View Full Version : UPDATE - New K&N Filter, Emgo Muffler, and Carburator Mods

David Bo
04-26-2009, 02:00 PM
OK, I'm finally finished... My new filter and muffler came in last week The air filter was very easy to replace. The muffler was a little bit difficult but only because I was fussy about positioning it. I ended up cutting the muffler's mounting bracket a bit to position the exhaust pipe as close to the bike as possible. I bought the extra long reverse cone muffler just like the one Blackbird put on Raven. It sounds SWEET! I also did all three carburator mods (idle screw adjustment, added washers to the needle valve, and switched from the factory "120" jet to a 145)... The bike really moves now. I really notice a BIG change in the acceleration. As the folks at Nissan would say- "ZOOM ZOOM"! I also added some green LED lights underneath the gas tank. I'll have to take some additional photos tonight. - Dave Bo
http://www.postimage.org/PqihBwi.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqihBwi)

http://www.postimage.org/gx227I6A.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gx227I6A)

http://www.postimage.org/PqiiUQ0.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqiiUQ0)

04-27-2009, 01:12 AM
Maybe you addressed this in another thread, but where did you find the chrome door trim? I remember looking for that stuff back when I had my GZ (to do the same thing you did) and was unable to find it anywhere.

David Bo
04-27-2009, 09:56 AM
Advanced Auto Parts. There are a bunch of locations in WV. It comes in 10' coils.

04-27-2009, 10:03 PM
Huh... that was the first place I checked, too.

04-27-2009, 10:25 PM
i may try out these mods and see what happens, big improvement huh.. i was reading the how to post and it don't seem all that hard to do.

04-27-2009, 11:35 PM
OK, I'm finally finished... My new filter and muffler came in last week The air filter was very easy to replace. The muffler was a little bit difficult but only because I was fussy about positioning it. I ended up cutting the muffler's mounting bracket a bit to position the exhaust pipe as close to the bike as possible. I bought the extra long reverse cone muffler just like the one Blackbird put on Raven. It sounds SWEET! I also did all three carburator mods (idle screw adjustment, added washers to the needle valve, and switched from the factory "120" jet to a 145)... The bike really moves now. I really notice a BIG change in the acceleration. As the folks at Nissan would say- "ZOOM ZOOM"! I also added some green LED lights underneath the gas tank. I'll have to take some additional photos tonight. - Dave Bo

All right ... looks great. I glad you enjoy the changes. You'll be glad you spent the time to do this. Dave, did you add a 16 tooth front sprocket yet?

04-28-2009, 01:52 AM
Isn't mazda zoom zoom? Anyway I was thinking about modding my carb or carb and intake. Has anyone that's done these got their bike on a dyno before/after? I called a local shop and if I buy a jet kit from them and have it installed it's gonna cost about $350. Does this seem worthwhile?

04-28-2009, 09:32 AM
Brother, here is reality. Yor GZ puts out about 18 hp, maybe 20 on a good day. Most post-factory performance mods average a 5% to 7% improvement.

If we assume that you have the acumen to up the GZ horsepower 10%, you'll gain 2+/- horsepower for a grand total of about 21 or 22 hp.

Seems a bit pound wise & penny foolish (to me anyways) to spend $350 to add 2 hp to the GZ and it just isn't going to make that much of a difference in the way it runs.

What I get from most folks who mod their GZ, is that they won't be keeping it long so it doesn't matter. (it does to the next guy), it's just a stepping stone to a bigger bike, blah, blah, blah. A lot of folks feel "relegated" to learn on a GZ or that it's just cheap transpo. If you use it as a primary suburban ride, or your secondary bike, it functions exactly as it's supposed to. You won't find me interstate riding or putting more than 100 or so miles at a time on the GZ, for that I have a HD. Just like the mechanic who has the right tool for the right job. Using the incorrect tool, or modifing that tool, can cause damage or injury.

If you were looking for a high horsepower speedster with a lot of available options, I'm afraid you've bought the wrong bike. I suggest you ride your GZ as is and save that $350 towards your next bigger & better bike.


