View Full Version : 07 Liner

Water Warrior 2
01-24-2009, 08:21 PM
Hey Alan. Got your ears up ? Went to the bike show yesterday and they had a 07 Liner there. Had a test sit. Wow, big bike for sure. Not my first choice but still one very nice bike for the rider who is after a big V-twin. Also looked at the new for 2009 Yamaha 950 V-twin. A really sweet looking bike from any angle. Nice features and a belt drive too.

01-24-2009, 10:38 PM
Ears are up. Was it for sale? (was it new?) How many 'loonies?

Water Warrior 2
01-24-2009, 11:59 PM
Yup it was brand spanking new and for sale. Didn't really notice a price tag but I am sure it was more than my allowance would allow. However there was an area where there was some new non current models(05-08) that were repos from folded bike shops at some pretty nice prices. Mostly Kawasakis, half of them being sport bikes and cruisers making up most of the remainder.
Got a really neat demonstration at the Victory sales area. Their flagship bike was designed to be dropped without any damage occuring to the bike. The rep leaned the bike over and let go of it. It will fall over and has front and rear bars that don't look like bars to stop it's fall and allow one person to lift it back up. A really neat design that is not apparent unless pointed out. These bars run horizontally not vertically and are part of the overall design. Check it out for the fun of it sometime, you will be amazed at this clever idea.

01-25-2009, 12:23 AM
I looked at Victories a little when I had the bug. Felt like they were priced for the "Hey, look how much money I've got!" crowd, but I really don't know if that's the case (didn't try to seriously buy one and I was originally looking to spend about 6-7K used until I ran into the '07 Strat.) I think when I looked their new bikes started at about 16K and they didn't have that many dealers in the area. They do have a pretty cool "look" about them though.

Given the general fear (and overextendedness) of the US consumer I expect that those of you that have saved your pennies and waited for the right time will be able to pick up your dream bikes for a lot less in the next six months or so.

I don't know a lot about motorcycles, but I am a business guy and I try to keep up with the business news. Based on the stuff I've read over the last few weeks, H-D's Financing arm is in the same deep shit as the US mortgage business and a significant fraction of their portfolio is under water. They guy that was running it (the financing) hightailed it a few months ago, and I think the head of the whole thing is also in the process of calling it quits. Add their crappy 4Q sales volume (and likely dealer desperation discounting to move product) and you have the motorcycle version of the housing crisis. They'll probably try to hold out for a few months (who knows, if they supported BHO in the election maybe they'll get a taste of the TARP funds) but after that, it's gonna be a buyer's market. Popular models on the showroom floors will still probably command list, but repos will be available sans dealer setup, transpo and probably 10-20% off list.

Not sure if that will translate to other (metric) makes, but when I was shopping for the Strat, the two dealers I visited were ghost towns.

Happy hunting!

music man
01-25-2009, 09:55 AM
Felt like they were priced for the "Hey, look how much money I've got, crowd"!

Aren't you a part of that crowd? :bow: They probably are gonna pull your membership card for your derogatory comments here today. :lol: :lol: :poke2:

01-25-2009, 01:34 PM
Nah, I'm more of the "Look at this big, sweet bike I'm riding" crowd. (I have the money to be part of the other crowd, but I don't believe in wasting it. If you are part of the lookit how much dough I have crowd, you don't buy an '07 and you probably don't buy metric in a motorcycle. Remember, I shopped around, and bought a two year old imitation H-D for about 40% off list. To flash your cash, you buy a brand new, gigantic Harley [okay, maybe a Goldwing,] and dress from head to toe in matching H-D Leathers. Then find a high traffic place to park it and stand next to it. With some pricey shades. At least that's what it said in their brochure...)

01-25-2009, 02:15 PM
[okay, maybe a Goldwing,]

You buy a goldwing when you decide.. ya know i don't care if everyone knows that i'm a dork. This seat is comfy as hell!

music man
01-25-2009, 02:49 PM
Nah, I'm more of the "Look at this big, sweet bike I'm riding" crowd. (I have the money to be part of the other crowd, but I don't believe in wasting it. If you are part of the lookit how much dough I have crowd, you don't buy an '07 and you probably don't buy metric in a motorcycle. Remember, I shopped around, and bought a two year old imitation H-D for about 40% off list. To flash your cash, you buy a brand new, gigantic Harley [okay, maybe a Goldwing,] and dress from head to toe in matching H-D Leathers. Then find a high traffic place to park it and stand next to it. With some pricey shades. At least that's what it said in their brochure...)

I was just pickin' at you Alan, And by the way those Victory Motorcycles are supposed to be very nice bikes, but they are definitely WAY OVER-PRICED.

01-26-2009, 12:08 PM
[okay, maybe a Goldwing,]

You buy a goldwing when you decide.. ya know i don't care if everyone knows that i'm a dork. This seat is comfy as hell!

