04-13-2009, 09:48 AM
I decided to take this on this past weekend after reading the possible consequences of the valves being out of spec. So I gathered up the tools and took it apart. Had a lot of difficulty getting the generator cover cap off, so I used the alternative method of finding TDC (peek in the hole while rolling the bike in gear). Finally get that set, and went to check the clearance. On all of them I started at the middle of the spec range and couldn't fit the feeler in there, so went down to the low end of the range, and still couldn't fit it on some of them. It was fairly difficult just getting the feeler gauge in the right spot with all of the wiring harness and frame in the way. They all seemed tight but I just didn't feel comfortable about it so I put it back together and took it to the shop. They confirmed that the valves were tight and put them back into spec.
So I go to pickup the bike, and it stalls about 1/2 mile from the shop. Finally get it started, go another 1/4 mile and it stalls again. At this point I'm getting pretty pissed. So I look down, and see that the mechanic had failed to hook the vacuum hose up. So, to compensate, he cranked the idle WAAAY up, and set the petcock to "prime". Must've been smoking crack that day. Anyway the bike runs awesome now (after resetting the idle). Funny thing is, if I hadn't taken it apart earlier in the day, I probably wouldn't have known to check the vacuum hose, as I'd never worked on that part of the bike before.
Oh, and I found and fixed the source of my lingering oil leak....one of the head bolts was not quite snug. With the gas tank off it was very easy to find the source. So, two problems solved!
So I go to pickup the bike, and it stalls about 1/2 mile from the shop. Finally get it started, go another 1/4 mile and it stalls again. At this point I'm getting pretty pissed. So I look down, and see that the mechanic had failed to hook the vacuum hose up. So, to compensate, he cranked the idle WAAAY up, and set the petcock to "prime". Must've been smoking crack that day. Anyway the bike runs awesome now (after resetting the idle). Funny thing is, if I hadn't taken it apart earlier in the day, I probably wouldn't have known to check the vacuum hose, as I'd never worked on that part of the bike before.
Oh, and I found and fixed the source of my lingering oil leak....one of the head bolts was not quite snug. With the gas tank off it was very easy to find the source. So, two problems solved!