Easy Rider
04-28-2009, 09:34 AM
I called a local shop and if I buy a jet kit from them and have it installed it's gonna cost about $350. Does this seem worthwhile?

Outrageous. The actual jets only cost about $10.....so that means they are charging you about 3-1/2 hours labor.....for a job that should take an experienced mechanic about one hour.

Even a total rookie should be able to do it in about 2 hours.

They DO know you are talking about only ONE carb, don't they?
The price they quoted you is high even for 4 of them.

Water Warrior 2
04-28-2009, 01:30 PM
Before and after dyno time costs quite a bit. Save your money and put it toward a larger bike in the future. The GZ is what it is and serves it's purpose very well.

04-28-2009, 02:36 PM
Sounds like good advice, thanks guys!

04-28-2009, 03:40 PM
if you buy the jet for 10 bucks and do it your self witch looks really easy, it may be worth it if and if you don't mind a bit less gas milage.. there is a great how to on this site for this mod and some other things to increase power..

viewtopic.php?f=8&t=617. (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=617.).

David Bo
04-28-2009, 05:54 PM
Here is the reality... My new jet cost $2.99. I bought a new one with a 145 oriface. I also spend about 30 cents on two new brass washers for my shim mod. By the time I drilled out that little plug out of the bottom of my carburator to get to the IDLE screw, did the needle shim mod, and replaced the jet, I probably invested about 45 minutes of time into this modification. $3.29 and 45 minutes to gain 5 to 7% horsepower ain't too bad.
Now, I did replace the exhaust system last weekend which took about 1 hour or so. I also bought a new K&N Filter. That total came to about $125.00 so I guess I am actually up to just under $130.00. I am not a big fan of highway driving. I get nervious going faster than 60 MPH on my GZ. I feel as though the bike is too light or something and sometimes it feels like I am going to fly away (does anyone else get that feeling?). I do, however, notice a big difference in the acceleration of the bike. I can get up to 40 or 45 mph much quicker than when the bike had all stock parts.
Yes, Blackbird, I did re-install my 16 tooth sprocket. That seems to help with the acceleration and "easier cruising speeds" as well. All and all I am VERY happy with these modifications... -Dave Bo

04-28-2009, 06:31 PM
Does anyone actually do time trials or runs with a good stopwatch or dyno testing to see if these mods really give the claimed improvement? Everyone says "I notice a big difference", "it has much more power now", etc, etc. How much of this is real and how much is the louder exhaust and poorer gas mileage and ego involved in reaching these conclusions? If all those mods gave a 5 or 7% power increase, do you get 5 or 7% faster acceleration, or how much, what percentage increase do you get, and how much do you shorten the life of the engine by increased wear, and by how much do you decrease the resale value of the bike when the next owner realizes you are screwing with it to get it to go as fast as you can? I'm not criticizing anyone who does this, after all I have Saw boxes for bags on my bike, I'd just like to know. Do you think you are really improving on the Suzuki engineers who designed and developed this thing? If they could get 22hp instead of 20 out of the engine without seriously diminishing it's life and reliability, don't you think they would have done that? Would be a great selling point to have that increase in power at no real downside cost. I'd just like to see some objective data that shows that this effort and expense accomplishes something.
The 16T sprocket is another story, some like it, some don't, depends on riding style and use of the bike.

David Bo
04-28-2009, 06:54 PM
I am one who personally does not give a crap about the resale value... I bought this motorcycle as a toy and I always liked to tinker with my toys :) . I only use top quality FULL SYNTHETIC engine oil (currently running with Royal Purple 10W-40). I also don't think the modifications I did are all that drastic.

On your question about why Suzuki does not make all of their GZ 250 bikes with full blown horsepower... I think all of the bikes that come over here to the US from Japan have to meet up with the high "California Emissions" laws. I am not an expert on this subject but why else would they send them here with tiny exhaust pipes and "air intake reducers" on the GZ air filters? As many people have mentioned in previous posts - the stock GZ's run VERY lean... It must have something to do with less emissions coming out of the exhaust pipe to meet the high California standards. I don't think Suzuki makes "special motorcycles" for the state of California and "regular" motorcycles for the other 49 states. I'm sure they think of us as one big bunch and make their bikes to met the emission standards for the whole country.

