View Full Version : Starter just makes click sound everytime I press it
11-18-2008, 02:06 AM
Hey everyone
I'm new to both this site and to the motorcycle world so bear with my noobness.
My bike has been doing this thing recently where I get on, go through the start up procedure correctly, my lights turn on, my horn works, but when I press the electric starter, it just clicks once. All my lights stay on. Every time I press it, it clicks but my engine doesn't fire up. Is it my battery? I thought since my lights and everything were on it might be something else? Any help would be great! Thanks!
Battery is dead. Lights will still work, not enough 'umph' to crank the starter though. Most likely needs to be replaced.
11-18-2008, 04:19 AM
Just in case: Do you have the kickstand up? Is it in neutral or is the clutch pulled in? The GZ has an ignition lock. If the kickstand is down, you have to be in neutral. If up, you can start it in gear, but you have to have the clutch in.
Assuming you are well aware of the above, you might want to check out how to "push" start the bike. I left my rear lights on overnight and killed my battery about four weeks after I got mine. I was able to push start it and re charge the battery. The experts recommended you push start in third. I got mine going in first, but I used a very gentle slope to get going. Key was finding the right balance in letting the clutch out: too fast and you immediately stop, too slow and the engine won't catch. Good luck.
Easy Rider
11-18-2008, 08:15 AM
Battery is dead. Lights will still work, not enough 'umph' to crank the starter though. Most likely needs to be replaced.
Most probably correct.
If you could have someone watch the headlight, it is probably going almost OUT when you push the start button. It normally dims a bit but not much.
A small battery charger connected for a few hours should get you going temporarily.......enough to make it to a battery shop for a test.
Water Warrior 2
11-18-2008, 12:52 PM
Just in case: Do you have the kickstand up? Is it in neutral or is the clutch pulled in? The GZ has an ignition lock. If the kickstand is down, you have to be in neutral. If up, you can start it in gear, but you have to have the clutch in.
Assuming you are well aware of the above, you might want to check out how to "push" start the bike. I left my rear lights on overnight and killed my battery about four weeks after I got mine. I was able to push start it and re charge the battery. The experts recommended you push start in third. I got mine going in first, but I used a very gentle slope to get going. Key was finding the right balance in letting the clutch out: too fast and you immediately stop, too slow and the engine won't catch. Good luck.
Just a bit of clarification. The clutch must always be pulled in to start the engine. Will start in neutral with the side stand down. Will not start in gear with the side stand down. Added safety measures for legal reasons. Too many Darwin Awards issued in years gone by.
Easy Rider
11-18-2008, 02:34 PM
Just a bit of clarification. The clutch must always be pulled in to start the engine.
But the sensor switch is associated with the LEVER on the handlebar, right?
I was thinking about the thread about broken clutch cables.......and remembering how, in the days of old with no clutch safety, you could fiddle with it until you got it in say 2nd or 3rd gear and then START IT IN GEAR and stop with the kill switch. I was thinking that would NOT work anymore............
BUT, now I think it might if you have the clutch lever "pulled in" so that the safety is defeated. ?? :??:
If it does work, that is an easy way to limp home; even did it once with a VW beetle. Not so good if you are on a freeway, of course......and maybe not enough battery on the GZ to make very many stop/restarts on the way.
11-18-2008, 08:54 PM
I was thinking about the clutch and clutch safety switch today in regards to the broken clutch cable as well. If you accidentally kill the engine without a working clutch cable, starting it might be next to impossible.
I'm going to lube my clutch cable as soon as I get home now.
03-16-2009, 11:21 PM
Ok guys
well I tried several things to no avail. I charged up my old battery which initially worked for about a week and then that same single "click" sound from what I think is my starter relay. anyway, I bought a new battery and wired it up and it still makes that click sound. I checked my spark plug and its not sparking. So is the probelm my relay? Sparkplug? any help would be awesome.
Thanks everyone
03-17-2009, 02:07 AM
Couple of things from Dr. Obvious here...
I'm assuming you charged the new battery, yes? Sounds like the battery is not being re-charged by the charging circuit. See other threads about the electrical circuit, such as viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1893 (
Also, make sure your bike does not have any mods that overtax the charging system - which has little tolerance for anything not stock. Simply putting the wrong bulb in the headlight can draw off too many amps. Some of the foreign bikes had some different parts than the US version (CDI) so be advised.
03-17-2009, 05:29 AM
How many miles on the bike? Same thing happened on my last bike, which was ancient when I bought it. Took it to the shop, & they found that it needed new brushes in the starter motor. Not expensive over here. No problems after they replaced the brushes.
03-17-2009, 09:21 AM
What kind of new battery did you buy? If it was the sealed AGM battery that is usually bought, did you charge it up fully before using it, or did you just take it from the battery store, fill it with acid, and install it? If you did that, maybe that's the problem. These batteries have to be FULLY CHARGED UP before being put into use, or they are basically useless. You can try charging it again and see if it will start the bike, or bring it back to the store and have them load test it so they can see that it is "defective". replace it with another one, then CHARGE IT UP FIRST before trying to start the bike. Your bad battery is more likely the problem than anything wrong with the charging system or the starter.
