View Full Version : Loud Pipes Do What?

01-23-2007, 02:19 PM
Loud Pipes Do What? (http://www.motorbyte.com/mmm/pages/safety/safety40.htm)
by Pat Hahn
All other things being equal, a loud motorcycle probably gets more attention than a quiet one, but at what cost? Is this good attention or bad attention? Let's think about this.

Ignoring the fact that many aftermarket pipes are illegal, motorcyclists who defer to the wisdom, "loud pipes save lives" are sadly misinformed. Riders who believe that an ear-shattering exhaust note actually increases safety are either kidding themselves or rationalizing self-indulgent behavior. Fact is, loud pipes do more to hurt motorcyclists than help them, the attention they draw to a rider is not worth the negative public image they create.

It's rooted in physics. Unlike an earthquake, which emits waves in a sphere away from its epicenter, sound waves can be directed. (A good example of this a megaphone: if sound waves were not directionally sensitive, megaphone users would all be deaf.) The pressure wave emitted from an exhaust pipe is pointed away from and behind the motorcycle. To hear it from anywhere other than directly behind the bike, you rely on the resonance of the pipes and reflection of the sound waves off of other objects, like cars, signs, buildings, etc.

In other words, the only time the loud pipes draw attention to a motorcycle in traffic is when the bike is facing away from the motorist. In most cases, facing away from the motorist means riding away from the motorist: increasing the separation of bike and potential hazard. The only possible situation in which a car can to pose an external threat to a motorcyclist when the bike is facing away from the car is if the motorist is backing up or (following) behind the rider. The threat exists, but only marginally: the Hurt Study found that a whopping three percent of accident hazards come directly from the rear (or the "six o'clock" direction).

Conversely, Hurt found that 77% of all accident hazards approach the motorcycle from in front of the rider (specifically, the eleven to one o'clock range). To have any chance of alerting those motorists to the presence of a motorcycle with exhaust noise would require that the tailpipe be pointed forward. The chances of rearward-facing straight pipes making a bike more obvious are very slim. The reality of the loud pipe is that all you'll succeed in doing is irritating all the people behind and beside you who don't pose much of a threat anyway.

So who cares about pissing off other road users? Who cares if you gun the throttle past an open driver's-side window and scare the hell out of the occupants? At least they see you, right? Maybe, but take a look at what happened to personal watercraft in Minnesota. They've effectively been relegated to the daylight hours so that residents and other users of lakes can have their quiet time. Take a look at what happened in Yellowstone. If you think for a minute that motorcyclists are banned from that park because of Hollywood stereotypes and bad PR, you're fooling yourself. (That's right, motorcycles have been banned from that park since the Seventies. Doesn't seem possible in America, does it? Guess what, it is.) Take a look at what happened in southern Minnesota around Sturgis-time this year: Johnny Law saturated I-90 and netted a couple of expensive Harleys, a couple drug busts, a bunch of DWIs, and quite a few illegal equipment fines, most all from two-wheeled travelers. The most common reason for a stop? Loud exhaust. It must've been like shooting fish in a barrel. Here we see how loud pipes did draw attention and probably did save some lives (by taking drunk bikers off the road before they hurt themselves.)

Seems like every year we hear about somebody trying to ban motorcycles from someplace or other. This isn't spontaneous, it's about the noise, and the behavior associated with the noise. There's nothing intrinsically foul or dangerous about loud motorcycles, but they aggravate an already poor stereotype and undoubtedly leave a negative impression on people who don't ride. Let's think about this: in the long run, loud pipes probably put our rights, our image and our lives at greater risk.

I've still got some rebellious head-banging music stashed away for special occasions, and I like it loud. That's what it's for, I didn't buy it for its aesthetic qualities, I bought it to piss off my parents. I like the sound of motorcycles, too, and at times, I enjoy it loud. Most times, though, I don't like it outside my bedroom window at one in the morning for example. And I don't like it on the road. It's irritating and embarrassing.

Many of us go out of our way to project a positive image, and a cacophonic exhaust note just makes the rest of us look bad. I'm an enthusiast, and totally partial to bikes; I have a strong affinity for motorcyclists of all types, and if this racket makes me angry,just imagine what it does to someone who's not sure whether they like motorcyclists or not. If they decide they don't like bikers, how careful will they be around them? How far out of their way will they go to protect a rider? If they have a bad experience with a motorcyclist, how likely is it that they'll respect other motorcyclists? Especially when they're deciding whether or not to turn left on the yellow with only a bike to worry about.

Think about it: on a sport bike with an aftermarket pipe, the exhaust note is relatively reasonable until the motor is wound up. Wringing the motor out is a double whammy, excessive noise compounded by the impression of reckless acceleration. This behavior not only sounds obnoxious, but looks obnoxious, connotes irresponsibility, and can safely be labeled the origin of the phrase, "those damn kids on crotch rockets." Again, it makes the rest of us look bad. Equally detrimental is the guy who guns the throttle on his straight-piped cruiser, not so much for acceleration (if he wanted acceleration, he'd buy a sport bike, or a car), but rather for the sheer pleasure of the noise. The problem is, he's already half deaf from the wind, and HE CAN'T HEAR IT. IT'S POINTED AWAY FROM HIM. How about the guy who entertains himself by blipping the throttle at the stoplight? Maybe he's trying to keep it running (I doubt he'd admit it) but guess what? IT'S POINTED AWAY FROM HIM. He gets to hear it, but the rest of us have to listen to it, too, like it or not. This is attention for attention's sake, and not for safety. Spare us your posing; stop including everybody else in your rebellion, and put a muffler on the damned thing.

Put it another way: how much do you appreciate the "music" blaring from other people's cars: the throbbing car stereo that shakes the very ground with some indistinguishable bass riff? The worn-out sounds of "guitar rock" that the rest of us bored of twenty years ago? How interested in someone else's music are you? Who's that for, them, or everybody else? Perhaps nobody else wants to listen to it. Perhaps they don't like the sound. Maybe they're trying to concentrate, or talk, or watch TV, or sleep. Maybe their kids are trying to sleep.

So heres the rub: if it's lives you want to save, there are better options far more effective (and statistically significant) ways to lower the risks associated with riding than using an illegal exhaust pipe. Consider this: the Hurt Report showed that accident hazards in the areas around the motorcyclist from which a loud pipe can be usefully heard total only about six percent (the four to eight o'clock areas behind the bike). Spend a couple hundred dollars on an aftermarket pipe and reduce your risk of a crash with a vehicle by six percent, at best. But Hurt also found an astounding 92% of all "accident-involved" riders had no formal motorcycle training. They were either self-taught or learned from a friend or family member. Think about it: for the price of a high-performance, four-into-one exhaust system or a show-quality straight pipe, you can put yourself and three of your friends through an Experienced Rider Course and reduce your risk of any type of crash by ninety-two percent. Hell, a $30.00 reflective safety vest will save your biscuit a thousand times before that four-into-one will. Of course, black leather doesn't look as good smothered with ridiculous orange nylon. But it's lives you want to save, right? Right? The leather's just for protection, right?

In light of the negative effect that loud pipes have on motorcyclists' image, I simply can't buy the "loud pipes save lives" argument. It's especially hollow coming from someone who disregards traffic laws, doesn't use a riding strategy, has never taken rider training, doesn't wear a helmet, or doesn't wear protective gear. Do all these things as a rule, because you're honestly trying to reduce your risks, and the argument might hold water. It's possible that a loud pipe may, in some unlikely combination of events, save your life, but it's doubtful. There are far more effective ways to reduce your risks. The crux of it is that, until you've covered absolutely every other base, that worn-our battle cry is just a way to rationalize your flagrant self-indulgence. You'll not be fooling anybody but yourself.


01-23-2007, 03:34 PM
Bleh, someone else trying to rid the earth of loud pipes by statistics. Ya know what, i just like my bike loud, period. In winter i run with baffles, which with all the mods done its still loud. In summer i run without baffles (thinner air in summer than in winter, plus foliage absorbs the sound better). Either way, its loud and i love it. Where i live, no one cares that others have to listen to spanish music so loud that you cant hear your own car stereo, don care that shopping downtown also requires listening to outside speakers at stores playing spanish music. So i really dont give two shits that they have to put up with my loud exhaust as i pass by them. That, and i have yet to have someone say to me 'that bike is way too loud'. Most ppl look, give a thumbs up or comment nicely about it. My neighbors, i know it annoys them. But they put up with me starting it and leaving (a whole 2 minutes) because they know i put up with their loud parties during the summer and their loud music. Its a give and take. Yea, some dont make noise around here, but they also voice their opinion when they dont like something and i have yet to have one of them knock on my door about the bike noise.

Do they save lives, no i dont think so. Do they make people within 2-3 car lengths around you aware of your presence? Most times. Do they prevent someone cutting you off? No, not necessarily. Only once has that worked with someone aside of me coming into my lane... revved the engine and it woke them from their trance they were in and they swerved back in total shock that they werent paying attention. One time out of MANY, doesnt say too much on the effectiveness.

But they are still loud and give my bike its character. Articles like these mostly are just people who dont like loud pipes and want to tell you why they suck. Well good for them, but i am in the percentage that doesnt rely on them to save my life. I just love it loud.

03-17-2007, 03:23 AM
I blip my throttle at light all the time.
Thats because it takes a long while for the bike to heat up, and run the way I like it.

Im running lean, so it stalls out on me all the time when I havent been on it for long.

I drilled holes in my exhaust to give it a better sound, and yep, its loud enough to set off car alarms, but bah.
I have used the loud exuast to alert motorists of my presence many times, and I must say that it works very well. I even growl at girls who are on the cell phone, or putting on makeup in front of me and not paying attention to the green light. It works.


03-17-2007, 07:46 AM
At times I think it would be fun to have a little louder pipes but then I'm spending my cash on more functional things for the bike at the moment. Drilling out the pipes, of course, is an inexpensive option but I'm just not ready to modify them in case I don't like the results. Once done you can't go back. Although, I did read somewhere that someone attempted to drill out and then plug the holes by screwing in bolts (didn't seem too good an idea either).

Even though I had some problems with installation that I haven't resolved yet there are large numbers of cyclist who have installed the small Stebel air horns (139 dB) with good results. If you want to be heard and get the attention of cars 3 blocks away then this would be a good (and inexpensive) alternative. If they're too busy reading the paper or putting on makeup while driving their car then I don't have a problem with them wetting their pants when they think a runnaway train is about to hit. Should way out blast any set of pipes without drawing the attention of our brothers in blue that might be inclined to hand you a ticket for code violation of noise ordinances. :2tup:


03-17-2007, 10:50 AM
Even though I had some problems with installation that I haven't resolved yet there are large numbers of cyclist who have installed the small Stebel air horns (139 dB) with good results. If you want to be heard and get the attention of cars 3 blocks away then this would be a good (and inexpensive) alternative. If they're too busy reading the paper or putting on makeup while driving their car then I don't have a problem with them wetting their pants when they think a runnaway train is about to hit. Should way out blast any set of pipes without drawing the attention of our brothers in blue that might be inclined to hand you a ticket for code violation of noise ordinances.

One advantage to horns would be that the sound is projected in front of you instead of behind. Where you are most likely to need it.

03-17-2007, 01:20 PM
Of course you could always wire in two of these (they're small) and aim them both ways to cover all bases. :lol:


03-17-2007, 06:30 PM
Of course you could always wire in two of these (they're small) and aim them both ways to cover all bases.!

That would probably scare the hell out of my wife when she rides behind me then I would catch hell for sure.

I tmight keep you from getting run over from behind by someone not paying attention.

03-17-2007, 08:49 PM
Im going to upgrade the horn to a chrome one. a bit louder than stock, and doesnt sound so gay. =)

03-17-2007, 09:24 PM
Im going to upgrade the horn to a chrome one. a bit louder than stock, and doesnt sound so gay. =)

Check the horn you are thinking about for dB rating. It should be more than about 110 to be better than a stock car horn if you plan on being heard. Also consider using a relay and separate fuse to prevent frying your horn button if you use an air horn. I don't really know anything about electronics. I'm just passing along the recommendations from folks that do.


03-17-2007, 11:43 PM
Nah, there are plenty of aftermarket horns that are over stock db.
I dunno if it will fry the horn button, and rarely plan on usin it. =)

03-18-2007, 12:02 PM
I do know a bit about electroniocs.

Horns tend to draw lots of current and a relay is definitely a good idea. I've never seen a car or truck that doesn't have one. If you change the horn and burn out your horn switch you will have to buy the entire assembly. The switch is not available separately. Expensive to replace.

03-19-2007, 04:41 PM
What kind of relay, and how easy to install? =)

03-20-2007, 05:38 AM
Horn relays are everywhere. Practically every car or truck has one.

These should get you started:
http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/horn-rel ... -relay.htm (http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/horn-relay/motorcycle-horn-relay.htm)
http://www.easternbeaver.com/Home/Main/ ... s_kit.html (http://www.easternbeaver.com/Home/Main/Products/Horns_Kit/horns_kit.html)

The ones made specifically for motorcycles are smaller and look like they are more water resistant but you don't have to use one of these. An automotive one will work.

Just make sure the one you use is rated for the amount of current you are going to have on the controlled circuit.

Horn relays are a lso good for control other things besides horns.

03-20-2007, 05:38 AM
Horn relays are everywhere. Practically every car or truck has one.

