View Full Version : parking brake.

03-30-2009, 01:58 PM
You may recall that I live in the mountains, & the last time I had to park on the hill the bike ran off the stand, even though it was in first gear. I noticed a post , a while back, about using a strip of velcro round the grip & brake lever, so the other day I raided my wife's sewing box, & found a piece of velcro - MAGIC! I can park securely, anywhere, now. I can't remember who's post it was, but a big thank you.

03-30-2009, 02:12 PM
Another good thing that works, is to cut a slit about half the width of the velcro, feed the other end through, making a loop, and you can keep it mounted to the brake handle, or around the grip, by wrapping it around, sticking it to itself.

Something like the picture below, only you wont have a wide end with the slit in it.

03-30-2009, 04:35 PM
The GeeZee already has a parking brake. It's called First Gear.

:lol: :poke2:

Easy Rider
03-30-2009, 05:56 PM
The GeeZee already has a parking brake. It's called First Gear.

"You may recall that I live in the mountains, & the last time I had to park on the hill the bike ran off the stand, even though it was in first gear."

Might want to get your glasses checked, old man! :shocked: :biggrin:

03-30-2009, 06:24 PM
So, you also faced it the wrong way, huh??

The kettle is black, old man.


Water Warrior 2
03-30-2009, 06:42 PM
Another good thing that works, is to cut a slit about half the width of the velcro, feed the other end through, making a loop, and you can keep it mounted to the brake handle, or around the grip, by wrapping it around, sticking it to itself.

Something like the picture below, only you wont have a wide end with the slit in it.
Those strips pictured are the exact item we have used on the GZ and Vstrom. We just wind them around a mirror stalk when not in use.

03-30-2009, 07:07 PM
The GeeZee already has a parking brake. It's called First Gear.

"You may recall that I live in the mountains, & the last time I had to park on the hill the bike ran off the stand, even though it was in first gear."

Might want to get your glasses checked, old man! :shocked: :biggrin:
Some people just can't admit when there wrong.

Easy Rider
03-30-2009, 08:35 PM
So, you also faced it the wrong way, huh??

Jeeeezzzz.......no, the original post that started this thread said it rolled off the stand EVEN THOUGH IT WAS IN FIRST GEAR. That's where the quoted text came from.

And, no, I never had a bike roll off a stand........although I did park one nose-down many, MANY years ago.....just ONCE.

03-30-2009, 09:34 PM
We call those VVL's. Very Valuable Lessons. It is what you take away from a Whoop-shit.


03-31-2009, 05:56 AM
So, you also faced it the wrong way, huh??

Problem is - I thought that it was o.k. to park facing downhill. I thought, in my innocence, that first had enough pep to stop the bike moving when on the stand.

Solution is - piece of velcro. Now I don't have to mess about, turning the bike round to face uphill.

If you saw some of the narrow cobbled streets that I've got to ride down (to get to the main highways) you'd understand that turning the bike round to park is a no no.

Easy Rider
03-31-2009, 10:03 AM
If you saw some of the narrow cobbled streets that I've got to ride down (to get to the main highways) you'd understand that turning the bike round to park is a no no.

OK, so I don't know your situation and I think I remember you are a fairly big guy who can back the bike up if needed (even uphill) so maybe I should not comment.....but just for consideration:

You don't have to "turn around" to park. Go slightly past the space and then back IN. This is good practice regardless of the terrain; makes for a quick getaway !! :cool:

03-31-2009, 10:05 AM
The GeeZee already has a parking brake. It's called First Gear.

:lol: :poke2:
Which doesn't do a hell of a lot of good when you have the rear tire up on jackstands. ;)

Hey, setting the 'parking brake' in addition to putting the bike in gear is soubling your safety margin, nothing wrong with that.

03-31-2009, 11:16 AM
Very true.

I normally jack mine totally off the ground, so that usage didn't occur to me.


03-31-2009, 12:16 PM
Very true.

I normally jack mine totally off the ground, so that usage didn't occur to me.

That's my problem, I'm always trying to think my way out of a corner. :)

03-31-2009, 03:33 PM
You don't have to "turn around" to park.

I think I'm going to have to get some photos to show you exactly what I mean when I say "narrow". To let other vehicles get past, I have to park close to, & parallel with,
the kerb (edge of the sidewalk), so I can only park pointed directly uphill, or directly downhill. Often there's no space to even park a few degrees away from parallel. I should add that I park on the hill only when it's ABSOLUTELY necessary.

To try and clarify it even further - we often get tourists strolling along these "quaint li'l paths", not realising that they're our main roads out of the mountains.It's so bad, they've slapped a 40k/hr (25 mph) speed limit on these roads.

03-31-2009, 09:52 PM
Just to be sure for us noobs and semi-noobs, you want to park on a hill, nose up hill, at an angle if possible, and in first gear (and with velcro strips wrapped around front brake lever!). Whew!
