, 12:21 PM
I think we all have a misgiving now and again no matter what we ride. I really wondered about my choice a week after I got the Vstrom, of course I was trying to pick it up at the time.
04-28-2009, 01:30 PM
Dude, I sold my 2006 Sportster 1200 (rubber mounted motor w/ carb) last year with 7500 miles on it. It was my third bike and it didn't get much seat time. Also, it was hot as hell to ride, top heavy, had miserable handling, had an uncomfortable riding position (seat, bars, etc.) and had a shitload of Sportsterisms. It would shoot a fireball out the tail pipe (V&H shorties) in the AM when the motor popped for the first time and with the choke on. When riding, it would piss oil mist out of the airfilter on your pant leg. (
That aside, it was very fast and very cool looking. To me a Sportster doesn't look right with the "Dyna" style tank and I prefer the old 3.5 gallon peanut tank. On mine, I installed a Mustang seat and lowered Progressive Susp. rear shocks. That helped the ride and the handling a lot. Then I decided to be a cool guy and make it a hardtail with a springer seat. Although it now was REALLY cool looking, it was virtually unrideable for my 6'-1" 280# 52 year old frame, so I sold it.
My suggestion to you is any of the Yamakawazukihonda v-twin cruisers in the sub-one liter size is a good next step, or perhaps a used Sportie.
Then you'll be ready for a big v-twin HD. could skip all the bullshit bikes in between and pull an alanmcorcoran and go right to the top.
so basically you are saying the sportsters are junk???? any one else had a new sportster with problems like this. if it's gonna shoot fire balls and spray my leg with oil that's no good. i personally like the gas tank, it kind of reminds me of one with that tank. before they put that tank on the sportster i didn't really care for them but that is personal preference. are Harley parts really expensive???. did it at least handle as good or better than the gz when it was stock?? if i wanted to fly around corners i would get a crotch rocket
04-28-2009, 01:36 PM
Had to jump in on this one. What about the Kawasaki Vulcan 500. This is the bike I went to from my GZ. The Vulcan 500 is inexpensive and reliable. I found a 98 model with 23K miles on it for $1200. This bike has the same engine that is on the ninja 500 sport bike. These bikes have been know to keep up with and out run most 750-800cc class bikes and I believe it. It is rated at 46HP. That is right up there again with the 750 class machines. At 70 mph this bike is just getting started. Top speed is rumored to be 100 mph plus. I recently did a 2 up riding trip with a friend that had a 1500cc suzuki. Even with 2 people on my vulcan I had NO problem keeping up. I am totally impressed with this machine. And the best part is there are no markings anywhere an the bike indicating what size it is. Most people are shocked when you tell then it is only a 500. Just my 2 cents but I don't think you can go wrong with this bike.
04-28-2009, 01:49 PM
Had to jump in on this one. What about the Kawasaki Vulcan 500. This is the bike I went to from my GZ. The Vulcan 500 is inexpensive and reliable. I found a 98 model with 23K miles on it for $1200. This bike has the same engine that is on the ninja 500 sport bike. These bikes have been know to keep up with and out run most 750-800cc class bikes and I believe it. It is rated at 46HP. That is right up there again with the 750 class machines. At 70 mph this bike is just getting started. Top speed is rumored to be 100 mph plus. I recently did a 2 up riding trip with a friend that had a 1500cc suzuki. Even with 2 people on my vulcan I had NO problem keeping up. I am totally impressed with this machine. And the best part is there are no markings anywhere an the bike indicating what size it is. Most people are shocked when you tell then it is only a 500. Just my 2 cents but I don't think you can go wrong with this bike.
thats not a bad looking bike?? how's it sound?? i imagine you cant get a good v twin sound out of it.
04-28-2009, 01:56 PM
I have not heard a new one but I here they are super quiet. The baffles have been taken out of mine and 2 small holes were drilled underneath both exhaust pipes where the pipe connects to the muffler. This makes it sound awesome! It is a parallel twin so it will never really sound like a V-twin. But it sounds pretty dang good to me. It isn't excessively loud but she ain't quiet ether.
04-28-2009, 02:37 PM
that bike is definitely gonna be on my list thanks.. i seemed to have overlooked Kawasaki bikes, i thought i had looked at all the major bike makers to see what they had offered but i missed that one.. there were a few nice ones on craigs list between 3 and 4 thousand.
that will definitely be in my price range. im not looking for excessively loud but would like a nice sounding bike that is just loud enough to get noticed.
04-28-2009, 04:03 PM
Sportsterisms. Man, do a Google seach. Sportsters are not for newbies or the timid. They are not junk, they just have Sportsterisms. HD's are all expensive w/ expensive parts and even more expensive service. Membership to the club is not cheap.
That being said, nothing rides like a Harley. Mine feels painted on with perfect balance. It's the best bike I've owned to date. I should also mention I've got about 35k in it.
Like I suggested, save the HD's for when you get a bit more experience.
BTW, the Vulcan 500 is a very nice bike, Also, the V-star 650, 900, etc. are nice as well.
04-28-2009, 06:46 PM
im not timid at all or scare of bikes. im ready for something that will haul ass but dont feel i need something that will completely haul ass. i have rode bmx since i was a kid. i have wrecked a bmx bike going over 55 mph with no protective gear. i was holding on to my buddy's car and i hit uneven pavement and it sent me in to a wobble, flew over the bars slid about 25 yards up over the curb and in to someones front yard. im the only person i know that successfully pulled a front flip on a bicycle. or would even try to do this. i have going 40 some mph doing a one haded dork wheelie all the way steep mile 1.5 mile long hill while some one rode behind me in a car and filmed it. im actually in a bicycle video doing that. think it was one of the bacovision video's. a dork wheelie is where you do a wheelie standing on one of your rear pegs and since it was one handed i only had one foot and one hand on the bicycle.
i do understand motor bikes are a lot different than a bicycle. I have rode a older sportster, a harley dyna glide, i have rode a crotch rocket (not sure how many cc it was) and i have rode a small virago a lot, also lots of my friends back home have bikes and a lot of really fast dirt bikes. we would take those out to trails and jump them. so im not exactly a newbie just never owned a bike.
i look at it this way. any time you get on a new bike is best to take it easy for the first few days you have it and get a really good feel for the bike before you try to see what the bike has. after a little while, than slowly push it a little more and a little more till you are comfortable on the bike and get to know exactly what your dealing with. so if you are not trying to give the thing hell from the second you get on it and you gradually warm up to a unfamiliar bike i cant see a problem as long as a person is smart about it and does have some riding exp.. that dyna glide i rode was my friends mom's bike and that was her first bike.
I really like those v stars but they are on the bigger side. like i mentiond before it's not the size of the bikes or the weight that bother me it's something about the wide gas tanks, I just don't feel comfy when i set on a bike with a wide tank.. plus i feel small when i set on one and i don't like that. i do want to look cool on my bike and not have people saying look at the midget on the motorcycle haha.
04-29-2009, 06:17 PM
today i went to the yamaha suzuki dealer to pick up some parts.. after all this talk i deceded to set on every bike in the place.. all big cruizers one of the v stars felt ok.. than i finally made it over to the suzukg m-50 it is a huge bike but it it felt great.. so i guess im not gonna rule out full sized bikes.. guess it just takes the right one.. that m50 did not feel heavy like some of the same size bikes it the balance on it felt just like my gz.. i actually felt just as comfy setting on that bike as i do my gz.. most of the bikes felt gross when i set on them.. but i really did like that one..
i set on a s-50 and could barley touch the ground.. did not feel well balanced either..
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