View Full Version : Oil side engine case replacement and head gasket change ?'s
12-09-2008, 08:45 PM
ok, I know this may sound stupid, but whats the bolt for underneath the oil filter?
Im about to swap the entire right case on my gz since the thread got stripped, and I was wondering if there was any hidden things before i pulled it off or if it just comes right off or not.
Also, I think it would be prudent to do a head gasket change, and was wondering if anyone here had themselves or not. seems simple enough (straight forward at least) but any tips would help. thanks all! :2tup:
Easy Rider
12-10-2008, 10:31 AM
ok, I know this may sound stupid, but whats the bolt for underneath the oil filter?
I believe it would NOT be prudent to attack either of those projects without having a SHOP MANUAL and studying it a bit first.
As for the head gasket, I believe that is going to involve disconnecting the cam chain and getting it back in the right position is VERY important.
AND as long as you said it seems a little stupid to be changing out the WHOLE right side engine case just for one stripped filter cover bolt. You are opening yourself up to a LOT of other potential problems that could be MUCH worse that what you have now.......and there are other good ways to fix the stripped hole.
12-10-2008, 11:04 AM
Ive looked into the other options, none of which are fesable. im going to more checking into this way before, but the head is out for me.
the side cover? that seems to be about up my alley. so far
Easy Rider
12-10-2008, 12:09 PM
Ive looked into the other options, none of which are fesable.
OK, I'm confused.....again.
What exactly is the problem you are trying to fix? I thought that one of the "posts" that holds on the oil filter cover was stripped at the far the case.
If that is the only problem, then there ARE feasable options. JB Weld comes to mind.
If that is NOT the problem......then :oops: :cry:
12-10-2008, 04:29 PM
Its stripped, but on. I can't get the cover for the filter off...bolt just turns. So I bought new case off ebay, just ordered a gasket for it from suzuki, and had a nice conversation about how no one (not even the service techs at zuki) know wtf the bolt dirrectly under the filter is for. One guy even said it was for the trans fluid...
Anyway. I can't get the cover off or the bolt out, so they said that this case thing was basically like the oil pan on a car, nothing to major in changing it. Well see when the gasket (and caliper bolt I lost) comes in.
Easy Rider
12-10-2008, 10:43 PM
Anyway. I can't get the cover off or the bolt out,
Any even half-way competent mechanic would be able to get the bolt OUT.....In about 30 seconds. It would then have to be GLUED back in but that is, in my opinion, a much better choice than changing out the whole side cover.
Did you also get a new filter cover and nuts? Since you are convinced that you can't get the old one off, you will need a new one.
And do you have a shop manual yet? There is one availble for download here.
I quit.
12-10-2008, 11:12 PM
I think that bolt is only there for measuring the oil pressure (service manual p. 2-19).
I donwloaded the service manual, nice reading for those long winter nights...
12-11-2008, 12:05 AM
I have the manual easy, relax. And I read, just before the post from 5th about the bolt. every shop in town wants an assload of $$ to pull the bolt. And I do have the whole shebang, new acorns and all. Actually, it still has the filter from the guys bike in it! Ill check a few more places before taking the cover out, just to be safe, but I like he idea of a "stock" fix. And the new cover is oh so shiny...
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