View Full Version : Bobber
A while back I read a post about someone wanting to turn their GZ into a bobber.. Well I was screwing around on Ebay and found this GZ Bobber for sale.. Its pretty cool looking.
That seat could be an improvement vs stock... :tongue:
music man
01-18-2009, 10:30 PM
That seat IS stock, the stock back seat, i looked at that a few days ago, looks like some bike they drug off the scrap heap.
01-18-2009, 11:36 PM
If you look at all the pictures on that auction, there's barely any piece of that bike that isn't rusted out in some place or another. The stock pillion would definitely not make the bike any more comfortable.
Water Warrior 2
01-19-2009, 02:34 AM
Obviously a dry weather bike. You would need a wet suit to ride in the rain.
01-19-2009, 03:44 AM
I think this is a good litmus test (or maybe Rorschach?) for...
"You might be a modder if.... that bobber looks 'cool' to you."
I've done the windshield thing, and I could probably see my way to removing the pillion, and perhap adding some bags and an afermarket seat, but I prefer the out of the box look to this one. They had a flat black painted "Midnight" Strat when I was looking, but I just felt that the shiny chrome, was so nice and, well... shiny.
The flat black paint looks like a lot of "restoration" projects you see on the freeway, sporting the forever grey primer, missing bumpers and trim look. If it was a rescue from the junkyard, I suppose it is a plus that it is back in action at all.
Re the half fender on the back: "road" bicycles don't have fenders either and, if you're riding in the rain, you pretty much have some kind of rain gear on anyway.
Are those "knobby" tires or do they just look that way?
I think its pretty cool.
The only thing i don't like is the back end. The only way a shortened fender looks good is when you lower the rear to the tire. That and i'd change the seat for something more custom that would go up the fender just a bit to keep your butt in place.
I really like what they did with the exhaust though.
Love it when people go 'out of the norm'.
01-19-2009, 11:33 AM
eBay auction ( Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a1Q7c2 93Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZ item190279873840QQitemZ190279873840QQptZUSQ5fmotor cycles)
01-19-2009, 11:54 AM
Like said already, lots of rust on the frame, and on the chain. Maybe the whole thing was rusted before the paint job to hide it all. Poor prep. Any maintenance done on this bike?
Doesn't wrapping the exhaust lessen the heat dissipation and make it run hotter? Was this done to hide more rust?
And only 2500 miles 'till someone did this?
Doesn't look bad though except for needing a new seat, that flat pillion can't really be too comfortable and keep you from sliding around.
Could be OK for the price so far if it runs well, but watch out for what the front tire kicks up in the front of the bike.
01-19-2009, 12:14 PM
Instead of putting clubmans or sportbike bars on, it looks like they just pushed the bars forward.
I like the look of a good bobber, but past just a cursory glance, this really looks like a total POS.
music man
01-19-2009, 01:41 PM
Look at the current bid on this POS, who in gods name would even consider giving a grand for that thing, that is just retarded. :retard: :facepalm:
Geez guys, lighten up... Some people like that look, me being one of them!
I wonder how it sounds. The exhaust looks pretty free-flowing; also, I wonder if he did any carb adjustments???
Definitely a viable, cool alternative to the cruiser look
Look at the current bid on this POS, who in gods name would even consider giving a grand for that thing, that is just retarded. :retard: :facepalm:
Whoever they are, hope they dont come here and read that comment :poke2:
We ARE #2 on google search for GZ250 / GZ 250 and #7 for suzuki gz 250 search. If you own one and search google, you'll find us and our threads. Keep that in mind. Someone DID buy it after all.
Like said already, lots of rust on the frame, and on the chain. Maybe the whole thing was rusted before the paint job to hide it all. Poor prep. Any maintenance done on this bike?
Doesn't wrapping the exhaust lessen the heat dissipation and make it run hotter? Was this done to hide more rust?
And only 2500 miles 'till someone did this?
Doesn't look bad though except for needing a new seat, that flat pillion can't really be too comfortable and keep you from sliding around.
Could be OK for the price so far if it runs well, but watch out for what the front tire kicks up in the front of the bike.
I've never heard that wrapping an exhaust would make the bike run hotter. I know those who run custom pipes tend to wrap them because they can't get custom heat shields. Wrapping lessens the outside pipe temp so you dont put a hole in your pants.
2500 miles ..... i de-virginized my bike at 2200. Actually the previous owner de-virginized the exhaust and intake at 250 miles.
Rust on the chain and some rusted scratches .... replace the chain and sand down the scratches ... whip out the BBQ paint and its good as new :) Not bad at all for under a grand, if thats the direction you want to take a bike.
Easy Rider
01-19-2009, 06:27 PM
Wrapping lessens the outside pipe temp so you dont put a hole in your pants.
OK, so I know what you mean but.......wrapping an exhaust pipe makes the actual PIPE temp. go up....WAY up, to the point of actual pipe damage for some kinds of (cheap) pipes. It pushes the heat back to the un-wrapped portion of the pipe; thus you can burn the CRAP out of yourself....or your pants way back at the back where it would normally not be nearly that hot.
