View Full Version : Tank Brand motorcycles

music man
12-30-2008, 04:28 PM
The only problem with your theory about this is, and I don't even know what that bike costs, but considering that it is a suzuki GZ frame, basically the same engine, brakes, and everything else, You would probably still come out better off to sell your weak little GZ, and by that TANK bike so you can go 10 miles per hour faster. :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse:

12-30-2008, 05:01 PM
I think we need to start auto-locking threads that even MENTION increasing displacement in the GZ engine.

This is ridiculous.

mr. softie
12-30-2008, 09:39 PM
The People's Motor International Group, Guangzhou Co. and the Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co.and a bunch of other Asian companies are making some nice looking and cheap motorcycles these days. Clone wars.

I agree with the utter futility of trying to hot rod the GZ250 engine. The "Xi 350 Solo" the links point to uses the GN350 motor, which appears to be a generic Asian motor used in a bunch of bikes going under many "brand names" such as national cycle, dazon, Xi, Tank, Tandem, Race, etc etc...

I guess if one possessed a GZ with blown engine, a welder, skills, a sense of adventure, and a GN350 motor one could possibly hack together a "GZ350". But why? When one needed parts for the motor one could search the web for a possible source.

I am perfectly happy with my stock GZ just the way it is. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. As a GZ250 fan I am flattered that they have chosen to imitate my bike! A lot of knock offs though don't hold up like the real thing. The cheap Asian bikes look interesting I admit, and I would like to see and ride one, but I have the feeling my 99 GZ will still be cruising long after a lot of these bikes are rusting away behind some shed, inoperable for one reason or another, and impossible to fix.

http://www.postimage.org/Pq1vlGJA.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq1vlGJA)

http://www.postimage.org/Pq1vni_r.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq1vni_r)

12-31-2008, 01:03 AM
Hey motorhed,

Although I'm generally not a modder, I've been intrigued by your (and other's) quest to stick a more powerful engine on the GZ. I say we sponsor a sort of X-prize contest. I'm not sure what it would take to motivate any of you more adventurous types (any more than you already are) but I was thinking, something like $1000.00 might do it. Of course, we'd have to come up with a non-arguable method of measuring the increased power, and based on the speed debates, that might be impossible, but maybe somebody smarter than me can come up with that. I know that the GPS screens could be easily faked, but I don't think anybody on here would stoop to that. A GPS readout of, say, 90mph, would probably get some attention.

Anyway, I think we can trust Dupo to hold the prize money. I'd be willing to kick in the first $100 if anyone's interested.

Water Warrior 2
12-31-2008, 01:53 AM
Ok, I guess I won't let it go at that. I kind of expected some negativity, but I didn't expect a shit storm.

Ridiculous is it ? The one area that everyone agrees this bike is generally lacking in is power. It's not about going 10 miles an hour faster on the top end. I've owned some fairly fast vehicles in my day, and with the exception of my '78 Honda 750 Super Sport, most of them were cages but I seldom used all the top speed available.

It's about having more power than you need so that you can occasionally tap into it using as much or as little as you want. It's not even about having scary fast acceleration. It's about being able to merge, pass and keep up with the flow of traffic at will....or take a back road for a more leasurely pace if you want.

Tell me how a cylinder and piston swap requires cutting, welding and fabricating.

Ridiculous is the closed mindedness I often find here. A few of you always shut down, ridicule and nay say. It's like some sort of pissing contest. You act like this bike is the perfect balance of style, power, utility...ect. and that if anyone messes with it the earth will be knocked off it's axis or something.

So go ahead and lock 'er down, close off the exchange of information and settle into a comfy little groove. Sooner or later you'll be flaming people for putting stickers on thier fenders and changing the way they mount the mirrors.

Maybe I'll just buy a Virago 250 or *GASP* one of the Chinese clones of it instead. They sound better anyway.


Fear not Fred. I know where you are coming from.
Having that extra power for merging and passing can be a life saver. I don't normally use all the ponies in my VStrom but it is nice to have them if I want them. With an extra 100 CCs (40 %) in the GZ there would be little doubt about it's ability to merge or tackle a long mountain climb with a headwind.

