View Full Version : speedometer needle (but not odometer!) stuck
02-08-2009, 07:44 PM
Hey everybody, the needle on my speedometer of my 2003 gz250 has recently froze and now simple bounces around in the 0-5mph range. This happened around last tuesday while I was driving to class. Basically when I started getting to around 15-20 mph the needle started twitching a dropping back down to zero. At first it would start up again when I started my bike but the same problem would repeat and now the needle is simply no longer moving. I know the cable is still good since I took it out and it still rotates when I push the bike and both the trip and total odometer seem to be working fine. Any suggestions on what the problem could be and how to fix it? Thanks!!! :??:
Easy Rider
02-08-2009, 08:13 PM
I know the cable is still good since I took it out and it still rotates when I push the bike and both the trip and total odometer seem to be working fine.
You need to be SURE the odometer is actually working right, that is, is counting ALL the distance you are travelling. If it is not, then you probably have a cable problem; might have been loose and rounded off one end maybe.
If the odo really IS working right, then you have a broken speedo and probably need to visit a Zuki dealer........for a new or used speedo 'cause getting one fixed is almost impossible, in my experience.
02-08-2009, 08:39 PM
is there a way to test the cable completely? And the rounded off problem...can I just clip off a little of the top (so its square again) or should I just get a new cable?
Water Warrior 2
02-09-2009, 02:28 AM
I doubt shortening the speedo inner cable will help.
02-09-2009, 06:33 AM
Sorry to tell ya, but if the odo works and the needle bounces, you have a broken speedo. I'd pick up a used one (e-bay) and get a new cable at the same time. I had the same thing happen on my 1400 Intruder.
Easy Rider
02-09-2009, 09:59 AM
is there a way to test the cable completely? And the rounded off problem...can I just clip off a little of the top (so its square again) or should I just get a new cable?
Yes. You drive a few miles and see if the ODO indicates the right distance. This tests the cable.
No, a damaged cable can not be fixed.
02-09-2009, 07:52 PM
the ODO is going too slow and not recording the right amount of miles (drove about 2 miles, only said about .7)
However I went over to my buddie's place (mechanic) and he checked both the cable end and the gear box and said they look fine and that its probably something in the speedo itself (stuck gear, etc.)
My question is, is it worth taking it apart and trying to fix it or should I just invest in a 3rd party speedo to replace it? Thanks guys!
Easy Rider
02-09-2009, 09:05 PM
My question is, is it worth taking it apart and trying to fix it or should I just invest in a 3rd party speedo to replace it? Thanks guys!
It is broken already so you can't really do any more damage by looking inside (probably). If you do find the problem and need a part.....????
I think the "third party" idea is not good. It needs to look like the ODO is original equipment when it comes time to sell; othewise it will be obvious that the indicated mileage is not correct and the price will go (way) down.
I think the best approach, if you can't fix it, is to replace it with a genuine Suzuki one, either new or used.
Edit: I just looked and your bike is 5-6 years old. Before you go taking the speedo apart, which can be a frustrating experience, you might want to check the price of a new cable. If it is not that much, it might be prudent to try that first........despite your friends analysis.
02-09-2009, 11:24 PM
Are there any signs that would indicate a bad cable which I could check? Like I said, the metal bit rotates when I push the bike, but is there a way I can check if the end is rounded off? Im doing this all on quite the budget so investing 20 dollars in a new cable is 20 dollars away from a new speedo xP
I just checked on and the price was $184.00.
I did not search ebay. Sometimes they have a few used parts.
If the cable turns the miles and not the mph, a good sign the cable is good.
Best of luck...
mr. softie
02-09-2009, 11:53 PM
Your cable may be broken and still turning the upper end when you push the bike! Take the whole cable off the bike, and pull the inner cable out of the outer sleeve from the bottom. ( Have a rag handy that sucker can be dirty and greasy). You will see in an instant whether or not it is broken. If it is not broken this is a good time to clean and re lubricate it. If the cable is good I would also check the speedometer drive at the wheel hub to make sure everything is copacetic there before I looked into the Speedometer unit itself.
