View Full Version : New exhaust really helped my mpg's and I like the sound too!
04-06-2009, 11:03 PM
Bought a new exhaust pipe and installed it on my GZ 250. I got it on E-bay from flightsimshop for about $75 delivered. I was trying to accomplish two objectives, 1. Get the exhaust tip away from my saddle bags and 2. change the sound of the bike to something a little bit louder. The add said "New Suzuki Marauder GZ250 Custom Exhaust" it looked like it would not hit my saddle bags and the add said it would stop my GZ from sounding like a "sewing machine". They called it the "Screamin Eagle". It's a little louder than I expected,(not as loud as the Harley's around here) but it's okay, and what really surprised me was how much more "pep" my 250 had. I wasn't down shifting as often, and I was able to take a hill on highway 27 that I cross every day without losing speed and I didn't even have it opened up all the way. By the way, I'm 6'1" and weigh 210 lbs if you need something size wise to compare. After checking my fuel for two tanks I was convinced that I was getting a big boost in mpg. I went from 70 mpg to over 84 mpg! That's a pretty big jump in numbers, but I've checked it twice now and I check my mileage with every tank, so I knew what I was getting before. Thought some others might be interested in this. By the way, the muffler came with a clamp to hold it on and it worked, but I didn't really like the fact that you could see it if you were looking, so I went down to the local muffler shop and had it brazed on, they charged me $20 to do it. I also don't know if this muffler is "legal", but where I live the EPA (or any other federal government agencies either for that matter) hasn't really found us yet, so I don't have to pass any tests here, that may not be true where you live. (
04-06-2009, 11:40 PM
I have been looking at this. Just waiting for me foot to heal so I can get out at wrench on the bike. Do you have a shot from the back?
David Bo
04-07-2009, 07:57 AM
Can you explain in detail as to how I can get one? You mentioned that you got yours on ebay form fightismshop? How can I order one? Are they an on-the-shelf item? I also notice some dis-coloration on the pipes in your photo right where the exhaust comes out of your engine. Did that happen after you installed the pipes?
04-07-2009, 08:08 AM
Can you explain in detail as to how I can get one? You mentioned that you got yours on ebay form fightismshop? How can I order one? Are they an on-the-shelf item? I also notice some dis-coloration on the pipes in your photo right where the exhaust comes out of your engine. Did that happen after you installed the pipes?Here are two of them from that seller
This is the one he bought, I believe: ... ccessories ( Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a1Q7c293Q3 a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3911Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem 160276769819QQitemZ160276769819QQptZMotorcyclesQ5f PartsQ5fAccessories)
And a slightly different one: ... ccessories ( 2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a1Q7c293Q 3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3911Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZite m150334258794QQitemZ150334258794QQptZMotorcyclesQ5 fPartsQ5fAccessories)
Easy Rider
04-07-2009, 10:07 AM
I also don't know if this muffler is "legal",
You can stop wondering. If it sounds significantly louder than stock, then it is NOT legal.
Easy Rider
04-07-2009, 10:17 AM
Can you explain in detail as to how I can get one?
OH CRAP! Here we go.
What the hell is it that makes riders think that a bike somehow sounds "better" the louder it is ?? :skull:
You have a LITTLE bike with a LITTLE engine. In my opinion, making it loud just makes it sound and look stupid. :poke2:
And the other changes noted might be due more to a change in riding technique than to any real increase in performance. The few other people that have changed their pipes dramatically have reported mixed results; some no change, some a little better and some a little worse.
Lastly, if you live in an area with mandatory inspection, you may find that your bike FAILS with a louder than stock muffler. Consider this change carefully because it will be difficult and expensive to go back.
P.S. The slight gold/yellow color on the pipes near the engine is normal.
04-07-2009, 11:17 AM
I also don't know if this muffler is "legal",
You can stop wondering. If it sounds significantly louder than stock, then it is NOT legal.
Yep. Technically, changing to anything but the stock muffler that Suzuki federalized the bike with can be construed as 'illegal'. The bike receives it's EPA certification with the intake, engine and exhaust that it comes from the factory with. Any deviation from that could cause your bike to be 'Illegal' or, at the very least, not within the EPA specs as it was delivered. Will you have problems because of that? It depends on whether you live in a state with smog checks, or visual inspections, or if, for some reason, the police, DOT enforcement, etc pull you over and your muffler doesn't have the certification data stamped on it.