These should get you started:
http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/horn-rel ... -relay.htm (http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/horn-relay/motorcycle-horn-relay.htm)
http://www.easternbeaver.com/Home/Main/ ... s_kit.html (http://www.easternbeaver.com/Home/Main/Products/Horns_Kit/horns_kit.html)

The ones made specifically for motorcycles are smaller and look like they are more water resistant but you don't have to use one of these. An automotive one will work.

Just make sure the one you use is rated for the amount of current you are going to have on the controlled circuit.

Horn relays are a aso good for control other things besides horns.

03-20-2007, 07:46 AM
The Stebel air horn comes with its own separate relay and separate fuse. Easy to install once you decipher the installation directions. It can be installed in existing bolt locations or if you are mechanically inclined, you can drill some installation holes. :roll:

03-20-2007, 08:29 AM
The Stebel air horn comes with its own separate relay and separate fuse. Easy to install once you decipher the installation directions. It can be installed in existing bolt locations or if you are mechanically inclined, you can drill some installation holes. :roll:

Did you install your Stebel on the original horn location? Do you have any pictures of your installation on a GZ250?


03-20-2007, 06:15 PM
Thanks guys.

Is there any reccomeded "Top of the line" horn that would suit this bike?
Something that is good and loud, but look good as well, and when I resell it, people go ... "oh shit. cool." =)

03-21-2007, 08:08 AM
I basically installed it in the same location, but had to add a 4 inch metal brace (A piece of 4 inch long, 3/4" wide metal with correct holes size on both ends. I will take pictures of it and post this evening (if I can get the camera from the wife, she has been using it to take pictures of her horses). Instead of placing the relay under the seat as they suggested, I mounted it behind the right front deflector (it fit without drilling/making holes, I have an aversion to drilling holes in my new bike). I still have a little work to do with the wiring/I need to do a better job of wire wrap.

03-21-2007, 08:14 AM
Hey Jordan, the Stebel air horn is available in chrome, if you want to dish out the xtra bucks for the chrome model.
Here is a link on amazon.com for the chrome version: copy and paste it in your browser.

http://www.amazon.com/Stebel-Chrome-Com ... 564&sr=8-3 (http://www.amazon.com/Stebel-Chrome-Compact-Air-Horn/dp/B000HZH8QW/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3/102-1786157-8282547?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1174475564&sr=8-3).

03-28-2007, 08:20 PM
I went a different route, and one of the best ones at that.

I purchased a FIAMM RoadThunder horn rated at 134db. It is about double the size and weight of the stock horn, black, and runs on 7amps.
It does not require a relay, or any wiring at all. Not only is it plug and play, but the rear screw on the back of the horn is a perfect fit into the hole where the side reflectors are mounted. This horn came with a set of earplugs. That can only describe how loud this horn is. Forget it .. the stock horn sounds like a sick chiken. This sounds like pissed off goose on steroids.

Its really quite loud. As loud as any car Ive heard, and because I decided to mount it facing front, this one will get a lot of attention when I come across a cellphone dialing, makeup applying, coffee sipping cager who does not see me.

Man its loud. An air horn is cool, but I didnt want all that trouble of relays, and wiring, and mounting. This one works like a charm, and really is a blaster.

Take a look :tongue:

I got mine from http://www.ridesafer.com.
Get yours too, and tell em I sent ya.








And I finnally decided to mount it with the refectors back on. I did however use the horn screw in place of the bolt, and I turned the reflector mount upside down so that they were much higher, and more visible to cars. As well, they disracted from the horn itself. I plan on painting and exposed parts on the horn jet black asap.

Hope you enjoyed. :rawk:


05-15-2007, 10:11 AM

07-24-2008, 02:54 AM
i'm with dupo i just like it kinda loud not rattling car windows loud but loud

07-24-2008, 08:09 AM
Im not sure what Dupo said, but it was deleted.
What do loud horns do? Save yer ass.

I dont care what anyone says. This is only slightly louder than a car horn, and gets attention.
The stock horn sounds like a bike, not a motorcycle, and has gotten me noticed when I see a car getting too close to me from the side, not paying attention to their backside and stopping short, or even pedestrians who are jay walking into my path.

Horns were put on cars to attract attention and avoid mistakes.
Why should you not protect yourself the safe way on a bike? It does not sound like a truck horn, butt it surely will get someone to notice you.

Im on to a Ducatti now, but when I wrote this, I meant it and it still sticks.

07-27-2008, 09:44 AM
I think the deleted post you are referring was spam. This thread started as a discussion on loud pipes not horns.