My cable broke near the bottom (wheel) end, but still turned a little when I disconnected the upper end from the speedometer and rode the bike. I brazed the cable back together but the repair only lasted about 50 miles, so I sprung for a new cable.
02-10-2009, 12:52 AM
Okay Ill definitely take the whole cable out and check the bottom, thanks! How will I know if its broken? Also, when buying a replacement cable, will any analogue speedo cable work or do I need the specific gz250 one?
02-10-2009, 07:10 AM
Be very sure to get BOTH ends out if broken. As I recall, the hub end is a flat like a screwdriver. When my Intruder shit it's speedo, it mangled the cable as well. It actually snapped off the flat, and when I uninstalled it, I didn't know that the majority of the flat piece was still stuck in the hub drive, so....the new cable WOULD NOT go in. After fighting that MF'er for a couple of beers, I discovered the remaining piece in the hub. (Magnet got it, whew!!) Also, all speedo cables are slightly chamfered or radiused on the speedo end to ease insertion (as are other things in life), but all four facets should be sharp and square. I clean and lube mine (?) lightly with good old fashioned bearing grease yearly.
But before you buy anything, check the the hub gear and make sure it's not stripped. You can put a flat blade screwdriver in it and GENTLY try and turn it. It should only move a little and NOT turn freely. Speedo Drive ( It's item #7
Trust me, more than likely it's just a speedo. And if so, spend the $20 for the new cable. And yes, the speedo cable is model specific & proprietary, so the Suzi boys will get their cut, but I've found used speedos around my area for $25 ~ $30. Just bite the big weenie and spend what you need to to get 'er fixed. Trying to repair a speedo will only get you a ticket, 'cause they never will work the same again.
Google search "Used Suzuki Motorcycle parts", there is a herd of places for used parts.
Easy Rider
02-10-2009, 10:34 AM
Google search "Used Suzuki Motorcycle parts", there is a herd of places for used parts.
Good advice, all of that.
Let me add: Don't panic. Some people ride for YEARS without a working speedo.
After you determine for sure what the problem IS, save your pennies and don't do something tell a Cop that it is broken !! :biggrin:
02-11-2009, 02:13 PM
"pull the inner cable out of the outer sleeve from the bottom."
Okay so I disconnected the entire cable, relubed it, but how do I remove the outer sleeve for the bottom half? Im apprehensive to force anything since I dont want to break it. Also, once disconnected if its broken am I looking for a split in the cable, a crack? Any advice would be well appreciated =)
Thanks for all your help so far everybody, it's always welcoming to join such friendly communities.
02-11-2009, 03:43 PM
Bro; the cable sleeve should unscrew from the hub (lefty loosy, tighty righty). Here is a microfiche you can zoom on: Speedo Details (
What bottom "half" are you referring to?? There should be only two pieces. The cable and the sleeve.
02-11-2009, 06:05 PM
Alex, can you post a picture of what you're talking about?
02-11-2009, 06:52 PM
Sure, sorry to be confusing. Okay so here is my disconnected stock cable anda close up on both ends, as far as I can tell it seems functional, so Im guessing it's the speedo....? :??: ( ( ( (
02-11-2009, 08:11 PM
I don't know crap about your speedo, but when you need to get a closeup of something see if there is a little "flower" button you can push - it'll tell the camera to try and autofocus on the closest object. Also, unless you have a really nice (expensive) camera, more than likely you don't want to get closer than about 7-9 inches or it won't be able to focus that close. Finally, more light = greater depth of field (or range of in focus stuff). For this kind of technical stuff, a trouble light or a bright lamp is preferable to a flash which tends to distort everything.
I'm guessing your question is, how do I get at the cable from the side it is not hanging out of already?
02-12-2009, 01:07 AM
Yea that is my question actually, well said haha
Sorry about the pics, all I have is my cellphone cam but I can take more of a certain area if it would help.
02-18-2009, 08:06 PM
ack, anybody still down to help me before I just buy a new speedo haha
02-19-2009, 12:41 AM
Sorry man. I can critique your pictures but I don't anything about MC speedos.
mr. softie
02-19-2009, 02:42 AM
Your speedo cable looks way different than mine. Totally different on the end with the "lug" thingy. Mine has no "lug" thingy. Make friends with the parts guy at your Suzuki dealer and show it to him-maybe compare it with a new one? Looks funky to me.
