View Full Version : GZ250 Headlight Replacement????

02-27-2009, 04:21 PM
How much trouble is it to replace the GZ's headlight?

I don't ride much at night, but I want to make sure I have the brightest light available for daytime riding. A friend of mine had a head on with a car who did not see him. He went over the top and is OK, but was quite sore.

A bright light on the internet is only $12.


02-27-2009, 05:21 PM

02-27-2009, 05:25 PM
I replaced mine last week.

Take out the two side screws, pull the bottom of the headlight chrome ring towards you..

The inside top has a lip on it, then when you lift up from the bottom it will drop down and out.
Remove rubber bulb cover, unlatch bulb retainer, take out bulb, unplug 3 prong wire.
I believe that was all.


Easy Rider
02-27-2009, 07:26 PM
A bright light on the internet is only $12.

Brighter than what, exactly.

The H4 light on the GZ is about as good as it gets ........without spending a LOT of money and possibly overloading the electrical system.

Now, if you only want to change the BULB, there are H4 equivalents that claim to be brighter and are "plug and play". Sylvania makes one. Some think they don't last as long. YMMV!

02-28-2009, 06:48 AM
If you get a DOT legal H4 bulb, it will only be as bright as the others. All of those $12 ebay "HID" bulbs are simply blue tinted H4's, same wattage. The best thing to do is go ahead, open the headlight, slean both sides of the glass thouroughly, carefully (don't scratch it) make sure the reflector surface is clean and put it back together, put a new bulb in if you need at that time. Like was said earlier, if you happen to find a higher wattage bulb, you might overload the electrical system.

02-28-2009, 01:21 PM
The new bulb will be here in a few days. I think I'll take pictures before and after the new bulb to see what difference it makes.
Even if it is a little higher wattage (I hope so) I cannot believe it would overload the electric system. I'll let y'all know soon.

Chris, Atlanta

02-28-2009, 01:25 PM
The issue with the higher wattage headlight bulb is that it melts the plug and the attached wiring.

Ask me how I know.......


Oh yeah, you can get a bit better illumination if you go with a diamond or crystal cut headlight shell. (the part the bulb goes into)

Easy Rider
02-28-2009, 01:40 PM
Even if it is a little higher wattage (I hope so) I cannot believe it would overload the electric system. I'll let y'all know soon.

This discussion started out with "replace the headlight"; it now is "replace the bulb". BIG difference. Changing a single bulb out for one of similar wattage won't be a problem with the electrical system. Changing out a single light for a twin......of twice the total wattage would be.

If the replacement bulb you get actually draws a higher wattage, I would STRONGLY recommend that you ask Sarris for the details of his experience and then pay attention to what he says.

If it draws the same actual wattage but claims to produce more light (a higher equivalent wattage), then I think you will be disappointed, either with the lack of noticeable difference in the light output OR with the short life........or both.

P.S. Do not touch the bare bulb (old or new) with your bare skin.......as the oil you deposit on the glass bulb will shorted it's life.