12-31-2008, 06:40 AM
Hi there, can I just stick my two penn'orth in here?
Motorhead fred has just mentioned "chinese clones". I know that these bikes aren't Chinese, but, (I've said it before in another thread) From personal experience, don't touch CHINESE bikes with a bargepole. They buy in the engines from Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha etc. & there's no problem with these - it's just that the rest of the bike was so poorly made that after all the problems I had, the dealer agreed that it was a piece of shite, & got me my money back from the importer. he then sold me the gz, & stopped selling the Lanverrti rubbish.

Just as a passing thought, the Chinese "Lanverrti" 250 is a Virago clone.

music man
12-31-2008, 09:19 AM
First of all I would like to apoligize for feeding into making yet ANOTHER thread about increasing displacement on the GZ grow, but here goes. Motorhed, the main reason that Patrick threatened to start auto-locking threads about this is that there is already a couple of VERY long threads about this EXACT subject.

Secondly, its not the 10mph or quest for more power that we are being "close minded" about, in fact WE are not being close minded, it is people like you that are being close-minded to the advice or opinion that WE HAVE ALREADY GIVEN SEVERAL TIMES. In fact I never said that it was Ridiculous to do anything to your GZ, and neither did Patrick, he was Stating that MULTIPLE THREADS about the same old tired argument is RIDICULOUS, not the idea itself.

Lastly, this is the part I apoligized for earlier, The reason why it is not a good idea for most of us to mess with the displacement on the GZ is, wait are you ready for this, pay attention, MONEY VS. POWER. When you Balance out the Money vs. power gained its just not worth it to take a RUNNING GZ, thats the key part, if it is running and in good shape, then you are wasting money, because you could SELL the GZ, take that money and the hundreds of dollars you were gonna throw at it for a few horsepower and buy you a good solid 6-750cc bike.

That is just about the ONLY problem that I or most of the people on here would have with this, is Money Vs. power gained, and on top of that, I do Sincerely hope that you don't honestly think that you can just slap a Cylinder and Piston on your GZ and presto, you have a 350 that will just fire right up and take you down the road, its just not that Simple. Just about everyone on here has modified their GZ in one way or the other, so I doubt that you have seen very much "Close Mindedness" in regards to that, like you claim. Its just that some of us are willing to accept that we bought a cheap, weak powered motorcycle to have fun on, or for transportation, and some are not willing to accept it. I personally am torn between the fact that I love the GZ, and that I want a bigger bike to travel 2-up on. But right now I am to poor to keep one and get the other, so for now I am stuck with Just the GZ.

P.S. Motorhed, have you noticed that out of every single person that has mentioned wanting to do this to their GZ, NONE and I do mean NONE of those people EVER DID IT! That should tell you what you want to know right there.

Later :rawk:

Easy Rider
12-31-2008, 09:30 AM
Tell me how a cylinder and piston swap requires cutting, welding and fabricating.

Why does this subject upset you so much??

The bottom line is: Without a ready-made "kit" to do the work, doing internal engine modifications to change the displacement and/or compression is not a prudent thing to try to do.
It is just plain stupid.......unless you are a skilled mechanic with access to a machine shop (just incase) and are doing the project for a lark.

So far, in this forum at least, I haven't seen anybody express an interest in doing it that IS a skilled mechanic, etc. Even if the operation was successful, it wouldn't be worth the time and money in the end.

So......bottom line......anybody qualified to DO the work probably wouldn't be asking for advice in a place like this and my advice to those who are NOT qualified will continue to be "It's a bad idea"........because it IS.

Getting your undies all in a bunch over it doesn't really accomplish anything positive.
Chill, dude. :)

12-31-2008, 01:04 PM
The problem is that the reliable, enjoyable, well-designed GZ is almost fast enough for *everything*...

I can't say I wouldn't strive for an extra 100cc's!!

01-01-2009, 12:10 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Since we are in the mood for locking down topics I suggest we add these since no new information can possibly be added to these subjects:

GZ Seat. The GZ already comes with the best, most perfect seat ever devised by mankind. It is stupid and ridicules to try and change it in any way. Please don’t bother us with any of your
Idiotic attempts to modify it. :retard:

Saddle bags (storage). For God’s sake you Bozo….did you search first? Right now there are
Back to back saddle bag topics on the general forum page. And it you weren’t such an imbecile you would see there are probably 20+ storage topics already on this board going back to its beginning. :yawn:

Oil. That subject is so beaten to death the poor dead horse has already turned into oil. :horse:

Exhaust. Oh please. It is a little bike. It should sound like a little bike. Don’t waste my time. :yawn:

Windshield. One word. SEARCH. If after searching you still did not find an answer to your
Question then obviously you don’t need no stupid windshield! :tongue:

Gas mileage. You should get 75 to 80 mpg. Nothing new can be added to this topic. :)

Bigger bike. Get the h*** off this board you scumball! :pissed:

More power. Are you insane you stupid friggin son of…….oh wait….that one has already been decided.