Finally, the idea is to have "fun" on your ride... If the modifications that I and some of the other guys on this forum have made means that the engine life will be reduced to 35,000 miles instead of 40,000, so what? I believe in quality not quantity... When my bike reaches 35,000 miles and breaks down, I will cut it in half and make two kick-ass wheelbarrows !!! :tongue:

04-28-2009, 10:31 PM
There are different emissions equipment on CA bikes - refer to to other threads on here about their canisters. And one bike in Spain has a possible EGR valve on it. There are a number of different bikes for different countries/states.
And lean may be on purpose, for fuel economy and compromise of power/displacement etc. I am aware of that. And what is this lean compared to, other bikes, to how rich it can be made? Was it not designed like this? The bike is what it is. I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm asking a question -
I was asking if any of these mods have objectively been shown to produce any HP or power benefit of significance, other than the owner's subjective perception. I have no problem with anyone doing any mods to anything they own, I would like to know if they really work and how do you know? Just by the throaty and louder exhaust which can be measured by your ears, or is there another way to prove what you are doing works? Not such a hard question to answer.

04-28-2009, 10:39 PM
Ok.. so I just got my GZ and it REALLY needs some sound.... help me with a loud exhaust for it!

04-28-2009, 10:44 PM
Ok.. so I just got my GZ and it REALLY needs some sound.... help me with a loud exhaust for it!

so far all the pipes i have heard sound clips of sound terrible. they still sound like deisel tractor or something chugging down the street to me just a little louder and a little different tone. but still just go put put put put put put put put put. i did hear one piple that sounded more like one of those sport compact cars but unless you get a bike with a twin it's probably never gonna sound good. i did not know that when i got my gz. i wanted some sound to mine too but i give up on that. dont think it gonna happen. plus it sounds like you need to rejet and all that to to make the bike run right after installing a muffler with a large diameter hole..

music man
04-28-2009, 11:26 PM
Ok.. so I just got my GZ and it REALLY needs some sound.... help me with a loud exhaust for it!

It is also not gonna get you anywhere to post the same question over and over again in different threads, the answer is not gonna change if you do that, I promise ;) .

David Bo
04-28-2009, 11:30 PM
mrlmd1 - I guess the best way to find out is to try them out on your own machine and then go for a ride. Everything that I did on my bike is reversable (except for the new exhaust I guess). I am certainly not an expert but I do know enough about carburators to know that if you have a greater quantity of air and gas of going into the cylinder, more power it will produce. But, of course, there is a limit. That is all we are doing with these mods, a little more fuel going in and a little less resistance going out. I know this bike "is what it is". I just feel that these simple modifications can "tweak the performance" a little bit... I certainly do not have a Dyno Tester to prove anything.

As far as the gas mileage going down- yeah, I am sure it has. But again, that is not as important to me as it might be to the next person. I also feel that running the bike with the throttle constantly wide open may, over the course of time, be harmful to the engine if a person should go ahead with all of these mods. I wouldn't recommend over doing the throttle action all of the time. Anyway, I finally got up the courage to do all of this stuff on my machine and, so far, I am glad I did. - Dave Bo

music man
04-28-2009, 11:40 PM
. I am certainly not an expert but I do know enough about carburators to know that if you have a greater quantity of air and gas of going into the cylinder, more power it will produce.

I don't really have an opinion on way or the other about your "mods" but the above statement is not even remotely true, if your engine is tuned for optimal performance with a certain amount of air,fuel, AND back pressure in the exhaust, and you change any one of those things to a less than optimal level, than you are not going to get more performance out of your engine, you are just gonna waste gas, because your engine will not use fuel/air it does not need and it will just go out the tailpipe.

That being said, I am not in any way saying that I don't think you got an increase in performance on your GZ, I am just one of those people that doesn't believe that adding at most 2-3 horses to it is gonna make me use it any better for what I use it for than it is now (and I ride my GZ EVERYWHERE.) And is damn sure not worth the money, IMHO.

