View Full Version : just need to vent
03-14-2009, 05:03 PM
Being a new rider there are certain conditions I just won't ride in. Rain being on top of the list. Being in the Pacific Northwest this is the end of the rain season. I haven't riden since October and I am dying to get on the bike again. This last week has been dry and warm. Many riders on the streets and here I am in the passenger seat of my car with my wife driving me everywhere. Why? Good question. I can't drive. I can't walk. And I definately can't ride. I had surgery on my right foot in Jan. The surgery went well. The healing hasn't been according to plan. I forgot the medical term but in short I had cartilage deteriation (sp?) so the doctor went in removed the remaining and fused two bones together. The pain from bones and incisions is just about gone now but my foot is stiff as a board. I have very little movement and can't put any weight on it. I am on crutches and running out of patience. I have a contraption called an external fixater sticking out of my foot. It comes out next week and then off to physical therpy. I can hardly wait. I just need to get this thing out so I can get back to life.
thanks for letting me get that out.
03-14-2009, 05:10 PM
Nothing like the betrayal of your own body parts to put all of life's other aggravations into perspective.
Perhaps your therapist will recommend riding the bike as therapy? It's the brake foot after all, and you have the hand brake is the primary anyway.
Water Warrior 2
03-15-2009, 02:28 AM
Keep up your spirits and heal up soonest. All is not lost just delayed til you are ready.
03-15-2009, 03:20 PM
I have been pretty good with all this until this past week. I just want to walk again and the stiffness and itching is starting to bug me. Things will get better on Wed when the pins come out. I was able to walk a little yesterday with the moon boot and crutches. I was even able to wiggle my toes slightly this morning. Both are good signs. :2tup:
mr. softie
03-15-2009, 08:43 PM
I feel for you Rayzuki. I had a busted up shoulder last spring and had surgery and had anchors in my Humerus holding things together and had about 100 physical therapy sessions. Doing better now. Get well soon!
03-16-2009, 01:55 PM
Ray I've been personal training for 5 years now and done tree planting as well. Both have given me an in depth look at how the human body adapts to anything you throw at it.
Keep up with your rehabilitation, listen to those people and I'm sure you'll gain a great deal of mobility back in that leg.
Try and research anything you can about the issue and take matter into your own hands. The health system cannot be trusted.
things like...
Massage therapy.
Range of motion exercises,
Proper Diet
Stretching and Strengthening concepts
There is tons of useful information. and the body is an AMAZING thing. Empower yourself with the knowledge to get you back in the saddle with confidence!
Best wishes
03-16-2009, 11:58 PM
That's no fun... I sure hope you will heal well. Keep your blood flowing.
05-25-2009, 03:43 AM
after 5 months of pain/healing/frustration/rehab/theropy I finally got back on the bike today. I am probably only 80% with the foot but it was a beautiful day and I had to ride. I went out for a "short" ride thru the farm country and got completely lost. Couldn't be happier about that. I was able to "ride my ride" I didn't have to worry about traffic because its a holiday weekend and everyone is at the beach. I was able to go thru the twistys at my pace and figure out how to lean more to go thru them faster. Rode for 102 miles and on my way back ended up being in a place I didn't want to be...the highway. Again minimal traffic so it was the perfect day to find out I was afraid about nothing just the fear of the unknown. I rode on the highway for about 10 miles at 60 mph. The bike definetly could have gone faster but holiday weekend and the cops are everywhere and I did not need to go any faster. I was doing just fine where I was. Overall today was great. Beautiful day, great ride, beautiful scenery, great ride, learned a thing or two, great ride, did things I haven't ever done before and in case I didn't mention it yet, great ride. So guess what I am doing tomorrow?
05-25-2009, 04:00 AM
there are certain conditions I just won't ride in. Rain being on top of the list.
Why not? What'll happen if you go out in the dry, & it starts to rain? Why not get some decent waterproofs that pack up small enough to live in your saddlebags (or even a back pack if you haven't got saddlebags) So long as you realise that the gz is a VERY stable bike, & you learn that the road is likely to be a little slippy just after the rain starts (& before it washes all the microscopic rubber particles off the road) you should be fine. It's just confidence you need. When I lived in England, if I didn't want to ride in the rain I would've had to sell my bike. :cry:
Easy Rider
05-25-2009, 10:31 AM
Why not?
Pretty simple really: Different strokes for different folks. Everybody is NOT alike. :roll:
I ride for fun; riding in the rain is a pain in the ass, it's not fun......for me at least.
Just yesterday coming back from the mile flat track races about 70 miles away, I rode through a light shower that lasted about 10 minutes. Slowed down just a tad, avoided some puddles and got just a little damp, except for my pant legs.
It was no big deal. I have a rain suit in the bags but didn't need it.
I am prepared but see no reason to intentionally put myself in a stressful situation if I can avoid it.
