View Full Version : The GZ250 is a good bike!

03-11-2009, 09:53 PM
I started riding again last Summer. I found a 2005 GZ250 on e-bay and I've put over 9000 miles on it since then. I ride pretty much every day unless it's very cold (below 18) or raining and fairly cold (below around 50). I have been very pleased with the mileage (I average about 70 mpg) and it has been an easy bike to maintain so far. I'm kinda tall, 6'1" and the seat was a little low for me, so I modified it and added about 2" to the height. It's more comfortable for my body style and it looks good too. This is the first street bike I've ever owened, I always road "off road" bikes before, and I like it. I've ridden bigger bikes with more power, but I'm more concerned with getting there in one piece and getting the best fuel mileage I can at the same time. When I started looking for a bike, salesmen all said I'd be trading this one in for something with more power in a few months, but I've been happy with this bike and I have no plans to trade up.
I added heated grips last Fall, and they work very well, and I bought some larger saddle bags and that's about all I've modified on the bike.

Easy Rider
03-11-2009, 10:47 PM
I started riding again last Summer.

Ah ha, another Georgia rider! How far are you from Atlanta?
I'll be there the last 2 weeks of April, hopefully on the GZ and probably going the the race in Talladega.

The GZ serves different functions for different people. Some move up and some don't. Some move "down" ........from a bike that would do 100 with 2 gears left to something that is easier to handle.


03-11-2009, 10:52 PM
Welcome to this forum ! :2tup:
I got mine 1½ years ago and only put 4,000 miles on it so far...
I also don't want to go 'up' - it's fast and dangerous enough as it is.

03-11-2009, 11:58 PM
Welcome to the forum. Post a pic under the pics thread.