View Full Version : torque wrench

02-02-2009, 06:37 PM
For those of you that use these for working on the GZ,, which is more useful - the 3/8", 0-80lbs, or 1/2", 0-150lbs. torque? It would seem to me to be the former, the other, more for larger stuff, like automotive use. How often do you use it, instead of, "that seems tight enough"?
The local Harbor Freight always has sales, and these things (the click variety) are selling for $15-$20, and I wonder if the investment is worth it and how often it's used for routine maintenance.

02-03-2009, 02:05 AM
I got my 3/8" at an autoparts store for a little under $10. It works fine. I use it on the bike any time I'm working with something that would be really detrimental if it came off (ie: axle bolts). This means at least every 2-3k miles for chain adjustments if needed, and when I swap out the front sprocket, which has been more often than I ever thought.