:crackup :haha:


01-28-2009, 04:42 PM
I'm gonna vomit. I've said it before, It's not WHAT you ride, it IS the ride. That being said, I love my Harley and my GZ too.

No dress up for me, that's for rich boy posers (read Alan).


01-28-2009, 05:17 PM
No dress up for me, that's for rich boy posers (read Alan).

Were you referring to my comment on H-D wear? (I got some H-D socks from one of my colleagues for christmas! Kind of like regular socks, but they say Harley Davidson on the tops....)

Or some other snide remark I missed. (Sarris, I'm hurt! I've modelled my "stable" after yours! Well except for the H-D part of it. And the fairing. And the radio. And the helmet. But, other than that, we're like BROTHERS! [Oops, wrong word. My bad. Cousins!])

Also, not to get too defensive, but Poser-Boy has logged over 3500 miles on (now) two bikes, in six months. I am willing to bet I have done more riding on a per annum basis than some "real" bikers.

Oh, I also got my wife some H-D boots for our anniversary. (They were on sale, $59!)

01-28-2009, 05:29 PM

music man
01-28-2009, 05:37 PM
Also, not to get too defensive, but Poser-Boy has logged over 3500 miles on (now) two bikes, in six months. I am willing to bet I have done more riding on a per annum basis than some "real" bikers.

I don't know about anyone else but just the fact that every time you have rode for a while now you have been braving an Freeway of some sort anywhere in California on a GZ250 eliminates your "Poser" status in my book, Makes you crazy as hell, and sometimes (like riding in the fog at night, after drinking) a little overconfident, but definitely not a poser.

P.S. Patrick, that is one PISSED OFF cat.

Water Warrior 2
01-28-2009, 06:03 PM
Also, not to get too defensive, but Poser-Boy has logged over 3500 miles on (now) two bikes, in six months. I am willing to bet I have done more riding on a per annum basis than some "real" bikers.

I don't know about anyone else but just the fact that every time you have rode for a while now you have been braving an Freeway of some sort anywhere in California on a GZ250 eliminates your "Poser" status in my book, Makes you crazy as hell, and sometimes (like riding in the fog at night, after drinking) a little overconfident, but definitely not a poser.

P.S. Patrick, that is one PISSED OFF cat.

I read somewhere that the average rider only rides 2000 miles a year. Alan is well ahead of the curve, and maybe a little nuts too but not a poser in the usual sense of the word.

01-29-2009, 04:23 PM


01-29-2009, 05:23 PM
Hey Sarris,

How many miles do you get to the tank on your H-D? And what's the most miles you've logged on it in one day?

01-29-2009, 06:06 PM
I'm gonna vomit. I've said it before, It's not WHAT you ride, it IS the ride. That being said, I love my Harley and my GZ too.

No dress up for me, that's for rich boy posers (read Alan).


That was more of a 'you know you're getting old when .... ' comment i posted up there.

01-30-2009, 08:52 AM
Alan, I can go about 175 miles or so before the idiot light goes on, but I've got a regular gas guage and I just get it whenever.

When I was younger, I rode as many as 600 miles or more in a day. Anymore, I take it easy and do 300 a day. or less.

For me personally, I start to lose focus after about 5 or 6 hours in the saddle. Lack of concentration = dead. Alan, just be sure to keep in mind that there is now a helluva lot more mass in motion and a 35 mph impact with a 300 lb GeeZer is gonna be a shit load less violent than one on your 750 lb Strat or my HD. The braking thing on a big bike is also waaaaaay diff than the GeeZee. A bikes is a bike is a bike. Speed is a constant. Mass is the variable.

BTW, just a friendly jab (poser). If you ever get to Tampa Bay, let me know and I'll take for a ride on my turf.


01-30-2009, 12:08 PM
I think you get better gas mileage or hae a bigger tank. One thing I don't like about the strat is I get to "empty" at about 120. I think I still have another 30-40 miles of gas, but I don't want to be pushing the thing if i am wrong.

01-30-2009, 01:08 PM
The only way to know for sure is get a good fillup and run her dry. I do it with every bike after it's broken in, so I'll know for sure. I just carry a quart of gas in a BBQ starter fluid bottle around AFTER she hits reserve.

My HD gas gauge is wanky anyway (my '06 has the 5 gal tank). Every bagger owner knows that Harley half (on the gauge) is 3 gallons with 2 gallons in the second half, and it hits the reserve light with about a gallon left, so... I got 46 miles out of mine on my run-dry ride (musta been old farting it that day), but I now am averaging about 45+/- mpg. Depends on all the usual shit.

You'll probably notice a fairly substantial increase in both power (real??) and gas mileage (for sure real) after it breaks in fully.


01-30-2009, 02:50 PM
Thanks for the gas tip. Hadn't thought of that. My tank is 4.5 gals. Has a low fuel light but I haven't seen it come on yet.