Easy Rider
03-17-2009, 09:33 AM
Ok guys
and it still makes that click sound. I checked my spark plug and its not sparking.
A lot of good responses so far. If you insist on chasing this yourself, you need a multi-meter. Available from Radio Shack for ~$15.
Odds are that charging your new battery will solve the whole problem. Your described symptoms are classic for a worn out battery.
[Tough love mode on] Anyone who thinks the plug should be firing when the engine is NOT turning over probably should take it to the shop and stop wasting everybody's time. Sorry.
04-23-2009, 05:45 AM
I have such problem. Battery is o`k and fully charged. I suppose it`s starter`s fault. What could happened with starter?
04-23-2009, 08:21 AM
I have such problem. Battery is o`k and fully charged. I suppose it`s starter`s fault. What could happened with starter?If the battery is good, you "Could" try shorting the two terminals on the starter relay (Next to the fuse block, behind the battery cover), to see if that gets the starter turning.
Easy Rider
04-23-2009, 09:06 AM
I have such problem. Battery is o`k and fully charged. I suppose it`s starter`s fault. What could happened with starter?
WOW.............all the way from Russia. WELCOME !!!
Since it is unlikely that your problem is EXACTLY the same, you need to tell us what is happening for YOU. the headlight coming on? Does the headlight go dead when you push the start button?
Does it click when you push the button or does it do totally nothing?
A possible cause if the headlight does light AND does NOT dim when you try to start AND you do NOT hear a click (nothing happens) is the safety switches on the clutch, side stand and shifter neutral.
And no offense to your battery skills but LOTS and LOTS of people have said "The battery is fine" only to find out later that it is NOT fine.
Good luck. Keep us posted!
04-24-2009, 01:56 PM
A possible cause if the headlight does light AND does NOT dim when you try to start AND you do NOT hear a click (nothing happens) is the safety switches on the clutch, side stand and shifter neutral.
You mean possible problem is my clutch, and starter clicking is just a warning? Well, I didn`t look at my headlight, and don`t know does it light or dimming. I look at it tomorrow, and will keep you posted about! Thanks all!
P.S. Sorry for my English!
04-24-2009, 02:00 PM "Could" try shorting the two terminals on the starter relay...
Yeah, it`s a good idea too! I will try it!
04-24-2009, 02:41 PM
A possible cause if the headlight does light AND does NOT dim when you try to start AND you do NOT hear a click (nothing happens) is the safety switches on the clutch, side stand and shifter neutral.
Hey Easy,
I'm sure that in another post, when he introduced himself, zorrander said that his bike was a Chinese copy. Just thinking ......... they may not have all the Suzuki safety devices. Not saying they do or they don't, just saying it's a possibility.
Hey zorrander,
Does your bike have the safety cut outs that easy mentioned?
Easy Rider
04-24-2009, 05:18 PM
You mean possible problem is my clutch, and starter clicking is just a warning?
No. My fault, too much verbage!
One of the safety switches is on the clutch handle. If it is bad, NOTHING will happen.
If it is clicking, then the safetys are OK and you have a battery, solenoid or starter problem......or corroded or loose main battery cables.
04-25-2009, 01:45 AM
I have safety switch on the clutch handle! I had been notised, that safety switch on the handle is damaged - now bike starting without swit?hing clutch handle. It happened after winter (bike have standed in my garage all the winter). Today I will try to short the two terminals on this switch and start, if it`s clicking or not... I will keep you posted! Thanks!
04-25-2009, 01:16 PM
When I starting the engine headlights dim a little. clicking... Short the trminals - clicking... Battery - 12,65 V, according to the tester! I suppose something happened with starter.
04-25-2009, 09:39 PM
I would first clean the battery contacts. If there is any oxidation between the battery poles and the connectors, clean the connecting surfaces with fine sandpaper. Wipe the sand off with a cloth or paper towel before reconnecting the connectors to the battery.
If it still doesn't start, you could try a push start in 3rd or 4th gear and drive for at least half an hour. If then it doesn't start, you problem could be with the starter as discussed above... good luck.
04-26-2009, 04:53 AM
Re zorrander's Chinese copy of a gz ............ I just hope this isn't taking the same direction as my experiences with a Chinese clone! Can't find one single thing to give a positive report about. Got my money back after a month. I REALLY hope zorrander proves me wrong!
04-26-2009, 09:17 AM
Try jumping the bike with a good car battery for instance and see if it starts. The voltage you read from the battery doesn't mean it has the capacity in amps to start the bike. The battery could still be "shot" even though the resting voltage is good, See what the voltage drops to when you hit the starter.,
04-26-2009, 11:59 AM
Try jumping the bike with a good car battery for instance and see if it starts. The voltage you read from the battery doesn't mean it has the capacity in amps to start the bike. The battery could still be "shot" even though the resting voltage is good, See what the voltage drops to when you hit the starter.,
God idea! I`ll try it! Thanks!
04-26-2009, 12:05 PM
Try jumping the bike with a good car battery for instance and see if it starts. The voltage you read from the battery doesn't mean it has the capacity in amps to start the bike. The battery could still be "shot" even though the resting voltage is good, See what the voltage drops to when you hit the starter.,
I have being riding since last summer. Of course it`s not GoldWing. But I suppose my bike is not bad.
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