View Full Version : Bike won't start

03-13-2009, 12:21 PM
I know this is already covered somewhere, but sometimes unless you post exactly what happened to you, sometimes you're not sure if answers in other posts fit your situation or not...so forgive me for any repeating...

I rode the bike (just bought it this past Monday and rode it after it was delivered for about 20 minutes or so) last night for about 30-45 minutes...it was about 30-32 degrees when I got home from work but the bike fired up (I had also started it up and let it run for a few minutes 2 nights ago)...

This morning (about 22-25 degrees), I was planning to ride it to work...went thru the procedures for starting (fuel on, ignition on, in neutral, electric "cut off" turned on, choke lever pulled all the way toward me)..it would turn over, but not fire up...

I tried same procedure a few more times...waited about 5-10 minutes and tried again, but got the same thing...

I've described this to some guys here at work and they say they think it's the battery needs replaced. I'm not sure if I flooded engine (maybe?) or if the battery does need replacing...I'm no mechanic, but have replaced a car battery so wondered if that might (from symptoms described) be the easiest thing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

I solved the problem. Just went and bought a new battery and put that in and it fired right up!! Guess it definitely had something to do with the battery!!


Easy Rider
03-13-2009, 01:16 PM
This morning (about 22-25 degrees), I was planning to ride it to work...went thru the procedures for starting (fuel on, ignition on, in neutral, electric "cut off" turned on, choke lever pulled all the way toward me)..it would turn over, but not fire up...

Welcome fellow Illini !!
Reading those other posts might give you some ideas.
It is hard for "us" to pick up on subtle details of the situation by reading a text messge.

What's your level of expereince working on gas engines?
Where did you buy the bike? What year model ? How many miles?
Is it stored outside in the 22 degree weather? If not (in a garage) you might have used too much choke.
Got gas ??

A battery charger would be a good place to start. When cold, it might be necessary to crank the engine for a bit before it fires......and if the battery is low, that could be a problem.

If it is not something simple, then you are back to checking spark, fuel, etc. just like any other engine.

P.S. There is no "fuel on" setting.......and no "fuel off" either.

03-13-2009, 01:19 PM
It's possible it's the battery, but if you've read the rest of the posts here, you will see it could also be something else. Here are four ways you can tell if it's the battery:

1) Try push starting the bike (see other threads but basically, have everything turned on and be in second (or third) gear, roll it down a hill nd let the clutch out. This is relatively easy to do even though it doesn't sound like it.
2) Buy a charger and charge it up over night. About 20-30 bucks.
3) Buy a Battery Tender Plus and charge it up. A little more $.
4) Jump it from your car. Don't turn the car on.

If it's not the battery, you could be OUT OF GAS. Check to see if the lever is in the reserve position. Look at it CAREFULLY. It can be confusing. Look in the tank, too.

Then, if it's not the battery and you are not out of gas, the fun will begin. Carb, electrical problem, shorts, plugs, u-name it. I will leave the rest to Easy and the kibitzers.

Easy Rider
03-13-2009, 09:43 PM
I will leave the rest to Easy and the kibitzers.

I will be going through Springfield tomorrow; alas I can't stop to help him out.

I have faith that you guys will have it fixed for him before I get back Monday !! :tup:

Easy Rider
03-13-2009, 09:47 PM
I solved the problem. Just went and bought a new battery and put that in and it fired right up!! Guess it definitely had something to do with the battery!!


Well now this is a new one. He went back and edited his original post to say he fixed it. I just saw it by accident.

Hope he comes back and reads this so he will know THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING TO DO. Post the fix in a subsequent message, please.

music man
03-13-2009, 10:56 PM
At least he did put it in bold letters, he was trying.

03-14-2009, 09:33 PM
I solved the problem. Just went and bought a new battery and put that in and it fired right up!! Guess it definitely had something to do with the battery!!


03-14-2009, 11:28 PM
ATTN : cnorman .

thanks for the update. the ignition being transistor type relies on a good charge so a weak battery may have spun the starter but not fast enough to charge the coil. I have a honda 3 wheeler with cdi ingnition that ran poorly with a sub par batery a replacement battery improved the starting and running characteristics.