Now that that is out of the way let’s resume our discussion. What shall we talk about? :??: :??: :??:

(I just couldn’t resist) :poked: :poked: :poked:

Easy Rider
01-01-2009, 12:58 PM
Since we are in the mood for locking down topics I suggest we add these since no new information can possibly be added to these subjects:

Yep you're absolutely 100% correct.
Nothing left to discuss.
Might as well shut down the whole forum.
Last one out turn out the lights, please. :shocked:

P.S. What kind of dog is that in your avatar? He looks kinda gay!! :neener:

music man
01-01-2009, 01:38 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Since we are in the mood for locking down topics I suggest we add these since no new information can possibly be added to these subjects:

GZ Seat. The GZ already comes with the best, most perfect seat ever devised by mankind. It is stupid and ridicules to try and change it in any way. Please don’t bother us with any of your
Idiotic attempts to modify it. :retard:

Saddle bags (storage). For God’s sake you Bozo….did you search first? Right now there are
Back to back saddle bag topics on the general forum page. And it you weren’t such an imbecile you would see there are probably 20+ storage topics already on this board going back to its beginning. :yawn:

Oil. That subject is so beaten to death the poor dead horse has already turned into oil. :horse:

Exhaust. Oh please. It is a little bike. It should sound like a little bike. Don’t waste my time. :yawn:

Windshield. One word. SEARCH. If after searching you still did not find an answer to your
Question then obviously you don’t need no stupid windshield! :tongue:

Gas mileage. You should get 75 to 80 mpg. Nothing new can be added to this topic. :)

Bigger bike. Get the h*** off this board you scumball! :pissed:

More power. Are you insane you stupid friggin son of…….oh wait….that one has already been decided.

Now that that is out of the way let’s resume our discussion. What shall we talk about? :??: :??: :??:

(I just couldn’t resist) :poked: :poked: :poked:

The only problem I have with THESE threads being locked is, that EVERY SINGLE THING you listed has been done or tried by AT LEAST ONE PERSON, and at least reported back with some kind of feedback, good or bad on the subject. This whole idea of increasing the displacement on the GZ and how much or how little power you will or won't get is just speculation, but I will be the first to admit, if someone comes on here with a cheap effective way to get 5-6 horses more out of the GZ, I would probably try it (IF MY GZ QUIT RUNNING THAT IS). But that is the problem, no one actually is doing it, they just keep arguing that it COULD be done. Well of course it CAN be done, I CAN make my wife's Saturn run a 11 second Quarter mile, but SHOULD I, or better yet would it be cost effective to do so compared to say getting an old beat up Mustang and dropping a couple of grand on it to do that same 11 second quarter mile, HELL NO.
So when SOMEONE, ANYONE, ACTUALLY does this, and makes it work properly and without having to take out a second mortgage on their house AND actually gets enough horsepower boost to be worth it, then most of these people (including myself) will quit berating people for starting MULTIPLE threads about it, Until then they are the ones that need to put THEIR money where there mouth is.

So in closing here is what we have established, NO one has put out even TWO CENTS to try and ACTUALLY make this happen, and until Motorhed or Someone else comes blasting by me on their Increased Displacement GZ, while I am already going top speed on mine, and they don't Break the bank doing it, I will still say that it is a bad idea, and not worth it for the money you will have invested in the GZ(unless your GZ is not running) and even then I have My doubts that it would be worth it.

P.S. (DISCLAIMER) This post was NOT directed toward any one certain member (including Graydog, even though I quoted him)

Easy Rider
01-01-2009, 04:24 PM
P.S. (DISCLAIMER) This post was NOT directed toward any one certain member (including Graydog, even though I quoted him)

Right on, MM.

It has been proven, however, that it IS possible trim down the message you are quoting.........especially when you aren't really addressing the individual points it contains!! :poked: :biggrin:

01-01-2009, 05:40 PM
Nothing useful here .... way off topic.


music man
01-01-2009, 05:40 PM
Sorry about that, I thought about that after I did it and just didn't go back and fix it.