View Full Version : Petcock problem :O
I have run out of gas a couple of times (most recently today :P), and both times when I switch to reserve it doesn't appear to be getting any more fuel. Today when I ran out I reached down and flipped it to reserve before the bike stalled hoping that it would just keep running, but it stalled and I couldn't get it started again until I filled the tank. I am sure that the petcock is pointing in the correct direction (I've read on here several times about the confusing pointer on the petcock). Also, once I put fuel in it, it runs fine with the petcock on either the "on" or "reserve" settings, so the petcock appears to be operating correctly. Any ideas? :??:
12-08-2008, 05:33 PM
Do a search and check the other threads on here for info on this and look at the pictures on here and the diagrams of the petcock in the parts fiche posted elsewhere and on Ron Ayers.
Is the tank empty when you run out?
The little tube extending upwards from the petcock from the ON position may have fallen off and you are draining the tank dry, there's nothing left when you switch to reserve to the lower shorter inlet tube. If this is the problem, you have to take off and drain the tank and remove the petcock to see this. The fix is easy once you see what happened.
Water Warrior 2
12-08-2008, 05:43 PM
Suzuki could have put a bit more thought into the petcock. The only difference in it's appearance is the slightly longer pointer/finger. It actually does point in the right position. Forward is "ON ". Rearward is " Reserve ". Downward is " Prime ". Page 2-12 in the owners manual.
Do a search and check the other threads on here for info on this and look at the pictures on here and the diagrams of the petcock in the parts fiche posted elsewhere and on Ron Ayers.
Is the tank empty when you run out?
The little tube extending upwards from the petcock from the ON position may have fallen off and you are draining the tank dry, there's nothing left when you switch to reserve to the lower shorter inlet tube. If this is the problem, you have to take off and drain the tank and remove the petcock to see this. The fix is easy once you see what happened.
This sounds plausible considering the symptoms. I did peer into the tank through the filler hole and I couldn't see any gas at all so it may well be completely draining. Guess I'll be taking the gas tank off......
Thanks for the help! :biggrin:
Easy Rider
12-09-2008, 11:09 AM
This sounds plausible considering the symptoms. I did peer into the tank through the filler hole and I couldn't see any gas at all so it may well be completely draining. Guess I'll be taking the gas tank off......
Hope you see this before you start tearing things apart:
From the post by WW: Forward is "ON ". Rearward is " Reserve ". Downward is " Prime ".
AND if that is not the problem, then consider that you might just need to put the lever to "PRIme" for a few seconds to get fuel into the carb again after it has run dry BEFORE you try to start it in the RES position.
Last but not least: If you reset the trip odometer at each fillup and stop for gas about 120-150 miles, you will never have the problem again !! :biggrin:
12-09-2008, 01:45 PM
Liisten to ER first, like he said before you disassemble everything. When you put it into reserve position, it takes a little while for fuel to drip into the carb, it's not immediate. But if you flipped it to reserve before the bike totally died, the tank was probably empty.And if it won't start again 'till you put in more fuel, the tank was probably empty.
Here's a picture from the parts fiche at Ron Ayers. ... /FUEL_COCK (
The taller upper tube may have fallen off and when the tank empties, there's no fuel to drain into the lower tube when switched to reserve. This could be your problem.
Somewhere on here is a picture of an actual petcock, but I can't find it right now.
And don't look into the fuel tank with anything other than a battery operated flashlight, because the innards of the tank may be the last thing you see. The vapors are explosive, not the liquid fuel.
Yeah, I've read on here somewhere about switching to reserve real quick when you hear the engine running out, so that's what I did, and it was switched before the engine had died. A few seconds later the engine died and I couldn't get it started in either the "prime" or "reserve" positions. I normally get gas at about 180 miles so this is pretty rare, but if I do run out again I'll see if I can get it started from prime or reserve setting. I may have been impatient and didn't give it enough time to get fuel back into the carb, I dunno. Anyway, I'll check out that diagram in case I need to take it apart.
12-09-2008, 10:10 PM
You've run out of gas twice and it wouldn't start no matter what you did with the petcock 'till you put fuel in the tank. Now you're going to try it a third time. What's the old saying about an idiot being someone who keeps doing the same thing and expecting a different result? Have fun, don't run out too far from a gas station. Or keep filling it at 140-150 miles if you get that far. don't wait 'till it's dry.
12-10-2008, 02:16 AM
It's not about being an "idiot"... it's the pop-culture definition of being crazy.
Maybe it's just me but... I have moderately thick skin, and, I'm kind of a douchebag when it comes to other people's feelings, but I noticed some of you guys, while extremely helpful, are also kind of harsh in your comments. As valuable as your technical advice is, I can't help but think you are possibly running off the thinner skinned members when they don't get or don't follow your advice. Having some patience won't make your expertise any less valuable. Hopefully you can get some enjoyment in the giving and not take it personally when they don't follow it.
I *am* kind of an idiot, so I really don't mind getting a swift kick in the ass when I've done something stupid, but I like some variety and I hope some of the newer members will stick around long enough for us to hear their stories. We already lose a lot of people to aging and "got a bigger bike" syndrome.
I'm done now. Please don't hurt me.