David Bo
04-28-2009, 11:48 PM
Musicman - The name of this link is called PERFORMANCE MODS. I believe it was created for members to communicate to one another on how to perform these modifications. Have you done any of these carburator or exhaust modifications on your bike? By the way, what makes you think that these GZ's are tuned for optimal performance when they leave the factory? Are you saying that every car, bike, or truck is tuned to it's optimal performance when it sits on the showroom floor?

Optimal is defined (by Webster) as "most favorable or desirable". Who decides what is most favorable or desirable?

I had a 2000 Suzuki Marauder 800 a few years ago and had a new Cobra exhaust system put on and had the two carburators re-jetted. A friend of my had the same year bike at the same time as me but chose not to have anything done to enhance his bike's performance. All I can tell you is that those engine modifications on my bike turned that 805cc engine into a rocket! He could never beat me off of a start and I am sure my top speed was higher than his or, at the very least, I could get there much faster.

Are you really telling me that adding more fuel (or rather more fuel mixture) into the cylinder of this single cylinder 249cc motorcycle will NOT increase the engine's power? BTW, you stated

"if you change any one of those things to a less than optimal level, than you are not going to get more performance out of your engine, you are just gonna waste gas, because your engine will not use fuel/air it does not need and it will just go out the tailpipe."

I didn't change "any one" of those things, I changed ALL THREE of those things (K&N air filter with no air flow restricter, carb mods to increase the amount of gasoline mixing with the increased amount of air, and a less restrictive exhaust system to lessen the back pressure).

As a result, I honestly feel that I have gained "some power" from this little engine. Or maybe a better term would be "throttle response"... It has made the bike a little more desirable to me :cool: .

music man
04-29-2009, 08:52 AM
You VERY OBVIOUSLY did not closely read my post because first of all I NEVER questioned whether or not your bike performed better after you did those mods (not one time), not only that I said "IF" your engine is tuned to an optimal level not "the GZ is tuned to an optimal level already dont mess with it".

And I also did not say that you only changed one of those things, I realize that you changed all three, and if you had changed ONE of them to a less/more than desirable/optimal/ideal/tolerable(insert your term here) level you would be actually hurting the performance of your engine not helping. So there again I never said that you only changed ONE.

Last but not least, All I was doing is responding to your "if you dump more gas and air into the cylinder you WILL GET MORE POWER" statement, because that is just not the case, if that is true then go out to any engine you have access to that actually has a carb with adjustments on it and open up the fuel and the air screws as wide open as they will go and then come back and tell me how POWERFUL it was when you did that.

That is all I was doing, i was not questioning your bikes added performance or the futility of doing that to your GZ.

And yes I really am telling you that JUST simply adding fuel mixture to the cylinder of this 249cc motorcycle will not just MAGICALLY increase the performance of it, adding just the right amount of fuel/air mixture to it could, but to just "dump more gas and air in" and expect it to automatically get more power is not accurate information.

Easy Rider
04-29-2009, 10:11 AM
Would be a great selling point to have that increase in power at no real downside cost.

While I agree with what you said 100% [GASP]......making an issue of it here is pointless, unless you are just wanting to stir up an arguement.


While it might be useful to point out the contrary opinion to a real newbie in a polite and consise fashion, trying to convince someone that it might be a waste of time AFTER they have made up their mind is, at best, a waste or YOUR time. :biggrin:

Placebo effect or not, most who have done it are happy and a few are not. At least one screwed it up and had to have someone else fix it.

P.S. Most of the power loss due to design is done to comply with emission standards in the US in general and California in particular. Suzuki CAN and does tune the engine differently for different countries. The exhaust and air filter mods are contrary to federal noise laws and the carb mods might cause it to fail a mandatory emission test.

Easy Rider
04-29-2009, 10:16 AM
Ok.. so I just got my GZ and it REALLY needs some sound.... help me with a loud exhaust for it!

SIGH! It IS just a 250 CC motor. It will NEVER sound like a "real" motorcycle.

Whatever you do will probably either: Not make much difference OR just make it obnoxiously loud.

