View Full Version : Beeware..

01-08-2009, 02:25 PM
So I'm cruising one my GZ yesterday and I get to my favorite winding road through this swamp its really nice. Unfortunatly they're logging and cutting most of the trees down. I pass this huge logging truck with half its tires in my lane and almost have a freaking heart attack. Next thing I know theirs this sharp searing pain on my left arm.. UHH i'm going 60mph.... Uhh... uhhh... AHHH!! IT HURTS!!... I stop on the side of the road, put my bike on the stand.. flail my arms like a crazy person and rip my jacket off.. Obviously something bit me. I turn around and there are 3 loggers leaning up against a crane thing laughing at me. I put my jacket on and ride away. LOOK AT THIS BITE!!

Went to the doctor today because the swelling hadn't gone down and I was afraid it might have been a spider theres some toxic ones around here.. but it was a yellow jacket. Apparently they hibernate in hollow trees.. little bastards.

Water Warrior 2
01-08-2009, 11:17 PM
Never used to worry about the odd bug bite until one almost killed me. Yah killed as in dead. Blood poisoning on a grand scale. All I had was a slight itch where I was bitten but it blossomed into a real big ugly. Was off work for 2 weeks but should have stayed off a lot longer to recover my strength. Was in the outpatient dept twice a day for heavy duty IV antibiotics for a week. That little whatever sure pulled the rug out from under me.