View Full Version : Alright people, lets get some new shirt ideas

11-07-2008, 02:42 AM
Ok i think its time to redesign the shirts we have in the store.

I'm looking for ideas. Whatever it is you all want to see on a shirt that you would wear. Slogan, images...whatever.

The idea i have ....




One rider
One cylinder
One purpose ....

Give me input on what you want to see on the new shirts.

11-07-2008, 03:03 AM

Are you good with photoshop or graphics packages? I'm not a big wearer of theme shirts (I typically dress in flat black, head to toe) but a grey silhouette (sp?) of the bike on a black tee, with the .com underneath might be something I'd go for.

As I've posted elsewhere, I think the GZ is a beautiful machine. It's design is pure motorcycle - everything you need - no frills. I really like it - it's one of my favorite toys, right up there with my HDTV. It's a little on the small side, but it really doesn't look that way unless it's parked next to a 1800cc.

Also, for me, the staying power of a shirt is directly proportional to the quality and feel of it. Some promotional tees I've got from marathons and stuff were made out of cheapo "Hanes" style undershirts. They stretch out and fade almost immediately and you can start to see through them after you wash them a couple times. My current favorite black tees are three Robert Baraketts my wife got me at Nordstrom's. I can't mention the price ($49), I don't want Easy and IQ to show up at my house with pitchforks, but I'd prefer a higher end cotton or cotton mix to the threadbare bargain shirts.

And no collars!

11-07-2008, 08:03 AM
A good quality tee shirt,with normal color selection,also the hi viz yellow or green,these allow you to be seen by by the cell phone, car driving idiots. I like the front design to be on the small side, ex. GZ 250 with possibly a design of our bike. I don't mind designs on the back of the shirt ,but I find on a hot summer day some designs tend to hold more heat from the sun than just the shirt. I prefer no design on the back,for myself, but the shirts should be offered either way for all concerned. I also prefer the logo or designs to be on the conservitive side regardless of what they are. I think I,m showing my age. I'm very pleased with this forum, it's quite a family of GZ 250 enthusiasts. :biggrin: Keep up the great work! :rawk: CMS :skull:

11-07-2008, 09:25 AM
Well i've got the silhouette of the bike that patrick made, i'll work on something this weekend.

Keep the ideas coming.