Doesn't anybody buy a bike to just RIDE anymore ??????


04-29-2009, 10:24 AM
Doesn't anybody buy a bike to just RIDE anymore ??????


Exactly! :2tup:

04-29-2009, 12:01 PM
I bought mine mostly just to ride and have fun. Unfortunately this is my first bike and am already wanting something a bit bigger and faster but I don't want to drop like $6k or $7k on a HD or pretty high end cruizer. Something middle of the line like if there was a gz350 or 400 that would be just perfect for me.

David Bo
04-29-2009, 12:23 PM
I agree... It is too bad they stopped making those displacement engines. They would be perfect for me too. I guess the next step up from our bikes would be a Kawasaki Vulcan 500.

Easy Rider
04-29-2009, 12:45 PM
I agree... It is too bad they stopped making those displacement engines. They would be perfect for me too. I guess the next step up from our bikes would be a Kawasaki Vulcan 500.

Or a Honda Shadow VT600......alas, '07 was the last year for them too.
Or a Suzuki S40 or S50....
Wait, haven't we HAD this discussion just recently...........and many times before too !! :roll: :biggrin:

04-29-2009, 12:53 PM
Would be a great selling point to have that increase in power at no real downside cost.

While I agree with what you said 100% [GASP]......making an issue of it here is pointless, unless you are just wanting to stir up an arguement.


While it might be useful to point out the contrary opinion to a real newbie in a polite and consise fashion, trying to convince someone that it might be a waste of time AFTER they have made up their mind is, at best, a waste or YOUR time. :biggrin:

Placebo effect or not, most who have done it are happy and a few are not. At least one screwed it up and had to have someone else fix it.

P.S. Most of the power loss due to design is done to comply with emission standards in the US in general and California in particular. Suzuki CAN and does tune the engine differently for different countries. The exhaust and air filter mods are contrary to federal noise laws and the carb mods might cause it to fail a mandatory emission test.

I said I am not trying to stir up an argument, I am not criticizing anyone doing anything to their bike, especially if it makes them happy. I never criticized anyone nor implied this was a waste of time, except for why are we doing THIS again? If I have to explain myself one more time, I wanted to know if any of these things can be shown to produce a measurable effect in performance when measured objectively and I guess that question will never be answered in any logical fashion. If I wanted to do any of these things posted on here or elsewhere I would like to know if there is any real benefit, in addition to or even other than making you happy which is a benefit, but do they really work to improve performance in any significant way? And I agree with your last P.S. statement.

David Bo
04-29-2009, 12:54 PM
Yep... BTW, how do you like your new Honda? I read that you put your old windsheild from your GZ on it recently. Does it look nice? Got any pictures?

04-29-2009, 02:40 PM
Ok.. so I just got my GZ and it REALLY needs some sound.... help me with a loud exhaust for it!

SIGH! It IS just a 250 CC motor. It will NEVER sound like a "real" motorcycle.

Whatever you do will probably either: Not make much difference OR just make it obnoxiously loud.

Doesn't anybody buy a bike to just RIDE anymore ??????


people decorate their houses, people plant gardens in their yard, people upgrade parts in their computers, people put rims on their cars. people customize their bikes and so on every one likes things they way they like them and make it more your own. and well if you could just go out and buy something exactly the way you wanted it. thany yes people would just buy bikes to ride. its nice to put your own personal touch on something and make it to your liking. if it looks super cool when you are done you can have something you can be proud of and feel good riding it down the street.

yes yes i know its just a gz but the guy who got a gz as a first bike wont know that it is probably best to leave it alone and there vertually no aftermarket parts for this bike.. so leave it how it is and enjoy the gasmilage.. or spend a few bucks do every thing your self. its a great bike to lern on. and get a few more hp out of it. witch would make a difference but its not gonna shoot down the road like a rocket ever.

Easy Rider
04-29-2009, 02:51 PM
......except for why are we doing THIS again?

I guess that question will never be answered in any logical fashion.

I thought we had pretty well established the second point already.....probably more than once.