Someone better call Vance & Hines, Cobra and all the other aftermarket pipe manufacturers and tell them to shut their doors down. They are selling illegal parts for motorcycles. Surprised homeland security isn't on this one.
I honestly think windshields are gay looking, but i dont jump in every thread telling everyone how stupid they look with one installed. :poke2:
04-07-2009, 01:45 PM
Someone better call Vance & Hines, Cobra and all the other aftermarket pipe manufacturers and tell them to shut their doors down. They are selling illegal parts for motorcycles. Surprised homeland security isn't on this one.
I honestly think windshields are gay looking, but i dont jump in every thread telling everyone how stupid they look with one installed. :poke2:Illegal parts, no. If you check into most of the exhaust manufaturers, they have a EPA or CARB certification that their exhaust parts meet EPA specs, or list the parts as "For Off Road Use Only" or in some cases, not legal for sale in California (Doesn't meet the stricter CARB regulations). Just buying a generic drag pipe, or cherry bomb muffler would, technically, make a bike "out of compliance". But as I said, unless the thing is obnoxious enough to get you pulled over, you'll probably never have a problem.
I have nothing against louder than stock pipes, it's the jackasses that think pipes that you can 'feel' from 3 blocks away that are annoying.
(Agree on the windshields, though)
04-07-2009, 03:34 PM
Adrianinflorida posted a link that will get you to flightsimshop's page on e-bay, just click on "visit sellers store" and search a little and you'll find the exhaust I got, that specifically states it's for the GZ250.
Louder pipes: Well, Easy Rider, if you are happy with the sound of your bike then you have no need to change it. I wasn't completely happy with the sound, but mainly I wanted to get the exhaust away from my saddle bag. I already had an aluminum plate I riveted on to give some protection, but it was getting too hot in my opinion. I don't particularly like excessively loud bikes either, but I do like the sound to be a little lower in pitch, and all three of my daughters and my wife gave it the thumbs up after I put it on and I like it.
Inspections: Like I said, I don't have to put up with that where I live, but you better consider it before you make a change if that's not the case where you are. Easy Rider is correct, I had to saw the old muffler off with a sawzall, grind a little and then I went the route of having the new muffler welded on, so it would be pretty major to put it back stock at this point. The few cops in my town seem to have better things to do than harass you over little stuff like your EPA compliance unless you do something to really piss them off, and basically, they leave you alone unless you are endangering someone with your actions.
Performance: Easy could be right about that too. I'm not saying anyone else will get these results from the same changes, just reporting on my experience. I did back the idle mixture screw out 2 1/2 turns to prevent backfiring as it instructed in the installation instructions and I had to back off the idle speed quite a bit to bring the rpms back down to normal at idle. Otherwise, I'm not doing anything differently that I know of. I've put almost 10,000 miles on this bike since last Summer and the worst mpg I got was 65 and the best previously was 75. I check it every time I fill up, and I'm usually within 2 mpg of 70. I pretty much ride the same route every day with the same load on the bike, and the only other "big" change I make is to remove the windshield when the weather gets warmer, which seams to cost me a few mpg's, but I also prefer the look without the windshield, and I like to feel the air when it's hot outside, not so much when it was 18 degrees this Winter.
I say, it's your bike, fix it up or leave it alone to suit you! Happy Riding Everybody! ( (
04-07-2009, 06:13 PM
Looks like the same exhaust you can get from JC Whitney. ... 0000144196 (
04-07-2009, 07:54 PM
That does look the same, however, I'm not sure about the diameter of the pipe, but I don't think our little GZ has a 1 1/2" OD exhaust pipe. Measure yours before you order. The one I bought was specifically sized for the GZ 250. It was $59.99 + $14.99 for S&H (About $75 delivered). This might be a few bucks more than the one in J.C. Whitney, but if theirs isn't the right size it's not a deal. If it is, then go for it!
04-07-2009, 10:46 PM
Hey Brkbuilds .
I like the pipe. I drilled mine . My buddies like the sound. I like the sound. It is not a vtwin sound but more like a refined high performance sound when the revs get up to 6000-7000 rpm. at low speed when the gas is shut off it sounds like an old triumph 440 single. Burble burble.
Stock sounded worse than either of my 3 wheelers. The 200 has an open ended exhaust outlet 1 1/2 inches wide and just grunts.
