View Full Version : Ride to Harley club in Malaga, Spain.

El Pirata
01-23-2007, 08:37 AM
Hi all. I have a regular Sunday ride out to a biker bar about 40k inland from the coast. It is situated middle of the photo in the foothills below the notch in the mountains. There is an old road that winds up to that mountain pass, but I am saving that for another day, on this occasion (last Saturday) I am going to the Boothill Bar to join a bunch of guys for a ride out.
http://upload5.postimage.org/328992/HarleyTrip000.jpg (http://upload5.postimage.org/328992/photo_hosting.html)
http://upload5.postimage.org/329012/HarleyTrip003.jpg (http://upload5.postimage.org/329012/photo_hosting.html)
http://upload5.postimage.org/329019/HarleyTrip004.jpg (http://upload5.postimage.org/329019/photo_hosting.html)
We have been invited to the opening of the Harley Davidson owners club in Malaga, where they have managed to buy an old beach house to use as a clubhouse. Twelve of us ride back down to the coast and on to Malaga, eleven Harleys and one GZ250!! This is great, we even have cages waving at us, the Spanish love bikes even if they don´t ride themselves. I haven´t ridden in a group like this for about 25 years, the last time was a huge protest rally in London when helmets became compulsory. Most bikers wore them anyhow, we just didn´t like being dictated to. Riding with those Harleys, all on open pipes, means that people know you are coming long before they see you, must be a safety plus point.
Get to our destination and park up ( spot the GZ in the photo). The clubhouse is the yellow building centre of photo. This is going to be an all-nighter, but already a couple of hundred bikes have arrived, some from 300k or more away.
http://upload5.postimage.org/329047/HarleyTrip007.jpg (http://upload5.postimage.org/329047/photo_hosting.html)
http://upload5.postimage.org/329082/HarleyTrip009.jpg (http://upload5.postimage.org/329082/photo_hosting.html)
We get a free welcome beer and join the party, brilliant atmosphere and really friendly people. As the sun sets over Malaga bay the barbecues are being fired up on the beach, the air is heavy with aromatic tobacco, (not me, not when I´m riding), and we have a good, loud, band playing Motorhead. Perfect!!
http://upload5.postimage.org/329119/HarleyTrip012.jpg (http://upload5.postimage.org/329119/photo_hosting.html)

http://upload5.postimage.org/329129/HarleyTrip014.jpg (http://upload5.postimage.org/329129/photo_hosting.html)

01-23-2007, 12:15 PM
Great pictures. Looks like you had a blast.

05-15-2007, 10:10 AM