It does, of course, insulate you from the heat wherever the wrap is actually located.
03-22-2009, 10:46 AM
sorry to interrupt here, but i think this bike looks cool( the bars could do with adjusting to a more suitable position tho)
if you wrap the exhaust you do indeed raise the exhaust temps, but in doing so you also make it easier to remove the exhaust gasses ( as hot air is essentially "thinner" than cooler air) therefore making it run slightly smoother, and possibly quicker.
Easy Rider
03-22-2009, 10:54 AM
if you wrap the exhaust you do indeed raise the exhaust temps, but in doing so you also make it easier to remove the exhaust gasses ( as hot air is essentially "thinner" than cooler air) therefore making it run slightly smoother, and possibly quicker.
Sure, chime right in.
This is an old, stale arguement, for a stock production bike, because the impact on an exhaust system that is not professionally engineered and tuned is insignificant (unless you just happen to get lucky). A stock engine needs a little back pressure to keep the gasses moving right.
An engine is generally tuned as a package. Intake, valves, ports, mixture and exhaust. Changing just one of those things usually results in less power, not more. :cool:
04-14-2009, 12:38 AM
Thats not much of a bobber at all. basically they painted it, poorly chopped the rear fender and took off the front fender,
do a google or yahoo image search for bobbers and you will no longer think that thing is cool.. a bobber done right would be my dream bike..
09-01-2010, 02:59 AM
this is my gz 250 bobber
09-01-2010, 03:00 AM
so guys what do you think about mine???
09-01-2010, 07:13 AM
Looks good, but not my glass of beer.
09-01-2010, 07:58 AM
so guys what do you think about mine???
Welcome.Nice neat package,like the white walls,And the headlight visor.Ride safe.
:roll: :cool:
09-01-2010, 10:39 AM
Nice looking bobber. Only one comment. Where I come from a right mounted tag means a gay rider.
I don't know or care about your proclivity, but I thought I'd mention it.
:whistle: :neener:
09-01-2010, 01:41 PM
Sarris - out of curiosity - when you say "right mounted tag," are you referring to the license plate?
09-01-2010, 02:02 PM
I like it alot, but the insinuations about the right mounted tag that Sarris mentioned is something I've heard many times too.
And yes, Kev, he's talking about the license plate being mounted to the right side of the bike instead of the left.
09-01-2010, 03:16 PM
I like it alot, but the insinuations about the right mounted tag that Sarris mentioned is something I've heard many times too.
And yes, Kev, he's talking about the license plate being mounted to the right side of the bike instead of the left.
I thought that was the earring thing.
09-01-2010, 04:52 PM
That too!
09-01-2010, 06:38 PM
i like the look, but i am not a fan of hard struts. in my opinion, it's a rigid or it has a swingarm.
i've been contemplating drag broomstick bars for my geezer. after sitting on a couple of ninjas on saturday, i know i can't deal with the drop angle of those sportbike bars though.
never heard of the tag thing, but then i always thought the tag had to be on the left anyway, when not centered.
09-01-2010, 11:11 PM
Sweet back wheel and matt paint job man
music man
09-02-2010, 05:34 PM
Now see, even though I am like others on here and am not a huge fan of bobbers in general, but That one looks pretty good though, at least yours doesn't look like someone found a motorcycle laying in a ditch somewhere, cut some parts off of it, got it to crank and called it a bobber.
09-18-2010, 11:38 AM
where can i get lowering links for my gz like those
09-18-2010, 04:48 PM
where can i get lowering links for my gz like those
Welcome,If I'm not mistaken they are probably home fabricated as a lot of the parts are for bobbers.
:lol: :rawk:
09-19-2010, 07:48 AM
that thing is nice, i think i needs a smaller peanut type gas tank tho lol... well done probably the coolest customized gz250 i have ever seen.
09-20-2010, 11:47 AM
@patrick_777 i saw one of your post "just playin around" where u put lowbars on your gz i was wondering where did you get your mirrors at thanks buddy
09-21-2010, 12:33 AM
You might want to PM patrick. He's been a little distracted with his recent job change and hasn't been monitoring threads lately, but he always responds to PM's...
09-22-2010, 08:24 AM
ok cool thanks man
10-22-2010, 03:45 AM
hey thats my old bike! glad someone else is enjoying it now
those are harley sporster lowering struts found on ebay all day. just had to modify them a bit to make em fit
07-29-2011, 12:44 PM
hey gzrat, where did you buy that seat?
12-03-2011, 06:07 PM
I think you've done an awesome job! I hope to achieve something like that with my GN. I'm keeping my mudguards and indicators though (thats the law in Aus) maybe chopped down and inconspicuous.
12-03-2011, 06:20 PM
BTW does anybody know or have done the engine modification up to 300cc?
12-05-2011, 08:17 AM
BTW does anybody know or have done the engine modification up to 300cc?
If anything like that exists, it will be in your AU (or maybe EU) market. In the states, there is nothing available that would be worth the investment.
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