View Full Version : Cleaning day

03-19-2007, 10:23 PM
After a nice 225 mile ride yesterday from Atlantic Beach to Micanopy (a nice little town south of Gainsville) and back I figured it was time to change the oil in my wife's GZ250. It was a little overdue so today was cleaning day. I've been wanting to use Rotella synthetic in it since I have been running it on the C50 with excellent results. Shifting has been real smooth so I'll be interested in seeing how she likes it in the GZ250.

Getting the bike upright and level was a breeze using the homemade stands I built a while back from directions given on this forum. They are so easy to build and use. I really appreciate the plans being available. After warming up the bike it only took a few minutes to drain the old oil and remove the filter. After cleaning the drips and installing the new filter I loaded it up with the new oil. Easy job with a side installed filter. Wish the car was as easy. For that matter I wish the C50 was that easy.

After that I decided to surprise her with shiny wheels so out came the NeverDull wads and I started rubbing off the old brake dust and dirt. Once they were polished out with some microfiber cloths they sparkled like showroom. I couldn't stop there so I got out the Mequires liquid carnaba wax and shined up the the rest of the bike. Man does that wax work great. Buffed with microfiber again and you can use the fender for a mirror. I bet it hasn't looked this good since it was on the showroom floor.

Looks like tomorrow we're going for a ride to break in the new oil. Looks like tonight I'm getting lucky! :tup:


03-20-2007, 12:10 AM
Sounds like you had a fun day of cleaning and polishing. Always seems to run better after it looks that shiny :)