View Full Version : Head light.

02-07-2009, 10:07 PM
So if my bright light is working but my regular light isn't. Does that mean my regular light just burnt out?

Easy Rider
02-07-2009, 11:08 PM
So if my bright light is working but my regular light isn't. Does that mean my regular light just burnt out?

Probably. You won't know until you try a new bulb.
Do NOT touch the new bulb with your bare fingers; the oil in your skin may cause it to fail prematurely.

P.S. Low beam/High beam :biggrin:

02-08-2009, 12:09 AM
When I looked it up on bike bandit there is only one light. One light for low and high beams? Only half of it burnt out?

mr. softie
02-08-2009, 02:00 AM
That would be correct Dan, one bulb, incorporating one element each for high and low beam. The low beam burns out first as it is on more.

I should really carry a spare, as I do a lot of riding after dark.

02-08-2009, 05:01 AM
Badbob carries a spare headlight bulb, and encourages others to do so too. AMOF, given the opportunity, he'd encourage others just to carry along another working bike, you know, just in case. :redflip:

Yes, the headlight bulb is just a single unit. You can get them at Autozone or any auto parts store or cycle shop. If you want brighter, go for the Silverstar and add a modulator to it.

The modulator could get you pulled over though...some LEOs just don't understand.