View Full Version : Riding two up...

01-19-2009, 01:38 AM
Not sure if this is a "Lesson Well learned" or a "beginner" or, possibly just Off topic Chit Chat, but...

...did my first "two up" trip today. Wasn't on the GZ, so I suppose it's not that relevant, but it was a milestone for me anyway. When my wife dropped me off to pick up the GZ from the 3000 mile service on Saturday we popped into the parts department and picked up a helmet and jacket. Tried 'em out today, few trips around the block. Tomorrow is her birthday, and after we make out our "Do Not Resucitate's" we're going to venture out to Cook's Corner. She wasn't too scared on the back, but she mentioned it wasn't really all that much comfortable or fun. Told her to take the MSF course and she can ride the GZ.

Water Warrior 2
01-19-2009, 02:27 AM
Alan, this was your plan all along wasn't it. lol.

01-20-2009, 12:42 AM
Alan, this was your plan all along wasn't it. lol.
I got same feeling... after reading Mr. Alan's post. :)

01-20-2009, 01:22 AM
We did a run down to Cook's this morning. Little beyond actually, had to get gas, dontcha know. Three stops altogether, Cook's, Mobil (under seven bucks) and Starbucks (about seven bucks.) No "incidents", smooth sailing all the way. I did notice the 1854 cc's working a tad harder, but, I never took the RPM's over 3K and we did sixty even all the way through the turns on the way back.

Next up, Palm Springs or Santa Barbara, assuming we can make the seat more comfortable. Maybe in a few months I can get her at the controls of the GZ.

Water Warrior 2
01-20-2009, 03:26 PM
We did a run down to Cook's this morning. Little beyond actually, had to get gas, dontcha know. Three stops altogether, Cook's, Mobil (under seven bucks) and Starbucks (about seven bucks.) No "incidents", smooth sailing all the way. I did notice the 1854 cc's working a tad harder, but, I never took the RPM's over 3K and we did sixty even all the way through the turns on the way back.

Next up, Palm Springs or Santa Barbara, assuming we can make the seat more comfortable. Maybe in a few months I can get her at the controls of the GZ.

"Working a tad harder". Not much I am sure. A little extra load will probably make that big V-twin wake up from it's slumber and work even better. As for the Lady in your life, wait till she is comfy riding with you and then gets bored enough to fall asleep. Eventually she will start to look at the GZ as a means to stay awake. Riding lessons are sure to follow.

01-20-2009, 03:58 PM
To be honest, I'm not in any hurry. If she ends up having no interest in it whatsoever, that'll be fine with me. I don't mind having her on the back, but I also enjoy riding by myself. I figured, "get the helmet and the jacket, at least" so if she WAS interested in riding, we'd be ready to go. I have a younger daughter that the jacket and helmet will probably fit, and an older one, that I know is interested in riding the GZ (the older one is 25, is still pursuing her education, and currently does not have private medical insurance, so I have not allowed her to try it. But once she has her financial and insurance affairs in order, I'll be happy to help her get started. One of the reasons I kept the GZ. A great bike to learn on.)

BTW, I rode the GZ in to work today. I'm hoping I can have the discipline to ride the smaller bike when it is more appropriate for the job. It's funny - just a week ago, this was my Big Badass Motorcycle. Now when I get on it, I feel like I should have a rubber nose, white makeup and, perhaps, big floppy shoes. I can't wait until Lynda gets her M50. She is going to LOVE IT!!! And I will bet you she never rides the GZ again.

01-20-2009, 04:47 PM
It's funny - just a week ago, this was my Big Badass Motorcycle. Now when I get on it, I feel like I should have a rubber nose, white makeup and, perhaps, big floppy shoes.

Hey now!

01-20-2009, 06:19 PM
Moedad - did you pick up your "new to you" bike yet? Any bites on the GZ?

01-20-2009, 06:32 PM
Moedad - did you pick up your "new to you" bike yet? Any bites on the GZ?

I probably won't pick it up until Saturday morning. Guys doesn't get back until Thursday night. Might be able to get it Friday afternoon, but Saturday morning is a more likely bet.

No bites on the GZ yet. Bad time of year to sell a used bike for a decent price. I priced it a little higher than I paid just to see what response I'd get (plus it has the windshield and recently serviced thing going for it too). I'm in no hurry to sell it. I may reduce the price by a hundred or two, but I can wait until spring if that's what it takes.

01-20-2009, 06:38 PM
I feel like I should have a rubber nose, white makeup and, perhaps, big floppy shoes

Did you just call all of us clowns?

01-20-2009, 08:45 PM
I'm not saying... I'm just sayin'.

