10-26-2008, 02:36 AM
Hello, there..
Today, I covered two of the Angeles Forest Canyon Roads that I had planned.
One is Lake Hughes Rd. and another is Bouquet Canyon Rd.
Relexed and enjoyed Lake Hughes Rd. riding today.
During the riding, sometimes I felt sorry to make engine noise to the nature.
Really a nice driving course it is, not only for the bike but also for the cages (car).
A biker (met at the Lake vista point) told me that try to find and go "Rock Inn" which is at the end of Lake Hughes Rd.
So, I did. The building is made of ROCKs, I took some photos. Pretty impressed inside-outside.
A lot lot of bikers at and around the building. it's INN ?? and BAR ?? and Restaurant ??
It was about lunch time and took sandwich, and was good.
Bouquet Canyon Rd riding is almost similar as Soledad Canyon Rd which I took last week.
Fast speed limit and good road condition, but Bouquet road is more (much more) twister than Soledad.
About the middle of the road, I found a small cafe (The Big Oaks) where few bikers are parked.
Seems a good place to stop by and rest.
And, an unexpected stop I had to....Pumpkin Field.....on the Bouquet Canyon Rd.
Got some photos...
Here is the Picas Web Album Link and Google Map with GPS track trace to share with you
http://picasaweb.google.com/busyweb/Lak ... tCanyonRd# (http://picasaweb.google.com/busyweb/LakeHughesRdAndBouquetCanyonRd#)
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie ... 757813&z=9 (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=113200691904411669472.00045a2045a2457bc9721&start=-163&num=200&ll=34.370645,-118.44635&spn=1.122158,1.757813&z=9)
Ah.. one thing that I forgot to tell you.
I saw a 7-11 Gas Station, it was the first time and felt strange.
It's at the entrance of Lake Hughes Rd., right after freeway I-5 exit.
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Un-official my record: in the attached image >> Track Profile 2 >> believe it or not.
Just few seconds :roll: , I tried to throttle all the way, as traffic condition was clear, straight and little downward.
I couldn't figured out how the speed was as needle hit the speedo meter max,
but with GPS, I found the speed at that time >> one was 87 and another was 97.... :whistle:
Even though a few seconds, GZ250 could go ...... I won't try again, my GZ250 may hurts... :cry:
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Today, I covered two of the Angeles Forest Canyon Roads that I had planned.
One is Lake Hughes Rd. and another is Bouquet Canyon Rd.
Relexed and enjoyed Lake Hughes Rd. riding today.
During the riding, sometimes I felt sorry to make engine noise to the nature.
Really a nice driving course it is, not only for the bike but also for the cages (car).
A biker (met at the Lake vista point) told me that try to find and go "Rock Inn" which is at the end of Lake Hughes Rd.
So, I did. The building is made of ROCKs, I took some photos. Pretty impressed inside-outside.
A lot lot of bikers at and around the building. it's INN ?? and BAR ?? and Restaurant ??
It was about lunch time and took sandwich, and was good.
Bouquet Canyon Rd riding is almost similar as Soledad Canyon Rd which I took last week.
Fast speed limit and good road condition, but Bouquet road is more (much more) twister than Soledad.
About the middle of the road, I found a small cafe (The Big Oaks) where few bikers are parked.
Seems a good place to stop by and rest.
And, an unexpected stop I had to....Pumpkin Field.....on the Bouquet Canyon Rd.
Got some photos...
Here is the Picas Web Album Link and Google Map with GPS track trace to share with you
http://picasaweb.google.com/busyweb/Lak ... tCanyonRd# (http://picasaweb.google.com/busyweb/LakeHughesRdAndBouquetCanyonRd#)
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie ... 757813&z=9 (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=113200691904411669472.00045a2045a2457bc9721&start=-163&num=200&ll=34.370645,-118.44635&spn=1.122158,1.757813&z=9)
Ah.. one thing that I forgot to tell you.
I saw a 7-11 Gas Station, it was the first time and felt strange.
It's at the entrance of Lake Hughes Rd., right after freeway I-5 exit.
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Un-official my record: in the attached image >> Track Profile 2 >> believe it or not.
Just few seconds :roll: , I tried to throttle all the way, as traffic condition was clear, straight and little downward.
I couldn't figured out how the speed was as needle hit the speedo meter max,
but with GPS, I found the speed at that time >> one was 87 and another was 97.... :whistle:
Even though a few seconds, GZ250 could go ...... I won't try again, my GZ250 may hurts... :cry:
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