WITH the jetting adjustments that you did I beleive that you did get 5-7 % performance gain. I did because stock could not pass 115 k but now 130 k is the max flat-out no wind. But 100-120 is now strong when needed.
Make it your ride. Enjoy.
Easy Rider
04-07-2009, 10:53 PM
They are selling illegal parts for motorcycles.
They are not illegal until they are actually MOUNTED on a working bike.......that is licensed for use on the public roads.
So, is it your position that loud pipes are somehow above criticism.........or maybe that I should not speak my piece when the subject comes up ?? :shocked: :??:
Easy Rider
04-07-2009, 11:02 PM
I don't particularly like excessively loud bikes either, but I do like the sound to be a little lower in pitch, and all three of my daughters and my wife gave it the thumbs up after I put it on and I like it.
I may have gotten the wrong impression from your statement: "It's a little louder than I expected,(not as loud as the Harley's around here)", so I bow to the judgement of 4 females.......who should not be succeptible to testosterone overload! :biggrin:
I wouldn't have thought that the litttle beast COULD be too loud, until someone here posted a clip of one with a straight pipe on it.....WOW!!
I say, it's your bike, fix it up or leave it alone to suit you! Happy Riding Everybody!
Quote of the year right there.
04-08-2009, 02:10 PM
No problems with you speaking your mind Easy Rider, none at all. My dad use to say, "I may not like what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it!"
David Bo
04-08-2009, 04:59 PM
I am glad everyone got a chance to voice their opinions on this subject matter... I am still very interested in changing my pipe and shimming my needle though. If anyone else feels that this is a big mistake and would like to share their horror story with me, I would like to hear your input. My motorcycle is not my main means of transportation and I consider myself to be a pretty good "weekend tinkerer". I (unlike Easy Rider) enjoy the sound of a "loudish" rumbling motor and would like to make these modifications to my GZ. I have owned some pretty loud bikes in the past and have never had a problem with getting inspection stickers or getting pulled over by Barney Fife... The only thing that I can not do (without outside help) is weld. Has anyone swapped out a muffler without having the new one welded on? Also, is it wise to take the gas tank off before shimming the needle in the carb? I seem to remember seeing one post where someone loosened the carburetor clamps and twisted the carb towards him to get to those two phillips head screws on top. I think I would rather take the tank off.
04-08-2009, 07:33 PM
The tank is easy enough to take off, there's really no reason not to. Two bolts at the rear and slide back and lift off of the bike.
04-08-2009, 08:20 PM
Yeah, I'm no mechanic by anyone's standards and I've had the tank off several times for various reasons, it's simple. Pull the seat, remove two bolts, shut off the fuel valve on the carb, slide off two rubber hoses from the carb, probably won't even need a tool to do that, maybe pliers to remove the clamp, or just your fingers, then slide the tank back towards the rear tire and lift.
David Bo
04-08-2009, 08:24 PM
Thanks burkbuilds... Did you happen to shim your needle while you were under there?
Easy Rider
04-08-2009, 08:26 PM
shut off the fuel valve on the carb,
Guess I shouldn't comment because it might be CONDESCENDING. :curse:
David Bo
04-08-2009, 08:30 PM
Comment away...
Easy Rider
04-08-2009, 08:36 PM
Comment away...
Where is the fuel valve on the carb. ?? :??:
David Bo
04-08-2009, 08:47 PM
I know what he meant... He should have said "the fuel valve near the carb".
04-08-2009, 09:51 PM
Okay, like I said, I am no mechanic in anybody's book. "The fuel valve near the carb".
No, I didn't do anything to the carb other than back out the idle mixture screw 2 1/2 turns and I had to find a picture on this site somewhere to even figure out where that was, fortunately on my bike I didn't have to drill out a cover or anything, it was open and easy to get to. If you need mechanical advice I am NOT the guy to ask, I am a really good carpenter but not a mechanic!
Water Warrior 2
04-09-2009, 02:35 AM
The answer is: the fuel petcock on the bottom of the tank(left side).
04-09-2009, 08:50 AM
The answer is: the fuel petcock on the bottom of the tank(left side).
And don't "Shut it off", but make sure it's set to On or Reserve so that you won't dump gas like you will with it set to Prime. And any gas that is in the fuel line WILL dump out when the hose is removed, trust me, :) .