So, given that, and the fact that "it" is being discussed yet again BECAUSE it is a topic which is popular amongst a LOT of the participants here...........why don't you just let them "enjoy" their discussion, without you having to ask WHY ???

[An analogy. I think it applies; you may not think so.]

My biggest pet peeve, right up there with stunting squids, is outrageously loud pipes. I have learned, however, that if I want to continue to be accepted in some of the other forums I frequent, I can NOT bitch and moan about loud pipes every time the subject of custom pipes comes up. The participants know my position and there is a standing "cease fire" so to speak. I occasionally make a comment to a new participant but have to be careful even with that.

Standing up for your beliefs is all well and good.......unless and until it leaves you standing out in the cold. :cool:

I have found it helpful to imagine that the "submit" button really says "Do you REALLY want to do this?".......and somewhere around 20% of my thoughts never get posted.

Easy Rider
04-29-2009, 02:53 PM
Yep... BTW, how do you like your new Honda? I read that you put your old windsheild from your GZ on it recently. Does it look nice? Got any pictures?

I would like it a LOT better if I had it here with me in Georgia !!! :cry:

Yes, I did.....put the shield on it.....and I have posted a pic. here but maybe not WITH the shield.
I will try to remember to do that when I get back home.
(In the meantime, look here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2342 (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2342) )

04-29-2009, 05:08 PM
Ok.. so I just got my GZ and it REALLY needs some sound.... help me with a loud exhaust for it!

Macho man?

04-29-2009, 09:22 PM
Ok.. so I just got my GZ and it REALLY needs some sound.... help me with a loud exhaust for it!

Macho man?

lol what's wrong with wanting a good sounding bike.. i personally think a good semi loud muffler just makes a vehicle that much more appealing, but that's only if it has the right sound and does not break your ears..

how often do you see a old muscle car that dosent have a nice growel to it and who wants a muscle car that doset sound as mean as it looks. or even a 50's hot rod... there is nothing wrong with loud pipes or wanting loud pipes, now really loud pipes on the other hand just anoying and not fair to the people that halve to hear them.. there is a difference between loud pipes and screaming loud pipes.

if some one is looking for screaming loud pipes that you can hear from 6 blocks away than i can see a reason to bitch at them.. this guy never said i want to break every one ear drums and be heard for miles around..

04-30-2009, 05:09 AM
Sorry, my post came up twice. Must have pressed a wrong button or something!

04-30-2009, 06:44 AM
Sorry, my post came up twice. Must have pressed a wrong button or something!

2 of my post came up twice.

05-21-2009, 10:12 AM
Do we have to do all 3 mods at the same time, or can they be done in stages?

Easy Rider
05-21-2009, 10:25 AM
Do we have to do all 3 mods at the same time, or can they be done in stages?

The "usual" progression is:

Air filter
Carb mods

It still runs OK with #1.
If you "open up" the air filter, you need to be prepared to do the carb. mods soon because it WON'T run good with that change. You can "test" that by removing the air filter for a short run.
You can just do the carb changes by themselves. You won't need to up the jets as much that way.

05-21-2009, 11:03 AM
I'm sorry(and that's why I call myself Bonehead). I was referring to just the 3 carb mods.

Easy Rider
05-21-2009, 01:53 PM
I'm sorry(and that's why I call myself Bonehead). I was referring to just the 3 carb mods.

Why would you want to remove and dis-assemble it 3 times ?? :roll:

Yes, they probably should all be done at once. :cool:

05-21-2009, 02:18 PM
You're probably right, but being an auto/diesel/heavy truck mechanic I really don't mind trying one thig and seeing how that turns out and then moving on to the next. But if all 3 need to be done at the same time, I will do that, thanks.

06-24-2009, 12:43 AM
i am also into auto diesel but can u tell me were i can get jets??

06-24-2009, 08:12 AM
Bought mine at the dealer. Mikuni small round and just get the orifice size you want to install, ie, 130,140,145. Other cycle shops should have them too.

