View Full Version : Air Filter Check and Water Drain Plug >> found Engine Oil

01-20-2009, 02:11 AM
Hello, GZ Masters.
I have a question about Air Filter Water Draining.
Last weekend, as general learning purpose, I had checked Air Filter.
Service Manual says that un-plug water drain plug and remove water from it.
I did, strangely, and found Engine Oil instead of water from it.
Not much, just couple of tea spoon amount...
However, air filter was in greate shape and clean, no dust at all.
Is this a normal ?
Or, do I need to check some where else places if I got engine oil instead of water out from the hose?
Or, am I missing something else, like air filter type ???

Thanks in advance for the tips...

01-20-2009, 03:23 AM
Perfectly normal.

Oil splashes up into the airbox all the time, usually as a fine spray. It collects there and it is good design that it's able to be drained easily.

01-20-2009, 09:11 AM

Easy Rider
01-20-2009, 10:32 AM
Is this a normal ?

Well it's not AB-normal......for someone who does a good bit of hard riding.

It gets there because of "positive crankcase ventilation", where the oil fumes vent to the air box instead of to the outside air. They are supposed to be pulled into the intake and burned but under some conditions the fumes condense inside the air box instead.

Nothing to worry about, for now at least. Keep an eye on it. Wouldn't hurt to remove the air cleaner and wipe out the inside of the air box with a rag.

01-20-2009, 12:13 PM
Getting that air box out is easier said than done. I ghuess you could squeeze your hand through the filter opening, but that's only if you have little hands.

Just check it every couple of months and make sure that your air filter is clean.

Once enough oil accumulates in the bottom, it can be drained. There is a hose connected to the bottom of the air box for just that purpose.

Easy Rider
01-20-2009, 02:13 PM
There is a hose connected to the bottom of the air box for just that purpose.

Another thread ....hosed. Right back where it started !! :roll: :crackup

(Yes I have relativley small hands but you could always find a 10 year old to help.)

01-20-2009, 02:16 PM
(Yes I have relativley small hands but you could always find a 10 year old to help.)

There are always other body parts.

:puke: :jawdrop:

01-20-2009, 05:28 PM
....that * might not* fit either....

01-20-2009, 11:02 PM
Thanks everybody, Masters.
I was little worried about it, but now all worries are gone.
It's getting more fun with GZ....
I hope that I could do some more detailed maintnences with GZ.
It might give me not only fun but also some saving on maintnence cost too.
Thanks again.