View Full Version : Some changes

03-09-2007, 12:08 PM
If anyone is wondering why our memberlist went from almost 200 down to about 70 -

Its because i found a nice little deterrent for these spammers and spam bots. I pruned the inactive and banned users from the list. I also banned a number of email addresses with wildcards (doubt anyone can even register with these wildcard emails either). Also, if anyone gets through and still posts any links, i can mass delete them as well as add that url to another list and ban it from ever getting posted again.

This should keep the number of spam posts down considerably. I hope.

03-09-2007, 02:05 PM
Good job Dupo. :2tup:

It seems as though some people's parents didn't do their job. The children bring shame on the family regardless of whether anyone knows or not.


Gadzooks Mike
03-09-2007, 03:14 PM
Outstanding! Just don't delete my favorite date. She can get me perscriptions at below cost and help me win the lottery, too! And as soon as she sends the money to me from Nigeria, I can retire and send for her! :lol: