12-21-2008, 10:45 PM
I've been a lurker for a couple of months, which is how long I've owned my 2003 gz250. I'm new to motorcycles generally and this bike specifically, so thanks to everyone for sharing your knowledge and to Dupo and whoever else is involved in maintaining this site. Your advice has or will save people money, time, headaches, bodily harm, and yes, even potentially their lives.
Here's my question: I've seen the threads on whether or not it's a good idea to crank up your bike and let it run now and again over the winter (for those of us who can't ride all year). But will it hurt for me to run it for 10 minutes so I can change the oil? I rode my bike as recently as Dec. 13, but now it's too damn cold and snowy here in Michigan. I'm sure I'll winterize it earlier next year, but all I've done so far is fill up the tank and add Sta-bil. I also have it hooked up to a trickle charger.
I know I'm a newb, but I'll go with Easy Rider's advice on winterizing in general. It's ridiculous what some of the "experts" say you should do to winterize your bike - but I do want to at least change the oil and lube the chain before I put her to rest for the winter :cry: :cry: . Can I let it idle for 10 minutes to heat up the oil before I change it, or will even that add moisture that could cause problems?
I've been a lurker for a couple of months, which is how long I've owned my 2003 gz250. I'm new to motorcycles generally and this bike specifically, so thanks to everyone for sharing your knowledge and to Dupo and whoever else is involved in maintaining this site. Your advice has or will save people money, time, headaches, bodily harm, and yes, even potentially their lives.
Here's my question: I've seen the threads on whether or not it's a good idea to crank up your bike and let it run now and again over the winter (for those of us who can't ride all year). But will it hurt for me to run it for 10 minutes so I can change the oil? I rode my bike as recently as Dec. 13, but now it's too damn cold and snowy here in Michigan. I'm sure I'll winterize it earlier next year, but all I've done so far is fill up the tank and add Sta-bil. I also have it hooked up to a trickle charger.
I know I'm a newb, but I'll go with Easy Rider's advice on winterizing in general. It's ridiculous what some of the "experts" say you should do to winterize your bike - but I do want to at least change the oil and lube the chain before I put her to rest for the winter :cry: :cry: . Can I let it idle for 10 minutes to heat up the oil before I change it, or will even that add moisture that could cause problems?