View Full Version : Pants... again

01-15-2009, 02:03 AM
Okay, so I burnt a hole in my TourMaster Caliber's pushing my stalled GZ through a left turn. Really liked those too. (posted previously.)

Anybody have a similar type pants to recommend that are melt proof? My new bike is quite a bit hotter that the GZ and I don't want to end up with liquid nylon doing a "China Syndrome" to my tibia. Already picked up a nice burn on the back of my hand when I grazed something (air filter?) when futzing with the seat/helmet lockup. Effer is hot!

Anybody ever patched nylon pantses?

01-15-2009, 12:22 PM
Fireman's pants? lol.

There really should be no reason you are burning your pants on a bike. Stop resting your leg on the exhaust!!! Unless i missed something, i dont get why you are worried about burning your pants?

In 3 years i've never burned my leg/pants. Come close a few times standing too close to the pipe while filling up, but even then my jeans and thick boots just let me know it was warmer down there than usual and i just moved my foot away.

Easy Rider
01-15-2009, 12:46 PM
Already picked up a nice burn on the back of my hand when I grazed something (air filter?) when futzing with the seat/helmet lockup. Effer is hot!

You really aren't much of a mechanic, are you ?? :roll:

If your air filter is that hot, the bike has SERIOUS problems !! :biggrin:

01-15-2009, 02:41 PM
Easy, you know I don't know much about the shiny parts. this particular (hot) shiny part was under the front of the seat on the left side, I think sitting between the two giant V cylinders. (The V-twin on the Strat is a 48 deg. I think.)

This is a big air cooled engine and my understanding is, with all of the emission controls, etc. they run hot. I have read of people on certain H-D's (which mine is modelled after, [Road King?]) getting so hot in the summer they had to get off. I also have heard that the newest Raod Kings have a trick feature that shuts off one cylinder when idling to keep the heat down.

If you know anything specific I should check for as far as it bing too hot, let me know.

01-15-2009, 02:44 PM
There really should be no reason you are burning your pants on a bike.

Dupe: I burned it while duck walking it under duress. I am sure I extended my calf way back to get more push leverage (I was stalled in the middle of a double left turn lane with traffic hnking behind me.) I didn't even know I burned the hole until I got to work and took off the pants.

It was my first and only (pants) burn in 3000 miles of riding. Then a week later I burned the back of my hand on the Yamaha effing with the seat. Hopefully I wll be able to learn some other things about the new bike without a few weeks of pain and disfigurement.

Easy Rider
01-15-2009, 03:06 PM
This is a big air cooled engine and my understanding is, with all of the emission controls, etc. they run hot.
If you know anything specific I should check for as far as it bing too hot, let me know.

Yea, well we don't need to go over the advisability of a HUGE air cooled motor again, not now anyway since it is too late! :roll:

I was mostly just picking on you (gasp!) but when you get a chance to read through your owner's manual, it might tell you what that thing is. While the air cleaner cover will get rather hot.....expecially after the bike sits for a minute.......like everything near/above the engine.....I would think that it would NOT get hot enough to burn you.

All this is just my wild imagination, mind you, because I would never go near one of those beasts, much less ride or own one. :whistle:

01-15-2009, 05:23 PM
Anybody ever patched nylon pantses?

No, but you should try sewing.. or getting some chick to sew a black piece of denim around where you burnt them. I've never burnt my jeans.. i don't think they melt..

Water Warrior 2
01-16-2009, 02:37 AM
The learning curve continues. I think a lot of it is just getting used to bike and programming your mind to realize the size in relation to your body and body movements. You still have to bond with the bike the way you did with the GZ and it will feel like part of you. A routine will develope and habits will materialize with practice. Spend some time going for short hops from one Dollar store to the next. Spend 5 minutes snooping and ride to the next and so and so on. On the bike, off the bike and repeat sort of thing. Muscle memory will develope. That may sound silly but I did just that after I got the VStrom. No Dollar stores though, went to a variety of view points and had a smoke, rinse and repeat. Careful of any parts that may be hot and learn to avoid them with muscle memory. Don't ask me how I know. lol.