06-25-2009, 12:42 AM
Danny, you're an alright guy, i like your thinking :)

07-09-2009, 02:51 AM

I bought my bike just to ride it! Wanted to do some mods to this bike cause it could be good but mostly cause I'D FELT LIKE IT! :twisted: Most of all, I'll do the the 16T and change nothing else, then I might change the air filter and again change nothing else, then I'll do the carb mod and change nothing else. In fact, maybe I'll do nothing and challenge you scamps to a 1/4 mile race just to prove the point for the kids on here. What do you think? Any challengers? :poke2:

Easy Rider
07-09-2009, 11:16 AM
then I might change the air filter and again change nothing else,

Be sure that your life insurance is paid up if you plan to put in a high flow air filter "without changing anything else". It will cough and sputter and almost refuse to run at all.

For a demonstration, just take the air filter OUT and go for a short ride.......best NOT to do that in traffic though !! :shocked:

So......what was the main point of your post? There seemed to be several points mixed in there !! :poke2: :biggrin:

03-02-2010, 11:29 PM
It's your bike. Mine is a hobby. Mod it. I can qualify the changes. Stock mine struggled to pass 110 k/hr after mods 120 k/hr is easily reached even up a grade and 130 k/hr is acheivable in ideal conditions . I have a tach 130 k/hr is 8000 rpm which is the power peak for this engine. The epa regulations force the engineers to stifle the engine performance. Why else would we have 1800 cc to do what 750 cc could do in 1965 ????????????????

03-03-2010, 12:29 AM
I have all the mods done to mine.Traveled all over maritime provinces.Average speeds 115 to 120 kms.No problems.

Easy Rider
03-03-2010, 12:00 PM
Why else would we have 1800 cc to do what 750 cc could do in 1965 ????????????????

I don't think the original poster has been back in about 8 months. :)

The above IS a good point BUT.....bikes are still being built that make good power with ~ 750 CCs. An I-4 or V-4 with "small" displacement will easily keep up with an 1800 CC behemouth.......you usually just have to shift an extra gear or two to do it. :tup:

03-04-2010, 12:16 AM
I think you are correct Easy Rider, I just checked his profile and it says his last appearance was in July of 2009.

06-13-2011, 08:12 PM
david bo is my new hero! screw the haters! :fu:

04-03-2012, 05:46 PM
i like mine just the way it is..If its not broken why fix it?? but my next bike will atleast 650cc , I like suzuki S40 but it will be in 5 yrs, so I will enjoy my little GZ as much as I can..

Water Warrior 2
04-03-2012, 11:09 PM
i like mine just the way it is..If its not broken why fix it?? but my next bike will atleast 650cc , I like suzuki S40 but it will be in 5 yrs, so I will enjoy my little GZ as much as I can..
If the S-40 is still available in 5 years it will come with fuel injection and no carb problems. What would be even better would be a S-40 sized bike with the Vstrom 650 V-twin as a power source.

04-04-2012, 03:08 PM
i like mine just the way it is..If its not broken why fix it?? but my next bike will atleast 650cc , I like suzuki S40 but it will be in 5 yrs, so I will enjoy my little GZ as much as I can..
If the S-40 is still available in 5 years it will come with fuel injection and no carb problems. What would be even better would be a S-40 sized bike with the Vstrom 650 V-twin as a power source.
Yap that would be nice! One of my neighbor has one and that vstrom looks huge compared to my tiny Gz :biggrin:

Water Warrior 2
04-04-2012, 04:47 PM
i like mine just the way it is..If its not broken why fix it?? but my next bike will atleast 650cc , I like suzuki S40 but it will be in 5 yrs, so I will enjoy my little GZ as much as I can..
If the S-40 is still available in 5 years it will come with fuel injection and no carb problems. What would be even better would be a S-40 sized bike with the Vstrom 650 V-twin as a power source.
Yap that would be nice! One of my neighbor has one and that vstrom looks huge compared to my tiny Gz :biggrin:
Yup, it is kinda big looking compared to a GZ. Keep in mind the GZ will still go all the same places but a little more slowly. Size does matter. The GZ wins when you drop it and have to pick it up. The Vstrom is fairly top heavy not something you try to save if it wants to fall over.