As always, YMMV! :tup:
Water Warrior 2
05-25-2009, 02:19 PM
Glad to hear you are up and riding again. Keep up the work on the recovery and go for all the mobility you can get. Your ride was probably the best therapy for sagging spirits. Betcha the GZ needed that ride as much as you did.
05-25-2009, 03:58 PM
What'll happen if you go out in the dry, & it starts to rain? Why not get some decent waterproofs that pack up small enough to live in your saddlebags (or even a back pack if you haven't got saddlebags)
Hey, easy, this is the point I was REALLY trying to make, then I went on to (I hope!) give a newbie a bit of confidence that with care there is nothing to be really afraid of, riding in the rain.
I agree it's not FUN. This morning I rode to a friend's house, about 10 miles away. About 5 minutes away from him I ran through a rain storm (and this is nearly June!) I'd just got a sleeveless jacket on, & you could've wrung me out when I arrived. Still, one cup of strong tea later, and I was fit as a fiddle & I didn't shrink. :) :2tup:
05-25-2009, 04:02 PM
I went out for a "short" ride thru the farm country and got completely lost. Couldn't be happier about that...Beautiful day, great ride, beautiful scenery, great ride, learned a thing or two, great ride, did things I haven't ever done before and in case I didn't mention it yet, great ride. So guess what I am doing tomorrow?
Right on, Ray. That's great news!
05-26-2009, 12:16 AM
alantf to answer your question of why not? simple. I don't want too. What will happen if I am out and it starts to rain? I don't know because I prepare for that and won't go riding it there is rain in the forecast. I ride for fun not to get from point A to point B. This theory of mine may change in the future but for today this is how it is.
On a happy note...I rode for another 115 miles today. What a blast. I rode for about 2 hours. I think all the vibration has made me a little sore maybe a little more swollen but it was worth it. Next weekend I will try and remember the camera.
05-26-2009, 05:29 AM
So sorry - I thought that the problem was that of a newby's lack of confidence.
I suppose you'll just have to learn to live with the fact that, for now, you're not a biker. You're just someone who owns a bike. :whistle:
Oh my god - I've just re read this. I can't believe I'm starting to sound like easy! :??: :2tup:
Easy Rider
05-26-2009, 09:26 AM
Oh my god - I've just re read this. I can't believe I'm starting to sound like easy! :??: :2tup:
(In the interest of peace and harmony, I will not use the other symbols that might be more appropriate for that comment.)
05-26-2009, 09:50 AM
(In the interest of peace and harmony, I will not use the other symbols that might be more appropriate for that comment.)
Easy Rider, way to go! My hat off to you! :plus1:
alantf, you're the youngest child in your clan, aren't you? :tongue:
Rayzuki, I'm with YOU! Riding for the fun of it, not just to get from point A to point B. I was relating my commute to a coworker who quickly suggested an alternate, shorter route. SHORTER?? Hell, I'm on my bike! The longer the ride, the better!!
05-26-2009, 10:24 AM
alantf, you're the youngest child in your clan, aren't you? :tongue:
Naw!......... I'm just an overgrown teenager. I hope I never grow old !!!!!!!!!!!! :2tup:
(That's what I say every time my pension cheque arrives) :roll: :whistle:
05-26-2009, 11:23 AM
alantf, very good! One of my favorite quotes (attributed to several authors): "Youth is fleeting. Immaturity lasts forever." :) May we never grow old!!!
Water Warrior 2
05-26-2009, 07:49 PM
Sheesh, old age, rain riders and sunshine riders only. Quite a mix considering the original post.
I like old age, the alternative sucks. Growing old is not optional, growing up is optional. As for rain, I don't intentionally ride in the rain but I will try to be prepared just in case. I normally carry a rain suit or rain liners for my gear. Rain gear is also handy to wear if you need to cut off a cold wind before it gets to you. Overall my preference is a young heart riding in the sunshine with little or no traffic. Life is good.
Water Warrior 2
05-26-2009, 07:56 PM
Note to Raysuki. I live in basically the same climate as you. Suggestion only here. Get a rain suit and wear it during cooler days with no real sunshine and heat. Get comfy with it in dry conditions. That way if you ever get caught in the rain it will feel better and not so foreign to your body. A liitle pre-conditioning exercise if you will.
05-27-2009, 10:20 PM
So sorry - I thought that the problem was that of a newby's lack of confidence.
I suppose you'll just have to learn to live with the fact that, for now, you're not a biker. You're just someone who owns a bike. :whistle:
Oh my god - I've just re read this. I can't believe I'm starting to sound like easy! :??: :2tup:
in part you are correct. Part of the reason is my lack of confidence the other part I have already stated. I only have 1119 miles on my tires. I am not as gifted as you are to get on a bike for the first time and be able to handle anything that the road has to offer. I am not a superstar rider, I have to ride to build my experience/confidence. As I said before, in the future it may change but for now I am sticking to my ability as a rider. If my ability makes me a guy with bike and not a biker, well I am fine with that. After a few thousand miles I will probably tell you to kiss something but, for now its cool.
