View Full Version : LED Turn Signal on the Vest >> Is it O.K.?
11-12-2008, 11:00 PM
Hi, there.
I wonder that wearing the vest on which some Big Blinking LED Turn Signal embed is o.k.?
As sunset comes earlier in the winter time, I have to ride more frequently under the dark.
And worried about the being visible status by other drivers on the road.
Tried Googling, and found some creative people made Bicycle Vest with LED Turn Signal.
I want to implement it for the Bike LED Vest with simple blinking Left/Right/Stop signs.
May be with or without using bike battery power??
Some RF module which will be on the glove or handle bar??
Scrolling TEXT or animated ICON???
Anyway, is it legal (or allowed) wearing Big Blinking LED Sign on the bikers vest?
Have you ever been driving at night and NOT see a motorcycle in front of you until the last minute because they just blended in with the darkness? I can't recall a single event in driving 21 years of not seeing a motorcyclist in the dark.
You guys need to stop worrying. People CAN see the bright tail light and turn signals. If you are worried about turn signals and brake light brightness... bump up the bulbs to LED type 1157 bulbs from AutoZone or Cycle Gear. You could even go as far as putting a srip of reflective tape on the upper part of your jacket.
Honestly you could put floodlights on your bike and some ass who isnt paying attention at night or some drunk could still cream your ass across the road.
11-13-2008, 02:28 AM
Have you ever been driving at night and NOT see a motorcycle in front of you until the last minute because they just blended in with the darkness? I can't recall a single event in driving 21 years of not seeing a motorcyclist in the dark.
You guys need to stop worrying. People CAN see the bright tail light and turn signals. If you are worried about turn signals and brake light brightness... bump up the bulbs to LED type 1157 bulbs from AutoZone or Cycle Gear. You could even go as far as putting a srip of reflective tape on the upper part of your jacket.
Honestly you could put floodlights on your bike and some ass who isnt paying attention at night or some drunk could still cream your ass across the road.
Thanks, Mr. Dupo.
Your comments made me and worries eased alot. :blush:
However still some left, I may worry too much... :blush:
11-13-2008, 02:52 AM
I think you're worrying too much. There are much better ways to be visible than wasting your time with fancy wiring. Like Dupo said, if you're really worried about visibility, go for the reflective tape. It's super cheap and you can go crazy with it all over your helmet, jacket, bike and luggage. Plus when it's placed right, it can be more visible than any low powered non-directional light.
Easy Rider
11-13-2008, 10:32 AM
Have you ever been driving at night and NOT see a motorcycle in front of you until the last minute because they just blended in with the darkness?
I would say: " The man asked for help. How about giving him some?" but I will resist the temptation to be vengful and will NOT say that. :shocked: :biggrin:
I see nothing wrong with your plan, as long as your add-on lights function exactly like the existing ones (no flashing or scrolling). As a practical matter (cost) they will have to be physically tied to the bike's wiring. That means remembering to unplug every time you get off.
Bottom line, however, is that I agree with the others that reflective tape is probably just as effective and a lot easier and cheaper.
I was trying to avoid him looking like Elvis in Vegas.
11-13-2008, 06:04 PM
Electric (20.1) Horseman.
11-13-2008, 10:52 PM
O.k. o.K...
I would go with Reflective Tape........
And here is the link that inspired me to make some imaginations. ... _jack.html (
It's not like Elvis... :blush:
I have another idea of Bike's Must Have Item..........ha ha ha...
Motorized Bike Helmet (Goggle or Windshield) Wiper
>> i got this idea when I rode in the rain (i didn't searched yet on internet, somebody already may did for me)
1. Detachable
2. Power source from bike battery or external battery which is charged from Solar Cell
3. Small size factor
4. Light weight
5. Optional remote control ( :roll: with Speech Recognition System thru Helmet Mic. ha ha ha just for imagination)
6. Flexible Wiper or can be bend for the different helmet shapes
OR, ....
Create a customized Dome Shape made of transparent plastic for the Bike and place Car Wiper on it.........ha ha ha...
I started thinking that "What would I do at weekend if weather condition prevent me go out????"
Specially for the cold winter time....Let's make some good/practical accessories for the bike...was my conclusion.. :blush:
Thanks for the tips....everybody
I'm going to save you some thinking trouble lol.....
For the shield .... RainX :)
music man
11-14-2008, 08:48 AM
Can you safely put rain-x on a plastic helmet shield? I picked up a bottle one day and it says not to use on plastic, so I didn't want to risk it on my shield.
I picked up a generic brand somewhere, didnt say anything about plastic. Figured rain-x was the same way.
Easy Rider
11-14-2008, 12:02 PM
Can you safely put rain-x on a plastic helmet shield?
Some yes, some no.
Test it on a spot that is out of your view.
Same for windshields.
11-14-2008, 12:52 PM
On the Rain-X bottle it says it is "For glass, acrylic & polycarbonate windshields, windows, mirrors & lights - rain-x seals, polishes, conditions - makes them water & soil repellent - prevents parching from sun, sand, salt & pollutants." Aren't the shields polycarbonate? If so, it's supposedly safe, and recommended for them. The ingredients are acidified ethanol/isopropanol. The alcohol should be safe, I don't know how it is "acidified" or what else is in it. But to be sure, test it on an inconspicuous spot then let the rest of us know. :??: O_o
music man
11-14-2008, 02:26 PM
No, how about YOU test it out and let the rest of us know. :yes:
11-14-2008, 11:04 PM
I'm going to save you some thinking trouble lol.....