Can you take the cable off the wheel and turn the wheel end with a drill motor to see if that makes the speedo work? Like the used car guys do to reset mileage.
I might try messing with the speedo-like take it apart-to see if I could "fix" it, were I having the same trouble. Then after I broke it I could get a new one with a clear conscience. But first I would exhaust all other possibilities.
02-24-2009, 02:32 PM
Yea actually I noticed my cable does look a bit different from the stock ones...hmm maybe that has something to do with it? (Bought the bike used)
Okay Ill definitely try the drill trick if I can get my hands on a drill, what kind/size bit should I use to fit with the cable? Im tempted at this point just to try buying another cable or just take apart the entire speedo. Have any of you tried taking the actual speedo apart? Thanks again!
mr. softie
02-24-2009, 02:45 PM
No bit required for that trick, chuck the end of the cable in the drill. Just an idea. Here are a couple of pics of cables. The first is with the drive attached. The second is just the cable. Both are on ebay now for cheap. see
and ohosting
I got a brand new cable from the dealer for $25. You really want to avoid buying or digging into the speedometer if possible...they are expensive. Try the cable first. Trouble shooting is like if the computer won't turn on you check to see if it is plugged in first, and that the power cable is good, before you try other things. ( (
Hope this helps, good luck.
02-25-2009, 07:22 PM
well I tried simply spinning the cable end rapidly with a flat headed screwdriver since I dont have a drill at the moment and the speedometer definitely registered the spinning. Damn now Im really stumped, is it possible there is something wrong/loose with my drive on the front wheel?
Easy Rider
02-25-2009, 10:25 PM
is it possible there is something wrong/loose with my drive on the front wheel?
Based on the fact that, when removed, yours looks WAY different than a "good" one.......I'd say that is a definite possibility. Maybe not the part ON the wheel but the part on the end of the cable that then attaches to the part on the wheel.
Did that make sense? :retard:
02-25-2009, 11:34 PM
Yea I think so, is there a way to test that part? When I try rolling the bike my equivalent of the silver part in the picture below (mine's black, I think its aftermarket) rotates slightly along with the wheel. Is that part supposed to be tight/attached/immobile? Ack maybe Ill just bite the bullet and buy a new cable and drive combo...
On another note I upgraded to h4 headlights today on recommendation from the "best mods" thread. Good call guys! (
mr. softie
02-26-2009, 12:20 AM
The speedo drive part has to mate with the wheel. There are two lugs that mate with corresponding recesses in the wheel. Its easy to miss align these on assembly. The outer part of it does rotate a bit if the cable is not attached, I seem to remember. Grease the drive. See page 121 of the service manual.
02-26-2009, 10:35 AM
Okay looking back at an earlier member's issue with the speedo gearbox, would it be possible that it is loose/not aligned properly and to still get a "little" power through the cable? I can tell the odometer is picking up some movement and I see the cable twist when not plugged into the speedo, but it seems to be going too slow to register any speed, explaining why my odometer is soooo slow "only reads .5 for every 3 miles driven"
Easy Rider
02-26-2009, 05:21 PM
Ill just bite the bullet and buy a new cable and drive combo...
On another note I upgraded to h4 headlights today
I think that is a good call, or at least at 1/4 or less of the price of a new speedo, a good gamble.
I thought the stock bulbs on the GZ are H4's. Not so ??
02-26-2009, 09:15 PM
Ack, I just bought which ever was the brighter one haha.
Okay btw everybody, thanks for all your help through your advice I've definitely narrowed the problem down to the speedo drive. I know the speedo works and the cable is fine, so basically either the drive isnt attached properly or just isn't working. Is there any tutorial on either how to test/check my drive or how to take it off/replace it? What are the odds it's loose? Thanks again for getting me this far!
02-26-2009, 09:36 PM
Check the service manual.
02-27-2009, 09:40 AM
I thought the stock bulbs on the GZ are H4's. Not so ??[/quote]
I agree. My owner's handbook says 60w/55w (H4)......That's a halogen, is it not?
Yes, the bulbs are H4's.
I replaced mine last week.
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