View Full Version : Latest new accessories

Easy Rider
03-02-2009, 01:06 PM
Can't ride so I just HAD to do something. :retard:

Ordered some riding pants:
http://www.motorcyclecloseouts.com/spor ... +overpants (http://www.motorcyclecloseouts.com/sport/mesh+motorcycle+jackets/fieldsheer_four+season+mesh+overpants)

And a clock and thermometer:

I looked at the Dragin Jeans but the specs. looked too much like the Joe Rocket ones that I just HATE. For the price, they had BETTER be good!! I think they will kind of match my mesh jacket.

Don't know how useful the clock/therm. will really be but they ARE cute. :biggrin:

Water Warrior 2
03-02-2009, 03:55 PM
Classy looking clocks and "thermometers". I just wish they made them in C and F for us in the GWN.

Easy Rider
03-02-2009, 04:23 PM
I just wish they made them in C and F for us in the GWN.

I believe they have an inner scale.....in red, that I assume is C.
Pictures aren't good enough to show it clearly.

03-02-2009, 06:13 PM
Those clock/thermometer things are cool!

03-02-2009, 06:59 PM
Yah, I like my clock. Even though I wear a watch, between the gloves and the jacket, it's pretty much useless.

03-02-2009, 08:41 PM
I got one of those clocks from clocks 4 bikes and I love it. Mine has a button
that lights it up at night. It looks great, too! You will like yours when it comes, I am sure.

Water Warrior 2
03-03-2009, 05:16 AM
[quote="Water Warrior":3a4gj0r7] I just wish they made them in C and F for us in the GWN.

I believe they have an inner scale.....in red, that I assume is C.
Pictures aren't good enough to show it clearly.[/quote:3a4gj0r7]

Just took a closer look and saw the inner scale for C. Thanks Easy.

03-03-2009, 05:44 AM
Easy, let us know how you like those pants. I've been really looking into getting some for myself, but have really been hesitating due to the price. I've looked at those specifically because they have height-adjustable knee armor - a nice thing to have for fit.

I have a pair of Motoboss textile pants (ie. cat hair storage and transportation pants) and I had to remove the armor from them because they were protecting my shins instead of fitting up on my knees where they should be. :cuss:

Easy Rider
03-03-2009, 09:16 AM
I've looked at those specifically because they have height-adjustable knee armor - a nice thing to have for fit.

That was one thing I didn't like about the jeans I got......along with the excess bagginess. Short legs are a problem.

Being an "old fart" who never has worn shorts much, I'm apprehensive of the "naked legs" feeling. Will see in a few days. I'm sure I'll have to have then shortened 'cause the inseam is '31 and I need about 28.

03-03-2009, 12:54 PM
Hell man, you could get a pair of cargo shorts from Old Navy and you'd probably have to take them up so you don't trip over them. :redflip:

Water Warrior 2
03-03-2009, 02:58 PM
Lynda has taken a jacket and riding pants to a seamstress for mods to give a better fit and comfort. A good seamstress will be able to work with the armor positioning and not only not mess up the overall appearance but make things look better because of a better fit.

Easy Rider
03-03-2009, 04:53 PM
Hell man, you could get a pair of cargo shorts from Old Navy and you'd probably have to take them up so you don't trip over them. :redflip:

WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZZARD............. :neener:

P.S. It is ONLY 577 miles from here to Tulsa! :shocked:

Easy Rider
03-03-2009, 05:00 PM
Lynda has taken a jacket and riding pants to a seamstress for mods to give a better fit and comfort.

I know. Alas, the Joe Rocket pants I got didn't fit anywhere except the waist and the reinforcements were sewn-in panels. To "fix" them, they would have to be torn down to most of the component pieces and then all put back together. Not worth the time OR the money......which would have been considerable for that much work. AND I wanted something for riding in the summer heat and they weren't really good for that either (although the bagginess did make for better venting than "normal" jeans).

Just another expensive lesson learned. I still have a seat for sale!!
Maybe I should list it in "For Sale" ?? :biggrin:

03-03-2009, 06:43 PM
[quote="Water Warrior":bejgpyih]Lynda has taken a jacket and riding pants to a seamstress for mods to give a better fit and comfort.

I know. Alas, the Joe Rocket pants I got didn't fit anywhere except the waist and the reinforcements were sewn-in panels. To "fix" them, they would have to be torn down to most of the component pieces and then all put back together. Not worth the time OR the money......which would have been considerable for that much work. AND I wanted something for riding in the summer heat and they weren't really good for that either (although the bagginess did make for better venting than "normal" jeans).

Just another expensive lesson learned. I still have a seat for sale!!
Maybe I should list it in "For Sale" ?? :biggrin:[/quote:bejgpyih]What kind of seat?

Easy Rider
03-03-2009, 07:24 PM
I still have a seat for sale!!
What kind of seat?

An original GZ seat that has been re-covered. Turns out that more of a dish-out does not fit my anatomy very good. Nice cover, just the wrong shape for me. I figure $20 plus shipping which will probably be another $20. About $40 total. I think a stock seat new is about $110.

Easy Rider
03-05-2009, 12:33 PM
Easy, let us know how you like those pants.

They are fine pants but they are going back.
Apparently nobody in the industry knows what "short" really means.

It amazes me that even women's sizes seem to have a minimum inseam of 30.
And yes, the knee armor is adjustable but the highest position still brings the TOP edge up to the BOTTOM of my knee cap.

I think I'm gonna trade them in for something else that comes in a "short" (still too long for me) and find a good seamstress..........more $$$. :cry:

Easy Rider
03-06-2009, 08:18 PM
I got one of those clocks from clocks 4 bikes and I love it.

The damn thing almost got me in trouble today. 2 hours before work, I went out for a ride (temp. 65 F.). I ended up being almost late for work.

Oh, maybe I should have put the clock ON the bike first ??? :shocked:
Guess it doesn't go much good on the work bench, huh !! :whistle:

It is EASY to lose track of the time on the first real ride of the season. :biggrin:

mr. softie
03-06-2009, 10:59 PM
This weekend is going to be great for riding over much of the country looks like. I just velcroed a $3 plastic "dash" clock to my triple clamp, and it is great knowing the time while riding.

Easy... I used to take my Motorcycle "shortcut" on the way Home from work, back when I had a job to come home from. Now I have all day to ride if I want :2tup:

Easy Rider
03-25-2009, 11:33 AM
Oh, maybe I should have put the clock ON the bike first ???

In the process of mounting the clock and thermometer, I learned something. Well, two things really.

First, the clock and therm. won't BOTH fit between the bar mounting brackets; might be able to grind them down to fit since they don't miss by much......but that's not for me. I ended up putting one in the center and the other just off to the side.

Now for the interesting part: I always thought that my bars were centered; well, not so as it turns out. I also wondered why I could see well BEHIND me with the left mirror but not with the right one. (that should have been a clue but some things that should be obvious just don't sink in sometimes) :roll: .

The new toy would fit to the left of the mounts but not to the right. Turns out that my bars are shifted to the left a bit; just 1/2 or 3/4 inch but just that much makes a LOT of difference in the viewing angle of the mirrors.

SO..........if you are unhappy because you can't see back past your arms with either of your mirrors, just loosen the bar mounts and shift them over a tad bit to the left (and tighten again, of course). You won't (probably) even notice the difference.....except for the different view from the mirror.