For the shield .... RainX :)
I didn't know there are items that can be helpful on various situations.
Whenever I have chance, I'll try it on.
Thanks AGAIN....
I searched Google, and found kind of Finger Wiper.
Small wiper which is plugged on the glove and manually wipes rain drops or snow.
Sample Link:
Is it O.K.???
11-14-2008, 11:58 PM
They come built in to my ski gloves. Work like a squeegee. Don't really think you need them for rain unless maybe you get splattered from spray AFTER it rains. Usually, the rain runs off the faceshield from the force of the wind. If Rain-X is okay for the face shield, that will just hasten the process, and perhaps leave less streaking.
11-15-2008, 01:07 AM
mrlmd1 is right. Rain-X will actually cause your lexan-coated faceshield to look fogged over after just a few applications (in actuality, it's microscopic scratches and "burn"). I use an aerosol foam cleaner by Kensington that's designed for computer LCD monitors (I "procure" it from work) and it works great.
You can also get a bottle of Plexus Plastic Cleaner (, which is the same thing. It's a cleaner but also has a repellent effect in rain. This is what they sell in most motorcycle shops as well.
Easy Rider
11-15-2008, 08:05 AM
Aren't the shields polycarbonate?
Only the VERY expensive ones. Most are some form of acrylic.
I searched Google, and found kind of Finger Wiper.
Small wiper which is plugged on the glove and manually wipes rain drops or snow.
Sample Link:
Is it O.K.???
Ive seen 'wiper' gloves at various motorcycle shops. NEver tried them, but look like they'd work well.
11-18-2008, 08:10 PM
FYI - I have a KBC helmet and contacted them to see what the face shield is made of and if Rain-X was safe to use on it, and the response was:
"Our face shield is basically made out of polycarbonate with abrasion resistant coating. It is safe to use the Rain-X but only out side (front) of the face shield."
If after I clean off the bugs and I decide to try it, I'll let you know what happens, but it should be safe and not fog up the shield.
12-02-2008, 02:29 PM
I bought this stuff called RainCoat at Cycle Gear, it comes in a little packet for $.99, it is a wax that you put on the shield that repels water. ... RCPCH100_G (
However since I got it and applied it, there has been no rain.
So I don't know how well it works. Or maybe it is repelling the rain? :twisted:
12-02-2008, 11:53 PM
The day I bought my GZ, gas was $4.71 at my local Mobil. Ever since, it's been dropping like a rock. Yesterday it was like $1.95. You can all thank me.
12-03-2008, 03:52 AM
My 401K has dropped significantly in those months too, Alan. Can I thank you for that as well? :redflip:
12-03-2008, 09:37 AM
How did we get from turn signals on a vest to Rain-X on a face shield to the price of gas in California? :??: O_o
The power of internet forums.
12-03-2008, 08:48 PM
How did we get from turn signals on a vest to Rain-X on a face shield to the price of gas in California? :??: O_o
Water Warrior 2
12-04-2008, 02:56 AM
Bridging..................when you bridge from one subject to another.
12-04-2008, 09:28 AM
To Patrick - If not evolution, maybe psychosis? (
TO WW - Bridging, another word for free association, just like we are still doing here. Keeps the conversation alive. :2tup: :2tup:
Water Warrior 2
12-05-2008, 03:47 AM
Would I be right if I said the naked guy is at the controls of a different kind of Yamaha ??
03-07-2009, 12:43 AM
Ha ha ha....
Someoen has already made as a product..... :)
LED Safety Jacket..
Um, ......
10-06-2011, 11:05 PM
Hey Zuki's ,,, funny thing happened today ,,, I found out that MY Patent has been infringed upon ,,, U.S. Pat. # 7,077,538 B2 ,,,,seems by several different companys ,, seeing this on the web has caught me by suprise ! since NO ONE has bothered ta ask me any thing ,,,, Turn Signal Vest/Jacket ,,, hope ya'll have done well with it ,, $$$$$$$$$$$$$,,, thanks for letting me see this ;}
03-09-2012, 09:36 PM
Hey Zuki's ,,, funny thing happened today ,,, I found out that MY Patent has been infringed upon ,,, U.S. Pat. # 7,077,538 B2 ,,,,seems by several different companys ,, seeing this on the web has caught me by suprise ! since NO ONE has bothered ta ask me any thing ,,,, Turn Signal Vest/Jacket ,,, hope ya'll have done well with it ,, $$$$$$$$$$$$$,,, thanks for letting me see this ;}
Well, have you begun collecting the royalties yet?
That was a strange blast from the past. :shocked:
03-09-2012, 11:05 PM
I have used car wax on face shields, car windows... wax it, let it haze over and polish
Water Warrior 2
03-09-2012, 11:12 PM
Lemon Pledge on faceshields and bike windshields makes scratches dissappear.
03-09-2012, 11:34 PM
Lemon Pledge on faceshields and bike windshields makes scratches dissappear.
I have used Pledge for a long time.It is a good or better than the high priced cleaners & scratch removers for shields.Does a good job as a vinyl cleaner,conditioner,as well.
:2tup: :)
03-10-2012, 12:19 AM
A person can learn so much from this forum!
03-10-2012, 10:11 AM
Only Lemon Pledge works, the other flavors, not so well. Good for a quick bike cleanup and polish too.
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