View Full Version : Dropped the 'Liner
02-13-2009, 01:20 AM
No injuries. Not sure precisely what I did wrong, but probably something You Are Not Supposed To Do. In my office parking lot, coming around a bend, slow speed, a car came around the corner and I touched the front brake (maybe more than touched it) and the front wheel slid out and down she went. Checled the surface afterwards for loose gravel or what have you, but it looks like just your basic don't brake when you are turning deals. (Of course, I brake all the time when I am entering a turn and I was going like, 5 miles an hour. I'm thinking it was the slow speed that did it.)
I'm a little concerned about its affect on my confidence (I'm an over-thinker) so I am trying not to think about it too much. I had planned a rather longish ride for this weekend if I haven't lost my nerve.
Water Warrior 2
02-13-2009, 02:33 AM
Took you long enough to drop it. lol. Now that you have that out of the way fill the tank and take the weekend off. Probably you applied the front brake while in a slow turn situation. That is a really excellant way to change the front geometry and balance. Learn to use the rear brake in slow areas such as parking lots and driveways. Go to a school yard and practice this for a while. The Liner will be less of a handful and your confidence will go up quite nicely. Was there any damage or did Lady Luck smile upon you ???
02-13-2009, 03:11 AM
A little, but all things considering, not too bad. Three scratches in the windshield, a 1 inch bruise in the brake lever housing, scratches on the right footrest. Just got back from a "climb back on the horse ride." (Filled the tank too!) I think I'll be okay mentally. I tend to react pretty intensely to minor setbacks, but get over them with a little time.
I was already in a somewhat pissy mood this week having got a speeding ticket (for 75 in a 65! In California!!!!) on the way back from the slopes on Tuesday. Only 16 months since my last one so this one goes on the books. I suspect heightened enforcement due to a complete meltdown of California finances.
Thanks for the tip on the rear brake. The lesson I'm trying to take away from this is - be careful with the front brake when in tight turns in the parking lot.
02-13-2009, 05:34 AM
Still haven't watched that video, huh?
Easy Rider
02-13-2009, 10:00 AM
Learn to use the rear brake in slow areas such as parking lots and driveways.
Good advice for everybody.
I suspect that about 80% (or more) of riders under-utilize the rear brake. About the worst that can happen with the rear in a low speed situation is that you will immediately STOP and then fall over.
02-13-2009, 12:20 PM
Still haven't watched that video, huh?
Actually about halfway through it. Course, I haven't done the exercises.
02-13-2009, 12:40 PM
I had planned a rather longish ride for this weekend if I haven't lost my nerve.
It's supposed to rain anyway.
Can't believe you got a ticket for doing 75. Where'd you get it?
Not sure precisely what I did wrong...... coming around a bend, slow speed, a car came around the corner and I touched the front brake...... and down she went.
Funny when you answer your own question. Lay off that front brake unless you are going straight - live by it.
Sucks dude glad you weren't hurt. Were you able to lift it by yourself?
02-13-2009, 01:22 PM
Can't believe you got a ticket for doing 75. Where'd you get it?
15 southbound, near Norco. Moreno Valley LEO. Have you noticed there seems to be a heavier enforcement presence lately?
The absurd thing is, not two minutes after I pulled off the shoulder, with fresh ticket in hand, I was doing 75... and everyone else was zooming past me.
I may still go to Monterey, but I am concerned about getting stuck in the rain for 7 plus hours. Not sure I could do it, and it's also probably pretty dangerous.
02-13-2009, 01:26 PM
Sucks dude glad you weren't hurt. Were you able to lift it by yourself?
The guy that was in the car that startled me hopped out and helped me pick it up. I think I could have gotten it up with the back of the ass lifting method, but, I'll have to wait until next time.
It all happened so quickly, whatever i did to avoid getting hurt was pure instinct. I don't even remember what I did, but I must have hopped off before she went down. I don't even have any bruises or soreness today. It really just slid down from under me.
Water Warrior 2
02-13-2009, 02:39 PM
Alan, did you read Proficient Motorcycling ?? He gives a lot of info on the front end geometry and what happens at various speeds.
02-13-2009, 02:58 PM
Yeah, I read it. Also read his followup, "Street Strategies?" But it was eight months ago. Might be time to read it again.
I took a closer look at the spot I went down when I cam in today. There's a little loose gravel, and it's been coated at some point with some kind of asphalt paint, which might have contributed to the slide.
At the end of the day, I think I probably over braked on instinct. Riding the GZ and the Liner together will probably take some adjustments that I haven't made yet to the "autopilot" The Strat has gigantic dual front disks and tremendous stopping power (given it's weight) compared to the GZ. I think I would have been fine on the GZ. I'll have to learn the rear brake skills you mentioned and become more proficient at switching between the heavy and light bikes.
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