Seriously, just spitballing about how the frame of reference works in reverse too. After you ride around on the big ones, it's an adjustment climbing back on the small ones, too.

Gotta go, me and 27 other guys have to climb out of this tiny little car.

Water Warrior 2
01-21-2009, 12:38 PM
Alan you do have a way with words. Very entertaining. As for Lynda riding the GZ, she will be selling it to make room for the "M". No point in having 2 bikes and trying to squeeze them all into a little pie shaped corner of the underground parking area. We already have another rider's bike gathering dust and taking space. Damn shame if you ask me. It is a 2003 Honda Spirit(nicely equiped) and it hasn't moved in almost a year. Pretty sure the battery is toast by now.
We hope to get a couple rides in with the GZ to tune up the reflexes and muscle memory before Lynda tackles the "M" on the streets. Lately Lynda has been on her laptop searching for goodies that "I" get to install with my wealth of knowledge and never ending patience. Ya sure, just as long as my main tool is a hammer.

01-21-2009, 12:49 PM
I felt a little guilty and spent some quality time with Suzy last night. First, I removed the black, encrusted burn off the tailpipe where my Tour Master Calibers went to their doom. (BTW, is #0 steel wool different from #000? Methinks, yes!)

Then we went out on a little date: First stop, Pep Boys, where I picked up an '08 Seafoam which we snacked on with some 89 octane next to the pumps over at Chez Mobil. Then it was around the neighborhood for a little after dinner carb cleansing followed by a sensuous chrome polishing.... well, you know what I mean. Even looked on the interent for a trunk to put on the rear fender, but didn't see anything that really grabbed me.

I predict Lynda will love the M50. Let me know how it goes.

01-21-2009, 01:24 PM
Sounds to me you're feeling a little guilty about cheating on the GZ, having an affair with the new Strat, and that you're getting ready to dump her with a For Sale sign if your wife doesn't want to ride it. Or your daughter doesn't steal it. If you keep it, I guess you can have a mistress and a wife but it gets a little complicated.

01-21-2009, 01:37 PM
Fortunately for Suzy, I am probably too lazy to sell her. Ironically, now that I have two bikes to ride, I can mess around with them more freely. I have similar garage issues to WW, but I'm going to see if I can evolve into a two bike guy like Sarris.

01-21-2009, 02:13 PM
Way to go! :2tup:

Easy Rider
01-21-2009, 04:27 PM
I predict Lynda will love the M50. Let me know how it goes.

Well, I predicted that YOU would be happy with an M too........and you see how THAT turned out !! :roll:

But then you ARE somewhat more unpredictable than most. :biggrin:

01-21-2009, 05:01 PM
I keep seeing people talking about "seafoam". Not being American, I'd never heard of the stuff. In over 40 years of riding & driving cars, bikes, & buses, I'd never used any additives, However . . . . . seeing the posts about cleaning the carb., I was looking on the supermarket aisle that had all the auto stuff (unfortunately there's no auto spares shops over here) & came across a petrol additive. Reading the blurb, it said that it was good for cleaning the carb., plug, valve seats etc. It sounded like the original snake medicine, but I thought "what the hell!, Im only 4.50 euros down if it doesn't work!" I put 75ml in the tank, & a couple of hours later started the bike, & went on a 10km run. WOW! what a difference. Different bike. Quieter, smoother, less jerkey. I'm gonna put it in the tank every 4000km, like it says. It also says that with a new engine, you should put it in the first 3 tankfuls, so, If my experiences are anything to go by, it might be worth bearing that in mind for anyone buying a new bike.
I'm no mechanic, but I reckon to know my way around engines, but, as the saying goes, "you learn something new every day"

01-21-2009, 05:44 PM
Alantf - What's the name of your petrol additive? Maybe we could look for that over here if you think it's so good.

01-21-2009, 06:01 PM

I noticed mine ran a little differently with the juice in it as well. It was like it was a smoother, but maybe with a little less oomph. Hard to describe articulately. I rode the big one today as I hope to show it off to a girl before it starts raining, but, once the weather clears, I should get some more seat time n the GZ with the Seafoam.

Why don't they just put that stuff in the gasoline?

Easy Rider
01-21-2009, 07:53 PM
Why don't they just put that stuff in the gasoline?

To some degree, they DO. That's why you don't need to add extra cleaner but a couple of times a year......if that often.

01-22-2009, 06:28 AM
There were 3 different brands on the shelf. The one I got was the store's own brand, but one of the other was "Wynn's". I think that this is an international brand, & it looked like the same stuff. I did a 20km ride this morning, & I'm still impressed by the difference in (especially) the smoothness of the engine. One of the main things I noticed was that before, when going round traffic islands at slow speed, the bike was jerky. Now it seems extra smooth.