View Full Version : Muffler Corrosion (small hole...less compression?)

03-20-2009, 11:35 AM
Hey guys i was running over the GZ with a fine tooth comb to find any leaks in the exhaust to try and figure out why my gz is running so poorly in the low gear range. (shifting and idle and pulling in low gears sucks lately.. )

and i found a hole that you could stick the end of a pen into(just alittle one) but enough that i could feel some air puffing out onto my hand. I know this is not meant to be.. my question is could it be enough to screw with the GZ mixture and overall compression..

The hole is located midway down the body of the muffler on the underbelly.. Ill post pictures shortly.

Easy Rider
03-20-2009, 12:08 PM
I know this is not meant to be..

And you would probably be wrong. :biggrin:

There IS supposed to be a drain hole down there.......to let out the excess condensation that collects when the pipes are cold. It sounds like you are describing that perfectly.

Now back to the original problem: I think you are looking at the wrong end. A muffler would have to be BADLY plugged to have a pronounced effect on performance......and a leak probably wouldn't either.....unless it is a LARGE leak, very near to the engine. A leaking exhaust does NOT change the compression, it would change the back pressure.....which isn't too important for adequate running.

Air leaking INTO the engine where it should not be will have a more noticeable impact on correct running. What you are describing sounds a lot like lack of vacume in the intake. Check the air filter and the plug at the bottom of the drain hose. Check the clamps on the boots on both sides of the carb (IN and OUT). Check for cracks or holes in the air box (black thing that the air cleaner mounts into).

If all that checks out, you may just need a new plug and/or a carb cleaning. Original Gumout or Berryman's B12 are better cleaners than the more commonly used Seafoam.

How's the idle ? Have you gone back and read the various threads about "bike not running right"?

03-20-2009, 02:52 PM
It thought the drain hole was located beyond the back of the black "baffle" at the end of the muffler. If it were before that point it would create an exhaust leak, would it not?

03-20-2009, 03:55 PM
Lowest point in exhaust.


Easy Rider
03-20-2009, 09:44 PM
It thought the drain hole was located beyond the back of the black "baffle" at the end of the muffler. If it were before that point it would create an exhaust leak, would it not?

Yes. A tiny little one. Like Sarris said........
It's figured into the design but a leak that small wouldn't really make any difference anyway.

03-20-2009, 11:29 PM
It is there as designed, but it is also a common rust point.

03-21-2009, 12:43 PM
It thought the drain hole was located beyond the back of the black "baffle" at the end of the muffler. If it were before that point it would create an exhaust leak, would it not?

Yes. A tiny little one. Like Sarris said........
It's figured into the design but a leak that small wouldn't really make any difference anyway.
OK, thanks, just over-thinking things, I guess. :)