Easy Rider
04-09-2009, 09:41 AM
And any gas that is in the fuel line WILL dump out when the hose is removed, trust me, :) .
If you first open the drain on the bottom of the carb bowl, MOST of the gas in the line will drain out before you disconnect the hose. :cool:
04-09-2009, 10:31 AM
Yeah, but that takes the presence of mind to remember to do it. I usually remember that I didn't drain the carb as I'm pulling the hose off of the petcock and the gas starts draining out of it. :)
04-09-2009, 12:43 PM
I might as well jump into this discussion on changing pipes too. I just recently put on a megaphone style pipe and the sound is very community friendly. My wife too was concerned that too much noise was going to annoy the neighbors and she would have to listen to their guff. However, she said it wasn't bad at all, a gentile rumble, no more. She also added that it looked a lot nicer than the stock. To be honest about it, she was my main concern about it being too loud. Whew ... past the wife test with flying colors! I must admit that I don't race or gun my engine in the driveway or neighborhood just to make noise. Some people do and I think this is what gets the neighbors pissed off. The little GZ can be noisy if you don't use a baffle.
Now, the next wife test is my new windshield that is due in at any time, she isn't sure this is going to be a good look for Raven (my bike).
04-09-2009, 02:32 PM
BB- post a picture and tell us what it is.
Easy Rider
04-09-2009, 07:51 PM
The little GZ can be noisy if you don't use a baffle.
Now, the next wife test is my new windshield that is due in at any time, she isn't sure this is going to be a good look for Raven (my bike).
I think part of my HF hearing loss on the left side is from rev'ing my Honda 550-4 inside a garage with un-baffled megaphones on it. :retard: :skull: (Just ONCE.)
I think even the little GZ would be pretty obnoxious with a straight megaphone on it; the clip of the straight drop-pipe was bad enough.
You might need to remind the wif' that a windshield is a functional accessory, not a cosmetic one !! :biggrin:
04-09-2009, 09:15 PM
mrmld1 ... here is the megaphone muffler, it is an Emgo that a few dealers sell. Mine of course has a baffle in it. I think mostly they come with a baffle. I got the longer one and it is welded on. Once I get the windshield on Raven I'll post a photo if anyone is interested. I put the K&N filter in it, a 132.5 main jet, shimmed the needle. Runs nice. My left arm is getting pretty sore now because Raven is black and all of the chicks keep waving at us. Not wanting to be rude, I feel obligated to wave back and back and back ... (
04-09-2009, 09:27 PM
That's a nice looking muffler! Do you know if it's available on line anywhere? I might have gone with that instead of the one I got if I had seen it first. Oh well, not gonna change it now.
04-09-2009, 10:11 PM
Looks like Easy Rider was right again about my increase in mileage. I'm back to getting 71-72 mpg, which is up a little from 70, but not significantly. I don't know why I got 84 mpg the week after I made the muffler switch, but not anymore. My only thought is that the Saturday that I switched it out was the day after I finished Winter Quarter at school and I was off school the entire next week so those two tankfulls of gas where I got 84 mpg I was not driving my usual route to school and back every day and maybe where I was driving was a lot more flat than the hills on highway 27 that I'm usually on going back and forth to school. However, I am able to top the biggest hill I cross on 27 without losing any speed, which I couldn't do before, I used to drop from 55 down to 50 before I topped the hill, now I'm able to keep it at 55 without even having the throttle wide open, so the top end seems to have a little more power than before. Same top speed though, 77mph for me.
04-09-2009, 10:37 PM
Burkbuilds ... "That's a nice looking muffler! Do you know if it's available on line anywhere? I might have gone with that instead of the one I got if I had seen it first. Oh well, not gonna change it now."
You or someone else can find it on eBay or Dennis Kirk or Google it to see who else has it. I got mine at Dennis Kirk. They have shortys too.
Yep, looks like your exhaust is done, hard to change it now.
David Bo
04-10-2009, 08:53 AM
Hi Blackbird. I am on the EMGO website and I am having a hard time finding the muffler you showed us. Do you have a part number? ... _10111.jcw ( ... haust_Emgo (
04-10-2009, 10:14 PM
David Bo ... Try this link to Dennis Kirk. ... Id=&mmyId= (
David Bo
04-10-2009, 10:44 PM
Thanks Blackbird... Actually, I have already ordered an extra long (26") reverse cone megaphone muffler from JC Whitney per Dupo's last link. I also ordered a K&B air Filter (SU-5589). They should be here in a week... I do have one other question for you though. Where EXACTLY did you cut your old muffler off? Was it at the weld underneath the heat shield? Also, from what I understand, I am not supposed to cut all the way through the old pipe? Is there a smaller pipe inside that is important for mounting the new muffler to?
Thanks Blackbird... Actually, I have already ordered an extra long (26") reverse cone megaphone muffler from JC Whitney per Dupo's last link. I also ordered a K&B air Filter (SU-5589). They should be here in a week... I do have one other question for you though. Where EXACTLY did you cut your old muffler off? Was it at the weld underneath the heat shield? Also, from what I understand, I am not supposed to cut all the way through the old pipe? Is there a smaller pipe inside that is important for mounting the new muffler to?
All you need to know is right here (
04-11-2009, 09:36 PM
David Bo wrote:
Thanks Blackbird... Actually, I have already ordered an extra long (26") reverse cone megaphone muffler from JC Whitney per Dupo's last link. I also ordered a K&B air Filter (SU-5589). They should be here in a week... I do have one other question for you though. Where EXACTLY did you cut your old muffler off? Was it at the weld underneath the heat shield? Also, from what I understand, I am not supposed to cut all the way through the old pipe? Is there a smaller pipe inside that is important for mounting the new muffler to?
Dupo wrote:All you need to know is right here
Dupo is correct, I followed this advice and it worked well. Careful of the cutting, the Suzuki pipe is thin.
David Bo
04-12-2009, 01:24 AM
Thanks Blackbird. And you too Dupo. I plan on doing this project next week. I will let you both know how it turns out!
04-12-2009, 01:34 AM
Remember to post pics! The more how-to pics on this and other topics, the better.
With the GZ especially, I'm in the "it shouldn't sound like an angry lawnmower" camp more than the "ANYTHING louder is better" camp, but I seriously think it's awesome that it can actually benefit your mpg and performance when done right.
Good luck with the mod, David.
04-13-2009, 04:03 AM
So I have heard everything on here and I have one question that may or may not get a response. The size of his muffler was about 16" deep (long) correct? So what if I added a 27" long Fishtail pipe? ... _10111.jcw ( w) or ... 0000149270 ( What would the noise be like? Louder or much more quiet and would the performance be better? Can you help me out here?
OC Covey of Kingston Speeders
David Bo
04-13-2009, 04:26 AM
The length doesn't have as much to do with the sound as much as the baffles inside the pipe. Most after-market exhausts have less sound dampening baffles inside them. That is why they advertise them as being "lighter weight" and "sounding better" than factory exhausts. I would pretty much guarantee that the 27" fishtail pipe would give your bike a nicer gumbing sound but your performance would only improve "slightly" at best... You would be better served by also doing the carburator mods and swapping your air filter with one that does not have an intake reducer. You have to let your engine breathe better to gain performance.
I don't think you'd notice much of a difference really. The fishtail might be a little bit quieter in my opinion, but not by much.
04-13-2009, 08:26 AM
I tried fishtail tips on my 1400 Intruder an it made the exhaust sound a bit "fuffy" because of the flattened tip.
I didn't like the sound and removed them.
04-14-2009, 12:32 AM
do you have a sound clip, i would like to find a exhaust that gives the bike a nice deep growl and makes a little noise but just enough noise to be noticed, i dont want any thing that pisses off the neighbors and rattles windows. somehow i highly doubt any muffler is gonna be able to give this bike a nice deep growl though.
Easy Rider
04-14-2009, 09:44 AM
somehow i highly doubt any muffler is gonna be able to give this bike a nice deep growl though.
I believe that to be correct.
By removing the muffler altogether or replacing with a straight pipe you can go all the way to slightly obnoxious/pathetic fairly easy though.
06-10-2009, 11:27 PM
somehow i highly doubt any muffler is gonna be able to give this bike a nice deep growl though.
Mine has a nice medium rumble. I'm glad I replaced the stock exhaust. If someone is considering it, I say do it.
David Bo
06-17-2009, 04:38 PM
I changed mine out earlier this year and I agree with Blackbird 100%. It looks a lot nicer than the factory "trumpet" too!
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