Easy Rider
05-27-2009, 11:17 PM
After a few thousand miles I will probably tell you to kiss something but, for now its cool.
You can tell him to kiss MINE and it would be OK !!! :shocked:
Water Warrior 2
05-28-2009, 12:14 AM
So sorry - I thought that the problem was that of a newby's lack of confidence.
I suppose you'll just have to learn to live with the fact that, for now, you're not a biker. You're just someone who owns a bike. :whistle:
Oh my god - I've just re read this. I can't believe I'm starting to sound like easy! :??: :2tup:
in part you are correct. Part of the reason is my lack of confidence the other part I have already stated. I only have 1119 miles on my tires. I am not as gifted as you are to get on a bike for the first time and be able to handle anything that the road has to offer. I am not a superstar rider, I have to ride to build my experience/confidence. As I said before, in the future it may change but for now I am sticking to my ability as a rider. If my ability makes me a guy with bike and not a biker, well I am fine with that. After a few thousand miles I will probably tell you to kiss something but, for now its cool.
You need more saddle time. Just keep riding and honing your skills and confidence level. One day you will be riding along and the rain will come. You might actually enjoy a little rain in time. If not you can be a proud sunshine rider instead of a cager. There is an upside to everything. Always Ride Safe in conditions you are comfy with.
05-28-2009, 03:22 AM
You can tell him to kiss MINE and it would be OK !!! :shocked:
No I didn't :popcorn:
05-28-2009, 07:55 AM
Water Warrior, thank you for your words of wisdom and sanity ("Always Ride Safe in conditions you are comfy with"). I find that I will push myself juuuuuust outside my comfort zone to get a taste, then fall back to where I'm comfy ... and then before I know it, either a few miles or a few rides later, my comfort zone has increased. This goes for speed, turning (leaning) radius, dodging pot holes (dodging road kill, yuck!), etc. There's noooooooo hurry. The journey IS the destination!
rayzuki, keep an eye on alantf & Easy Rider. There's not much subtlety between them, but they mean no ill will. Well, maybe they do towards each other, but not towards Newbies like us. In fact, I picture them in my mind as two young brothers grappling on the livingroom floor with Mom yelling "I don't care WHO started it!! You're going to kill each other! STOP IT!!!!" :-)
Easy Rider, please know that I'm definitely a fan.
alantf, you get one free "I told you so" if Easy pounces on me sometime in the future. But just one!
Easy Rider
05-28-2009, 09:47 AM
No I didn't :popcorn:
Really screwed THAT one up, didn't I ?? :cry:
Sorry. I fixed it.
05-28-2009, 10:47 AM
Easy, Kind of difficult to follow the thread, actually ... not sure what alan meant by "No I didn't".
Easy Rider
05-28-2009, 12:09 PM
Easy, Kind of difficult to follow the thread, actually ... not sure what alan meant by "No I didn't".
I messed up editing a that it appeared that alantf said something that somebody ELSE had actually said.
Kind of ironic, since I was actually trying to take a (good natured) jab AT him.
The message flow really doesn't make sense now because I went back and corrected it.
Sorry for the confusion!
Easy Rider
05-28-2009, 12:30 PM
Easy Rider, please know that I'm definitely a fan.
Aw shucks. :) Thanks. :tup:
I must admit that I am beginning to fit the "grouch old man" mold.
I have infinite patience (almost) for those who really NEED help or who just don't have the resources they need. I almost never comment on bad spelling or grammar ......unless I think the person doing it is just too lazy to make it look good.
OTOH, there ARE stupid questions and I don't have much patience for those who seem capable of thinking for themselves but just don't do it........or those who come storming into the forum with an attitude, including not using the basics of sentences and punctuation. can't get away from the "guy thing". We tend to rag on each other right out in the open. Some folks (females mostly) don't seem to understand how that works. It is mostly in good fun and seldom gets out of hand (sometimes but not often). A referee IS needed on occasion. :roll:
Some people on here seem to enjoy the conficts just a LITTLE too much! :shocked:
Looks to me like you can see through most of the BS and that is refreshing.
Nice to have you on board. :tup:
Water Warrior 2
05-28-2009, 01:21 PM
Easy Rider, please know that I'm definitely a fan.
Aw shucks. :) Thanks. :tup:
I must admit that I am beginning to fit the "grouch old man" mold.
Actually I thought you were starting to mellow with age. Maybe it's the new Honda. Advert from the 70's: You meet the nicest people on a Honda.
Easy Rider
05-28-2009, 03:52 PM
Actually I thought you were starting to mellow with age.
It's the good influence of all the nice people on HERE !!!! :roll: :crackup
And NOW we have yet another "blown quote" to make the thread look even more wierd. :biggrin:
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