12-12-2008, 11:24 AM
I posted this under "final word for this mod" and thought it needed to be posted out where it can be seen as well. Take the time to read this. If it offends you, good, i got my point across. Comments, as always, are welcome.
Threads in this forum have been taking a turn for the worst and this needs to stop. Posting from new members has really decreased over the past few weeks and i can see why.
I know we all are starved for information here but this is getting out of hand. Nit picking words in sentences then wanting numbers, percentages, surveys, pie charts is just absurd. "...than many think it is" is obviously just a general statement that did not need a graph to back it up.
Seriously, what the F happened to THIS thread in particular? A member asked what the +/- is to the holesaw mod and it turns into a pissing match of knowledge and i honestly do not see any answers. Only a battle of wits and attitude problems. How about answering the guy and not just tell him NO, then turn the thread into shit.
You guys need to realize that these are machines .... and since the first firing of an engine people have wanted to modify them. These are bikes, extensions of our personality. Our bikes are what we make them, stock or custom. I, for one, will always support someone who wants to modify or change something to make it to their liking or personal taste. We, as a group, should encourage someone or give them help/direction in what they want to do and not knock them for wanting to change something that might involve rejetting or taking something apart and modifying it. I mean, really, every time someone wants to either mod something beyond what you guys think is normal .. or <gasp> upgrade to another bike they are whacked across the knuckles with a ruler and basically degraded/told not to do it.
This was the same crap that happened on the shadow forum i once belonged to. Buncha old farts on there that jumped on anyone who wanted to modify their bikes past new pipes and a windshield. I left that group very quickly due to the close mindedness of the members there. Luckily i found another forum that bitches at you for not removing the reflectors on the radiator cover lol. They support and guide anyone who wants to change something on their machine without getting on their ass for wanting to do so.
Lately, this forum has been showing the following:
1. You do not need a loud pipe or pipe modification. Stock is good enough.
2. No air box mods are necessary. Stock is good enough.
3. My bike does not go past 70 mph, even in wind with a truck pushing me down a hill, neither does yours.
4. No upgrade to a bigger more powerful bike is necessary. You are a noob and can't handle one. They are too heavy, you'll drop it. The GZ is the only thing you'll ever need.
5. If you say anything remotely close to "they say" "its been said" "people have said" you will need a pie chart, signed affidavits, notarized letters or any other legal document to back up your claim. Otherwise your argument is mute.
6. If you ask a question and need help on modifications, make sure you are only talking about the needle shim, windshield or 16 tooth sprocket. Otherwise you will be told its beyond your knowledge and discouraged into doing it. Then the thread will take a wrong turn and never answer your question.
7. Your 6'9" 280 lbs? Sure you'll fit this bike.
Sound familiar?
If this kind of support keeps up i will have no choice but to lock threads that go south.
I shouldn't have to get multiple emails from members asking why their questions aren't answered and asking why other members are being jerks to them in threads. NO reason for that whatsoever. Either participate in a mature manner or have threads locked / get put on a time out.
I have owned atleast a dozen other forums over the years, some very large (one with over a million unique hits, ranked #2 on google) so i am no spring chicken when dealing with this sort of stuff. I also currently run a yahoo group locally with 1500 members buying/selling things ... which gets out of hand at times. I have a zero tolerance policy there and i don't want to have to implement that here.
Threads in this forum have been taking a turn for the worst and this needs to stop. Posting from new members has really decreased over the past few weeks and i can see why.
I know we all are starved for information here but this is getting out of hand. Nit picking words in sentences then wanting numbers, percentages, surveys, pie charts is just absurd. "...than many think it is" is obviously just a general statement that did not need a graph to back it up.
Seriously, what the F happened to THIS thread in particular? A member asked what the +/- is to the holesaw mod and it turns into a pissing match of knowledge and i honestly do not see any answers. Only a battle of wits and attitude problems. How about answering the guy and not just tell him NO, then turn the thread into shit.
You guys need to realize that these are machines .... and since the first firing of an engine people have wanted to modify them. These are bikes, extensions of our personality. Our bikes are what we make them, stock or custom. I, for one, will always support someone who wants to modify or change something to make it to their liking or personal taste. We, as a group, should encourage someone or give them help/direction in what they want to do and not knock them for wanting to change something that might involve rejetting or taking something apart and modifying it. I mean, really, every time someone wants to either mod something beyond what you guys think is normal .. or <gasp> upgrade to another bike they are whacked across the knuckles with a ruler and basically degraded/told not to do it.
This was the same crap that happened on the shadow forum i once belonged to. Buncha old farts on there that jumped on anyone who wanted to modify their bikes past new pipes and a windshield. I left that group very quickly due to the close mindedness of the members there. Luckily i found another forum that bitches at you for not removing the reflectors on the radiator cover lol. They support and guide anyone who wants to change something on their machine without getting on their ass for wanting to do so.
Lately, this forum has been showing the following:
1. You do not need a loud pipe or pipe modification. Stock is good enough.
2. No air box mods are necessary. Stock is good enough.
3. My bike does not go past 70 mph, even in wind with a truck pushing me down a hill, neither does yours.
4. No upgrade to a bigger more powerful bike is necessary. You are a noob and can't handle one. They are too heavy, you'll drop it. The GZ is the only thing you'll ever need.
5. If you say anything remotely close to "they say" "its been said" "people have said" you will need a pie chart, signed affidavits, notarized letters or any other legal document to back up your claim. Otherwise your argument is mute.
6. If you ask a question and need help on modifications, make sure you are only talking about the needle shim, windshield or 16 tooth sprocket. Otherwise you will be told its beyond your knowledge and discouraged into doing it. Then the thread will take a wrong turn and never answer your question.
7. Your 6'9" 280 lbs? Sure you'll fit this bike.
Sound familiar?
If this kind of support keeps up i will have no choice but to lock threads that go south.
I shouldn't have to get multiple emails from members asking why their questions aren't answered and asking why other members are being jerks to them in threads. NO reason for that whatsoever. Either participate in a mature manner or have threads locked / get put on a time out.
I have owned atleast a dozen other forums over the years, some very large (one with over a million unique hits, ranked #2 on google) so i am no spring chicken when dealing with this sort of stuff. I also currently run a yahoo group locally with 1500 members buying/selling things ... which gets out of hand at times. I have a zero tolerance policy there and i don't want to have to implement that here.