12-10-2008, 03:06 AM
:plus1: :bow: :tup: :chop:
12-10-2008, 10:03 AM
I don't think that was too harsh compared to other threads and comments on here, but if that's the impression, I'll try and tone it down some. I've taken advice from many more knowledgeable people on here, listened to what they said, have followed many threads along the last year I've been here, and have tried to learn from them. What amazes me is that sometimes a member who poses some problem and gets a clear explanation and solution from here (not this thread in particular, but on many), chooses to ignore all the advice and go on their merry way, making up some excuse without ever addressing the issue. Then why bother and post the problem if you aren't interested in the solution? It's not that I or others are trying to impose our will, or that we all do not get some enjoyment out of trying to help others, it's more like there are some people out there who just can't be helped no matter what you do (again, not this thread in particular). Also, the harshness or offensiveness of the comments is the perception of the receiver many times. Anyway, I'll just try and be helpful if I can, make no other comments that might offend you or anyone else, OK? It's hard but we should all do that. :roll: :cry: :) :cool:
Easy Rider
12-10-2008, 10:06 AM
while extremely helpful, are also kind of harsh in your comments.
It's not what you say but HOW you say it.
Coming right out and suggesting that someone (except for Alan!) is an idiot, says a lot about the person posting.
It is possible to suggest that something might not be the most prudent thing to do without calling one's character or IQ into question. It is possible to be blunt without being nasty.
Easy Rider
12-10-2008, 10:16 AM
I don't think that was too harsh compared to other threads and comments on here, but if that's the impression, I'll try and tone it down some.
Here's the thing: There is a BIG difference between taking a poke or two at someone whom you have exchanged a lot of messages with and rightfully feel that you "know"........versus suggesting that a first time poster might be an idiot. :cry:
Quite a bit of the former goes on here; it's fun. Thankfully very little of the latter occurs.
This is an important distinction. Do you get it?
Even in your example, a simple "If you aren't going to listen to the advice that you asked for, then I quit." conveys the necessary displeasure without being nasty.
P.S. This is being posted in the spirit of "pay it forward". After decades of Usenet posting, where rude and nasty is often the norm, I took a good flogging on a couple of message boards where that kind of demeanor isn't tollerated. Sometimes it's hard to shift gears !!
12-10-2008, 01:14 PM
I got what you said, but I also did not directly call him an idiot like has been done elsewhere on here. I brought up an old saying to try and point out something to him, the fallacy of doing the same thing over and over and hoping for the best. Again, as I said, the harshness or offensiveness of the comments is the perception of the receiver many times, and if he took offense he could have come back to me to let me know and I would have apologized, In the future, since you and AC are jumping on me, and my intention is not to ever really offend anyone, I'll limit my posts to advice/experience, without the editorials. I took offense once at the way one of your posts to me came off, but we all shrug off someone's opinion we don't agree with, again it's how you say it that matters.
I think this particular discussion on this thread should end here, maybe someone else can offer him more advice that's seems less offensive so he can solve his problem. Maybe we should create another topic or message board to air these concerns rather than in the middle of another thread.
We all still "friends?". :) O_o :??: :yes:
12-10-2008, 02:18 PM
Agreed. The End.
Easy Rider
12-10-2008, 10:55 PM
I got what you said, but I also did not directly call him an idiot ......
12-11-2008, 10:53 AM
You guys are continuing to rag on me for supposedly harsh comments I made on here? Not to belabor this, but have you seen all the vitriol and really nasty, demeaning comments directed at deadman under the "General" topic on "48 states in search of home"? I don't think there's any comparison, and I agree with Alan, "The End."
12-28-2008, 11:50 PM
Back on topic...
This is the same problem I've been having. I just fill up around every 180-200 miles and don't worry about it anymore.
mr. softie
12-29-2008, 01:24 PM
My gz did that when I first got it, run out of gas completely with petcock on "run" I mean. Turned out it was the long tube had fallen out of the petcock. I would have been very puzzled but for this forum. Found the answer here thanks to the good folks who post here. I spent an entertaining hour draining the tank and removing the petcock, pushed the tube into the hole, and reassembled the whole bit. All with information I found right here.
This is a big part of motorcycle ownership, the fixing and maintaining of the bike. Thanks to all the posters on this forum the fixing is made easier and faster and less confusing. I'm willing to put up with all the different "attitudes" and moods of all the various posters by the way. It is only words after all, take it or leave it. I have yet to see a truly NASTY post on here.
Anyway, THANKS! to all of you for making this a helpful, informative and entertaining forum! And Happy New Year! May we all prosper and be well.
12-29-2008, 05:23 PM
mr. softie- did you get that info from my post here Dec. 8 in answer to Rick, or did you find it elsewhere? If from me, I'm very glad I was able to help you solve your problem. If from someone else, I'm very glad he was able to solve your problem. That's one of the reasons we are all here.
Happy New Year to all of us geezers (and GZ'ers). :) :2tup: :) :cool:
mr. softie
12-30-2008, 08:35 PM
I actually learned about the standpipe falling out problem from a post by Rudeboy back in early July. Includes pics!
12-31-2008, 09:29 AM
Good. Actually. great! Thanks for that link, for some reason when I searched before, I couldn't find it.
I hope Rick is still on here and sees it. Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words and that explains the problem better than anything.
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